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Historical Fiction

“Hello, little one,” said Virginia and Vincent Leatham. They finally laid eyes on their beautiful baby girl. “You’ve been a long time coming, little girl” Virginia said with tears in her eyes. She looked on at her little baby swaddled in her arms.

           “Is there anything else you need from us?” Sister Bernadette questioned. “No, I think we are all set,” said Vincent. They were on their way. “Did you have a name picked out for your precious girl.” Virginia said “Gloria” with glee. The angels' voices emanated through her name. Gloria, she would be and with that name, she would receive all the blessings that the world would give her.

A child, so young, was left at the orphanage one hot summer day in July, the year was 1956 and the times were changing. This generation’s great war had ended long ago and the teens with their hip-shaking and soda pop drinking days had been getting into mischief that summer. A young girl, no older than 16, had a secret she had been hiding from her family. She was pregnant with a baby girl, although she didn’t know at the time. She didn’t tell anyone of her secret, that was until her secret began to reveal itself. Once her poodle skirt would no longer close around her belly she took to the streets to try and find a place where she could stay until she had the baby.

She had told her parents of her pregnancy misfortune and they had sent her packing. She tried desperately to go to her baby’s father for help. He turned her away wanting nothing to do with her. She, being of Ecuadorian descent and catholic faith found a church in Glenwood Landing that was generous enough to take her in during the last few months of her pregnancy with her first child.

She came upon a nun, Sister Bernadette, a woman who didn’t place shame or guilt on this young girl’s very weary shoulders. She taught her that God’s love is always forgiving and that He too had once given a young woman the gift of carrying a life inside her and her name was Mary. Although Mary was also unmarried she looked to God for the strength to keep going on knowing all well that the life she was carrying would one day have greater potential than anyone she would ever know or come to know. This young girl was scared and alone but with Mary by her side, she was able to find hope in the idea that maybe this pregnancy although seemingly a mistake was more part of God’s plan that she had ever known.

Sister Bernadette said to the young girl, “God knows what He’s doing, just trust that his love will guide you and your child to the right path.” The young girl became stronger in her faith every day. As her baby blossomed inside her she grew more at peace with her purpose and the child’s purpose inside of her.

On July 7th early in the morning, the young girl was awoken by a series of sharp pains. She knew without a doubt that today was the day her little miracle would be born. She prayed for God’s blessing for a healthy and happy baby and that her delivery would be as simple as possible. She called upon Sister Bernadette as her support and friend. She held her hand through every last push, reminding her softly of all of the good that she had been doing for her baby. At 7:23 am she had pushed until she couldn’t push any longer. It had been a long and laboured delivery and the young girl was exhausted by all she had endured thus far. The doctor felt the baby’s head and told the young girl that she needed to push more. In that moment she pushed,  and she saw the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ appear before her. They gave her the strength and courage to keep going. With two more pushes, the baby was born. The young girl, now a new mother breathed a sigh of relief knowing that her precious child was okay. The doctor wrapped the baby in a blanket and handled her with care as she gave the little girl to her awaiting mother.

Tears fell from the young mother’s eyes when she began to realize that looking at her little girl bundled and cradled in her arms, that the hardest part was yet to come. She looked down on her precious baby girl knowing that the life that she could give her was not the life that God had planned for her. She deserved a life much grander than any she could provide for her. Knowing this only made it harder, but it was a mother’s sacrifice that would allow her to fulfil her true potential and live a life of purpose. Unfortunately, that life, the life of her baby girl would be unknown to her because if she made this decision, right there and then, she knew she wouldn’t be able to turn back. She kissed her baby girl on the cheek while she began to sob. She prayed to the virgin mother to give her the strength she needed to fulfil God’s plan.

The young mother then turned to Sister Bernadette and calmly and softly spoke “It is God’s plan that my child has a better life than the one I am able to provide for her. I must use all my strength and make the sacrifice I am supposed to make in order to allow her to live the life she deserves, even if that life is without me .” “ That is very brave,” Sister Bernadette said to the young mother. “You must be proud of how far you’ve come child, your sacrifice is going to help your little girl more than you know. I hope she one day has the same strength and bravery that you have come to show was in you all along.”

The young mother spoke softly to her baby girl, “ I hope you are strong and brave and loving and kind and above all else, I wish for you to be happy my little darling.” I wish I could name you because if I could I would name you Aida, which will only grant you happiness from this day forward. I hope you know how much I love you and how much you mean to me and although I may not be able to see you thrive and grow into the beautiful and loving person I know you will be, I just want to tell you I’m proud to be your mom. I will never forget you, my precious girl.”

Sister Bernadette gave the young mother a moment alone with her daughter and went to find a nurse to help start the adoption process. The young mother smiled at her baby girl as she opened and closed her eyes. She was in heaven. Although she knew that this moment would be fleeting,  she wanted to remember every second, remember every breath her little girl took on her own and every little movement she made.

The weeks following, the young girl made an effort to return to her normal life. She did everything in her power to just forget, it was the only way she truly felt she could heal. She went to church daily to pray for her daughter’s well-being and for the strength to carry on. Over time the pain lessened and with her undoubted faith continued to pray daily and ask for God to watch over her little girl as she grew.

Two months later, Sister Bernadette had been put in touch with a couple in the church. They had wanted a baby for some time now. It just wasn’t in the Lord’s plan to give them one of their own. With God’s grace, they went looking in search of a little girl that they could adopt and raise as their own. They had been faithful and grateful for each and every blessing that had come their way. The first was their son who they had adopted 4 years prior. They had hoped and prayed for a second child and hoped that it would be a baby girl that would make their little family complete.

One day, when the young girl was leaving the church before the 11am Sunday service she passed by a couple and their son, Virginia and Vincent Leatham and their adopted son, John. She smiled and waved hello and swiftly left the church to return home.

Before the Sunday’s mass began,  the Leatham’s lit a prayer candle in hopes that their prayer would be heard that day.

Soon after the mass finished, Sister Bernadette greeted the young couple and their son. “I have some good news for you.” Sister Bernadette said trying to hide the grimace on her face. We have a two-month-old baby girl that is in need of a home.” The couple was elated. They embraced each other lovingly seeming that they were blessed with God’s gift that they had been asking for. Their prayers were answers and they exclaimed: “ Glory to God”.

The following week, Sister Bernadette met the Leatham’s at the orphanage where they would meet their baby girl for the first time. Sister Bernadette brought out the little baby in her pink blanket and introduced the precious angel to her new parents. They beamed with joy and pride, that they would be the lucky ones to raise and nurture this little girl for the rest of their lives. Their dreams had been realized and although she wasn’t their biological child, their love would exceed all boundaries making their bond as a family stronger than any blood relation.

The moment the baby girl was placed in Virginia’s arms her name came to be. “Gloria “she sang as if the hymn was bursting out of her mouth. Gloria was her name, and what a fitting name it would turn out to be. Virginia and Vincent consumed with their baby girl’s love finished the paperwork effortlessly whilst floating on one of heaven’s clouds. 

Vincent brought the station wagon around while Virginia thanked Sister Bernadette again profusely for her generosity and for being God’s servant and giving her the little miracle that lay fast asleep in her new mother’s arms. Vincent got out of the car and opened his wife’s door, she entered the idling car so carefully not wanting to disturb her precious baby girl’s rest. She put held Gloria tight to her chest the whole ride home, wanting nothing more than to spend forever in this moment. 

August 29, 2020 03:04

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1 comment

Prince Brempong
00:31 Sep 23, 2020

What a nice story? Please keep it up.


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