Crime Fiction Drama

It was a warm and sunny day, I was sitting on the porch swing with Jane. Jane was talking about her new cookie exchange, and how her parents were on a five day trip to Toledo. I had no idea what was coming next.

 We walked to school together. It was a normal day, we went to math, science, women’s studies, then lunch. 

 After school I went to Jane's house to make the cookies.

“Why is the cookie dough red?” I said. I had a hint of suspicion in my voice.

 “We make this friendship work by trusting each other, don’t question me.” Jane said, with annoyance creeping up on her.

“Ok, ok” I said. I could not have known about the the sleeping drugs in the cookies, or what Jane really planning.

 We set the cookie sheet in the oven at 350° for 20 minutes. Then we play scrabble, it’s my favorite game. After we finish our fourth game I walk to the door. Jane stops me at the door. Before I can tell her to move, an evil smile crosses her face, she looks right in my eyes. 

 “Bye, bye Betty.” Jane says wickedly. 

Next thing I know everything is black. I wake up in Jane’s crawl space. How did I get here? 

“Hello Betty” I hear Jane say on the other side of the wall. 

“Why are you doing this to me?” I say

“Because Betty, you were on to me” Jane sighs, “me and my cookie operation.” 

“What operation?” I ask, “Is this a joke? Let me out!” I yell at the wall. 

 “Sorry Betty, I can’t do that.” Jane says.

 Then she stops talking. White gas fills the room, and I black out.

 About a day later I wake with a start. I see my teacher in the crawlspace with me, her name is Ms. Ashton. 

“Why are you here?” I say sleepily. 

“Jane wanted to get a project approved, and she invited me over for cookies” Ms. Ashton says, “next thing I know I’m tied up here with you.”

 “When did she capture you?“ I ask

 “On the 20th.” Ms. Ashton replies.

“Ok, grab the knife in my back pocket, I don’t think she took that” I say.

 “Alright. Wait, why did you have a knife on school property?” Ms. Ashton says.

 “That’s beside the point, just do it!’’ I snap.

 “Fine. But after we get out of here I’m going to have a chat with your parents” Ms. Ashton says. 

She pulls the knife out, and cuts the rope that ties us both to the wall.

 “Ok, on the count of 3, we run like hell, 1,2,3 go go go!”I say. 

Me and Ms. Ashton run out of Jane’s crawl space. We sprint down her stairs, and into Jane's living room. We see other people!

 “Alice, Susan and Cheryl what are you all doing here!” I yell. 

“We’re here for the cookie exchange” Alice says.

 “What is Ms. Ashton doing here?” Asks Cheryl. 

“Ok, so Jane is trying to kill me to put me into cookies!” I say

“What?!” Cheryl, Alice, and Susan say in unison. 

“Ladies, Betty is clearly having a mental breakdown, let’s just eat” Jane says.

“Now that I think about it, the cookie dough was red, so Jane, you’re a serial killer!” Cheryl says. 

Jane picks up a knife and lunges toward me. I run at her, Jane throws the knife at me. It touches my cheek. I use my whole body to tackle her. We both fall to the ground, and I fight to get my pocket knife. Jane gets it and stabs me in the stomach. Blood is everywhere. I take off my boot, and hit her in the head. Then I bite her in the hand. The knife drops and I grab it, and slit her throat. Susan runs over checks her pulse

 “She’s going to die, her pulse is week” says Susan with a whimper. 

“Jane, Mr. Schneider mysteriously disappeared from the school, did you kill him?” I ask. 

“Yes” says Jane with a week breath.

 “Why?” I say. 

“I was killed him because you hated him, same with Ms. Ashton. I love you Betty.” says Jane.

 “Then why were you going to kill me?” I say. 

“Have you ever herd the story of Romeo and Juliet, Betty?” She asks, “It’s about two people consumed by love, so much they commit suicide to be together forever” Jane says. 

“So you were going to kill me then yourself?” I say. 

