
Fall-Fail rhymes,right?As if they have similar meaning.Falling in love and then failing in love are not rare.Also Falling in negative and then failing in life too.Our hero,Eddie, had gone through both.

Eddie was an energetic,active,talented guy,but being fallen while facing the life,made him negative.He had already forgotten the value of enjoying the 'moment'.Instead started rewinding the past and anticipating the future,which made him more and more depressed.He is alone,away from his family,running a toy shop in London.Being gone through break up,he don't even think about a new love life. Just following the daily routine of going shop and spending rest time in loneliness.No friends,No parties,No enjoyment.

You guys might ask,

'Hey narrator,why are you narrating the story with so much negatives?'

It might be boring,but there should be darkness to understand the value of light.Now let me start the story.

One day,while walking,Eddie noticed an old man selling rose in the park.That view made him remember his first date.Red Roses,the gift he used to give his love.Those memories actually ruined his mood.

The old man approached him to sell his rose,'Hey young man,gift your love,the symbol of love,Buy one dear".

Eddie being little angry replied,"I don't need these,actually love is fake".

Old man:"Ooh dear,even the queen of flower has its own thorne.Love means Loss Of Various Egos.love can be divine when you loss the thorne of ego."

Eddie,"I dont want anything,let me go".

Old man:"Dear,All you need is a simple word for a perfect relation."

Eddie left,but words of old man striked his mind.He realised the beginning of their argument was simply due to ego.

"The simple word? What's it?"

Few days later the old man visited his shop.Eddie realised him and was eager to know that word,so asked him immediately.

The old man replied with a smile,"Dear,Beginning an argument is easy,but ending won't be,but can be with a simple word,Sorry."

Eddie loved it and actually longed for his company.As Eddie was ready to close the shop,after the purchase both of them left together.

Eddie:"You spend a lot of money in buying toys,Is it for your grand child?"

Old man:"No,My son loved toys a lot.When he was young,he used to cry for toys.But I didn't spend money for that."

Eddie:"Ha,Ha...so are you buying it now?That's funny."

Old man:"Actually that's right, it's funny to buy toys now,but all I can do for him with this little money is this."

Eddie:"Now?How old is your son?

Old man:"He would be 39 now.I lost him 15 years back."

Eddie:"oh,I'm sorry. "

Old man:"That's alright.I work all the morning selling roses and spend the money for the toys."

Eddie:"For what?"

Old man:"I donate it in different orphanages and I feel some happy for it.

Dear,life had hit me with its hardest battles,I had fallen multiple times.But till now I didn't accept failure."


Old man:"Hands of hope,in midst of nope,will find its rope,with full of scope",My mother used to say this.Always hope for the best."

Eddie:How about your wife?

Old man:"I feel depressed when I think about her,but I know she is still with me."

Eddie:"I thought I'm the only one with problems."

Oldman:"no,my dear.Everyone is facing difficulties and great difficulties create great warriors."

Eddie:How can I be successful?

Old man:"Who you are now are the reflection of your thoughts.Make it positive.Dream big."

Eddie:But How can I forget the past?

Old man:"Choice is yours to be present in present or not.Find a solution for your problem.Don't remain in confusion,Leave your illusion."

"Magnitude of your confidence in your aptitude guides you to great altitude."

Eddie:"Actually you changed my vision about life."

Old man:"Dear,even the fallen leaf become fertiliser for the soil.Even if you are fallen,your difficulties become fertiliser for your success.Believe in you."

Eddie:"Actually after the break up,I got depressed.I lost all the interest in my life.I even forgot my passion."

Old man:"Sometimes the loudest sounds are silent ones.You haven't lost your passion.It's within you.Hear the silent sounds of your mind.Follow your dream.

But why did you break up?"

Eddie:"Just misunderstanding and ego problems."

Old man:"Of self respect,ego,love,which matters you ?"

Eddie:"self respect".

Old man:"For me,love.That made my love life wonderful."

Eddie:"I think you are correct,But now, How can I get her back?She got married."

Old man:"Isn't it funny how we wander through wrong path, for the one for us,who will come to us for sure.The one for you will come to you for sure."

Eddie:"Actually your words motivate me a lot."

Old man:"The one who awaken by failures,energised by words,ignited by past,Oriented to goals are uplifted by the Universe.Be positive always,dear."

Eddie:"Thank you so much for your words."

Old man:"Let me go to the orphanages they are waiting for me."


They waved goodbye.

The words of old man changed Eddie's way of thinking.He then started living in the moment,observed nature,expected positives.

