The undeserved hate

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic story that features zombies.... view prompt


Science Fiction Thriller Historical Fiction

The announcer on TV started to speak: “ ‘Is she still relevant?’ ‘Why is she still here?’ ‘Go away!’ ‘Go die, you’re ugly!’ These are the majority of comments on the recent picture of sage. Sage is an influencer, Zomgram is the app she uses, she often posts pictures and videos. Sage gained a huge amount of popularity quite fast. She gained millions of followers, you could say she went viral. One of her pictures made her rise to fame. Sadly, her fame quickly changed. After three amazing months, the audience quickly changed. A lot of people thought she was famous for nothing or that she doesn’t deserve all that attention. Instead of liking her, people started to hate her. She received many hate comments and angry messages. Sage didn’t do anything wrong, she didn’t buy the fame, it came by itself. Sage didn’t know why she was receiving so much backlash. She didn’t know why she had to receive some death threats. People on the internet pretend to be perfect, full of knowledge and full of common sense but they hate others on the internet for no valid reason. A time has come where the internet has become a ruthless place, sometimes even more than the real world. Millions of people online send hate and millions of people receive that hate. When some people online show a mistake or a flaw, no matter how small or big the fault is, the hate is extreme. Hatred has taken over the world. People used to release their stress from the real world in the online world. But now, the online world has become a source of stress and hatred. It has become a dark place and is starting to affect the real world.” A woman picked up the remote control and turned off the television. 

Recently, a rather strange phenomenon has been discovered. Some people went to the hospital after noticing some weird spots everywhere on their bodies. They were very dark and grew bigger by the day. Along with the spots came headaches, dizziness and loss of energy. More and more people all over the world were affected by this sickness. The first question for many was, “Is it contagious?” Luckily, it wasn’t. It was quite the mystery, so many people affected but how? This was a hot topic, it appeared on the news every day as more people were affected. Scientists all over the world tried to find a cause and a remedy to this sickness, but still nothing. Meanwhile, everybody was terrified, there was no way to prevent it or heal it. The state of the world could be described in one single word ‘terror’. But little did they know, it would get worse. 

In the U.S, a patient with this weird sickness was suddenly in an urgent situation. His heart was failing, he was dying. The doctors tried everything to keep him alive but it wasn’t enough. The young man had passed away, now they knew that this could be a deadly disease for some. The terror grew even more, but that wasn’t the end. After the death of this patient, many more died. The whole world was mourning these deaths and was also terrified it might happen to them. All these infected people were normal, there wasn’t anything special about them. This showed that it could happen to anyone. Panic buying in grocery stores started.  People started to get paranoid and stayed in their houses. There was mass confusion on the entire planet. 

There was a piece of new breaking news on every single channel. An unimaginable event has happened. Nobody could have predicted this. It looked as if the end was nearing. The patients who were buried in graveyards awoken from their grave. Many have been caught on camera, they’ve risen and went out of the graveyard. It’s not all, their looks changed drastically, they had lost weight, their skin was grey and green. They did not look human, they were unrecognizable. Their face changed, they almost looked like Zombies!!! That’s right, the zombies we saw in movies were now a reality. Many people thought that it was probably an insensitive joke until they saw them with their own eyes. All over the world, real-life zombies were roaming in the streets. Living-deads were roaming in the streets. They all had one thing in common, they were hungry and very talkative. Many videos captured their words, “You’re ugly!” “Go die!” “You’re cancelled!” “You’re a joke!” “Nobody likes you!” People were so terrified that they didn’t even have the time to think about it. Why would zombies say things like that? But now, the unthinkable happened, they were eating people. These zombies are hungry, they do not settle for human food, they want zombie food. Millions of zombies slowly creeping on their prey and then they bite and eat, piece by piece. Of course, people tried to defend themselves but the zombies are already dead, even if they hit or shoot them, it doesn’t affect them. The world is in chaos, the population is decreasing very rapidly and there’s no way to stop it. More and more people were caught by zombies as it is very difficult to escape. 

People have also become even more selfish. You would think that in hard times, people would help each other. But every time, it’s the contrary, they save their selves and throw out the others. A young boy was all alone on the streets with nowhere to go, he lost everything to the zombies. He desperately knocked on a door, “Please! Help me!” The door was still closed and the little boy was crying his eyes out. Soon enough, we could hear a voice, “Go away!” The voice of a middle-aged woman was heard. The boy hopelessly went away. Sadly, a few moments later, a zombie found him. The little boy lost everything including himself. If that woman had opened the door would he have had the same fate?

 It is truly horrible, the world is practically ending. People are dying every second, they fall one by one like dominos. Screaming people on the streets, hungry zombies are the only sight that can be seen. Everything lost its value, money, fame, life, everything. The only thing left to think about is, “When am I gonna die?” It has become inevitable and people have started to accept that. The suicide rate has risen like never before. The hope, the joy, the faith, everything is completely destroyed. This world has succumbed to darkness. The dark times have begun and ended as the world ended.

After all the humans were gone, zombies were still there. And they were still hungry, they are mysterious creatures who feed on bodies. The zombies started to eat other zombies as they also had bodies. One by one they ate until there was one lonely zombie left in the whole wide world. This zombie said one last word, “Cancelled!” And ate itself. The world was now empty, no one, nothing. A silence that will last an eternity. All barriers have disappeared. There was no more online and offline switch anymore. The world now feels like an empty desert. The sun and the moon lost their reason. They rise but nobody is there to watch them. The comfort of the moon, the brightness of the sun is wasted on air. This place has become a lifeless planet. No sound and no movement. The world has ended and there is no sign of re-development. Will it all crumble away? 

September 25, 2020 19:19

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