“Yes” she says with her last breath. 

I fall to the floor clutching my stomach. Ms. Ashton turns me on my back.

 “Betty, it’s going to be ok, Betty. Susan, get me rubbing alcohol and bandages. Cheryl, push on Betty’s wound. Alice turn on the stove and heat up a knife, then give it to me.”

 “Ok” all say in unison.  

 First Ms. Ashton pours rubbing alcohol on me, and I scream. Than she takes the heated knife and applies it to my wound, also while I scream. I get bandaged up. Then I pass out and a few hours later I wake up. I hear Ms. Ashton, Cheryl, Alice, and Susan in the kitchen. I can hear what they’re saying

 “What do we do with Jane’s corpse, and what do we do if Betty never wakes up?” Alice says, she’s breathing hard, “I can’t go to prison.” Alice says followed with the sound of bile on the floor. I stand, it hurts like hell, and I involuntarily scream.

 “Well, look who’s up” Cheryl says sarcastically. 

“I heard your conversation. Get Jane’s corpse into the bath tub. She definitely has powerful chemicals to dissolve dead bodies in the basement, Alice and Susan get those. Ms. Ashton, you’re a teacher, so you know Jane’s handwriting. You should write a note to her parents saying she ran away.” 

“Ok.” Everyone says in the unison.

 I’m standing in the bathroom over Jane’s corpse with gloves on, a hair net, and a big bucket of chemicals. I sit on the cold tile and start to cut the flesh off of her bones. I don’t want to, but it’s the only way I can dissolve her body to leave no trace of her. I stop a couple of times to throw up, but I get it done in about four hours or so. 

Then I go down the stairs and see how the others are doing. I look out the window and it’s the night still. 

“Ms. Ashton what day and time is it?” I ask.

“Its the 21st and it’s midnight.” Ms. Ashton responded.

“We need to burn some of her clothes, food, toothbrush, and hairbrush” I say. 

“Why?” Ms. Ashton, Susan, Cheryl, and Alice say back. 

“Because if she ran away she would take her clothes, food, toothbrush, and a hairbrush with her.” I say. 

“Ok I will start a fire out back” says Ms. Ashton.

“Ok” Susan, Cheryl, and Alice say in unison.

We go out back, and start a fire. We burn her clothes, food, toothbrush, and a hairbrush. After we’re done I put out the fire. I take what’s left of her body after it’s dissolved and dump it down the drain. Then me, Cheryl, Susan, Alice, and Ms. Ashton get in Ms.Ashton's car with what’s left of Jane’s bones. We drive deep into woods, and dig a very deep hole, and stick Jane’s bones into them. Then we cover it with the rest of the dirt. 

After that night we went our separate ways. We didn’t speak or acknowledge each other at school unless it was necessary. No one ever questioned what happened to Jane, everything simply went back to normal. We never spoke of the night Jane was murdered. 

December 11, 2020 23:19

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12:43 Dec 19, 2020

Hey, quite a violent story that just started with cookies (not that that's bad)! As Lori pointed out, there are a few mistakes here and there you'll probably want to polish over time, but they weren't bad enough to stop me from understanding it. I would also mention that a lot of your sentences are fairly plain, they are just statements when you usually want to convey the emotions of the characters whose perspective you're writing from. Otherwise, the character seems a bit emotionless (that's what I felt from Betty). You usually do this by u...


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Lori Sharp
21:13 Dec 16, 2020

Greetings, I really enjoyed your story. With that said, you may wish to use a free app like Grammarly or Hemingway to check your story for errors. I am seeing punctuation and spelling errors and there are also some extra words mixed in and adverbs that could be omitted. There was also a run-on sentence “Jane wanted to get a project approved, and she invited me over for cookies” Ms. Ashton says, “next thing I know I’m tied up here with you.” You may wish to cut this into two separate sentences. The flow was very good and I hope you win ;)


January Cook
17:28 Dec 18, 2020



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