Next day he decided to find him and gift him something.He found the old man in park,

Eddie:'Hey,I would like to gift you something.What can I do for you?'

Old man:'No need,my dear.You remind me of my son.All I need is your company.'

Eddie:'Actually where is your son?You said you lost him.How?'

Old man:'Dear,every night,I sit near by the window with stories untold.The shining stars refreshes my memories with him and only him.I wait for him as if the budding flowers wait for the sun.Waiting makes me anxious but promise makes me serene.Like the sun hugs flowers,my son will hug me once.I'm still waiting for him in the walls of old age home.'

Eddie:'Will he come?I can find your son for you.Give me the details.'

Old man:"No need.There are a lot like me in my home.They too are waiting for their children.Hope the new generation recognise the value of parents and come back."

Eddie:"Oh,How can you live like this?"

Old man:"My hope makes me to live further.Anyway I want you too to have hope in life.Find your passion.Believe in Universe,it will arrange people for your success as a reward of perseverance."

Eddie:"As I can't help you,I would like to start an organisation for protecting old ones.I want you to guide me."

Old man:"Of course dear,I can help you in it.Our old age home organiser will be happy to hear this."

Eddie:"Then let us meet the organiser."

Both of them went to the old age home.The organiser was a young energetic lady,Miss.Rachel.She was happy to hear the news and Eddie decided to start an event,presenting programs of old age home natives.A platform to present their innate skills and talents to the world.He too started an organisation supporting the old age people left by their children.Through the organisation he published journals regarding the needs of old age and their importance.Actually it was a success and gained fame.Few of the natives of old age home got their home back.Rest started enjoying life concentrating in refreshing their talents.

Sometimes little things matter,a consoling pat,a loving hug,a simple smile or motivational words.The words of old man changed a young man's life,Making him productive for the world.Also we must realise the value of knowledge of our parents.

Even the fame rhymes with the word fall.

Fall-Fail-Fame the pattern continues,we will fall multiple times,may fail but ultimately makes us fame through our success if we fight.


October 08, 2019 07:28

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Cambrie Crosby
15:13 Oct 16, 2019



Mable Varghese
23:39 Oct 16, 2019

Thank you...


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Pro Charlie
09:50 Oct 16, 2019

Nice one👍


Mable Varghese
23:39 Oct 16, 2019

Thank you


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Athul Kachora
09:32 Oct 16, 2019

Good work. Well done👍


Mable Varghese
23:39 Oct 16, 2019

Thank you


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Arya Pillai J
08:02 Oct 16, 2019

Well penned...The story of Eddie motivated me a lot.Yes you are correct the new generation should understand the value of old age people.They are not to be dumped in old age homes.Instead their grand children need their knowledge.Well written....


Mable Varghese
23:39 Oct 16, 2019

Thank you


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Ahalya Sreeram
07:40 Oct 16, 2019

Blessed hands......!


Mable Varghese
23:39 Oct 16, 2019

Thank you


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Anjana S Pillai
07:36 Oct 16, 2019



Mable Varghese
23:40 Oct 16, 2019

Thank you


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Diya P
07:35 Oct 16, 2019

👍 👍


Mable Varghese
23:40 Oct 16, 2019

Thank you


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Anusree Rajan
07:35 Oct 16, 2019

Great one!


Mable Varghese
23:40 Oct 16, 2019

Thank you


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Swathy Krishna
06:08 Oct 16, 2019



Mable Varghese
23:40 Oct 16, 2019

Thank you


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Narjes Mariyam
05:59 Oct 16, 2019

Inspiring story


Mable Varghese
23:40 Oct 16, 2019

Thank you


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05:39 Oct 16, 2019

Wow 🖤🔥


Mable Varghese
23:40 Oct 16, 2019

Thank you


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Vignesh T
05:37 Oct 16, 2019



Mable Varghese
23:40 Oct 16, 2019

Thank you


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Simran Kalra
05:05 Oct 16, 2019

So well written


Mable Varghese
23:41 Oct 16, 2019

Thank you


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Akshay Raj
05:04 Oct 16, 2019



Mable Varghese
23:41 Oct 16, 2019

Thank you


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Meghana Manoj
10:11 Oct 16, 2019

Well written


Mable Varghese
23:39 Oct 16, 2019

Thank you


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Nadira Ummer
06:08 Oct 16, 2019

Well written 🥰🥰👌🏻


Mable Varghese
23:41 Oct 16, 2019

Thank you


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Nadira Ummer
06:08 Oct 16, 2019

Well written 🥰🥰👌🏻


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