Journeying Solo (Part 2)

Submitted into Contest #88 in response to: Write a fairy tale about an outsider trying to fit in.... view prompt


Adventure Fiction Contemporary

SpaceHuman's Note: *This is Part 2, so if you are reading this and haven't read the first part u can go do that. *Waits*. Ok hi, my stories still aren't making it to the directory for the 4th week, sokay. This is also the last part, so ye. Another thing, dis story no fit prompt. Ok bye bye.*


As I walk, regret drowns my mind. I get colder. Eventually I curl up into a ball and lie on the floor. Time passes. I get up some time later and the sky is orange. Panic fills my body and I frantically run around looking for shelter. The sun is slowly disappearing and being replaced by the moon. There was no fight. The sun is now gone and I can see my breath in the air. There is a tree nearby, and after a few waddles I'm standing next to it. My numb hands grab the trunk and I haul my arms and legs on. The bark cuts a little into my calf, but the blood does not concern me right now. In a way, I wish I could have gone to the authorities to get help. But my whole town was swept out by that fire ball, so the walk would be just as long. I put my hands on my head, get down, and pray I can make it to tomorrow.


My hands reach into my little bag. Out comes a small bottle of water that I take a few sips from. I breath out slowly, back in again, and back out. And then I'm walking. After a second water break due to my asthma, I catch sight of some mountains near the water. I need to go there. But stay near the water. I might have more resource options, and my chance of survival could be higher. Right as I finish smiling to myself fear comes over me. The sun is coming down. There are many wolves and bears in this area. I can't go back now, not after all these hours of walking. So I quickly grab a stick and a rock, then begin to whittle. A spear forms after 20 minutes of work. By this time, it is almost completely dark. But I'm not sleeping.


By the time I'm up the hill it's pitch black. But I'm not afraid. I've gone camping. So I settle in the grass and sleep for the third time today. When I wake up the sun doesn't greet me. Instead, something is poking me. I scream in fright and shake my arm and hard as possible, making my head feel a little dizzy. Three birds flap their wings and sail into the night. It's too ark to tell what kind they were, but the size of the pecks and shadows tells me they were big. Maybe they were nocturnal seabirds. I look at the ocean below the mountain, splashing against the rocks. I focus on that sound and fall asleep, for the fourth time today.


I crawl to the bank, letting my soaked hands feel around the dark. I was lucky tonight. I encountered a count of only one shark, who wasn't hungry, and a couple fish who did bite me without a trace of blood. This water ball is wicked. But I have gotten some good exercise out of it. I lie on my back, and look up to the stars. They are much more visible here than in my town near the beach. I gaze at it aimlessly when I hear a rustle high above. It startles me, and I scramble up onto my feet. But I hear nothing. Maybe tomorrow I can go up there. I'll get a good view. Much better than down here at the bank. But for now, my muscles need relaxation. The sand is a great bed.


I'm ecstatic. I'm in a whole peace. I'm looking at the sun. The sun is shining on me. I quickly hop up with a new bundle of energy and climb down from the tree. I look carefully at every inch around me, when I spot a hill. No, a mountain. Maybe a better view can be caught from up there, because the best I have right now is a flower tree. I grab a dandelion next to my muddy shoes and eat it. The taste is bitter, but I manage to push it down my dry throat. Then I walk up the mountain.


With each second that passes, the sun takes over by more, and more. Soon, it is daytime and I am standing at the base of a mountain. I take a large gulp of water, a few bites of my apple, and I start moving. One step at a time. Slowly. Soon I will be able to set a destination. I need to reach the top. And just like that, I'm there.


I can't stay up on this mountain. The amazing view has shown me sugar cane and fruit trees a couple miles down. I scan around me one more time and begin to set off, covered in sweat. But I hear grunts. They are human. I'm about to investigate, but there is another breath behind me. Am I not alone? Panic erupts, but it quickly dies down. I repeat the question again and another one forms. Has someone come to save me?


When I wake up I am sore. But I'm ready and excited. I don't stretch, but I sprint up the mountain. I get tired quickly, but nothing can stop me now. Hitting the top means I know where to go next. I had seen some mushrooms up there, and with my nature skills maybe I could see if they were edible. Towards the end, I grunt with every few steps and before long I hit the top of it.

Fire. Air. Earth. Water.

Three kids are looking at me. Tired. Very excited. I'm sure that's what I look like too.

April 04, 2021 17:16

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