The Robbers

Submitted into Contest #76 in response to: Write a story told exclusively through dialogue.... view prompt


Crime Fiction Horror

Hi what are you doing. bo you want to rod a dank.ok let’s go to let’s rob the Crown Jewels. We Have to have to be very quiet and block all the security cameras and turn the alarm system off. I’ll go turn off the cameras and you go turn off the alarm system. hey did you do it. yeah but we have to be quick they mite have seen us. let’s go unwire The crown jewel security.finally we got it...the Crown jewels!!!! Go back to the RobMobile we can sell it’s to the joke.”Hi joker We have the crown jewels ”. “I’ll give you $2 million“. “Wow”. Let’s go give it to the poor. Here you go. Wow $2 million. we have to go we see the cops. stop that car. ah they can’t catch up to us. We got you now. You’re going to jail for a long time. But we can explain we’re just giving it to the poor. That does not matter. wait where they go. ah Their on the loose!!!!!!!! Will get fired if they could just run away like that. we Have to find them. and report it to the town. We can’t we will get fired. What should we do. We have to look for them are selves. How can we do that we are not really that good. Yeah but do you want to go So It up to us. First let’s search for evidence. look here’s a diamond. the most have Goon this way.But that in to the thorns. I Don’t think we should go there.ah we shouldn’t go there you’re right there Dead bodies everywhere. So they must be dead. Let’s go back to the office. Do you think the gone. Yeah that was a close one. Tomorrow do you want to. to rob the mona Lisa. So we got to get a good nights sleep. Are you ready to rob the mona Lisa. Let’s go to the robplane. wow it’s really pretty here. Now let’s go let’s go find your hotel and plan out how to get mona Lisa. OK is it time yeah it’s 11:30 sharp. we got to to make it in by 12:00 because that’s when it close. And will have to hide in the bathroom stalls. when the card tells us it’s time to go. Say you’ll be out couple minutes.Then they’ll leave because the thing that we went out. OK now let’s go. excuse me it’s time to go The museums closwing. OK I will be out of a couple minutes. You too sir. I Will also be out in a couple Minutes. few the Guard left. now we can continue with her plan. The Mona Lisa is right down this whole But we have to be very quiet and when the guard is not looking put sleeping pill and in his coffee. So he will fall asleep while you’re doing that l will turn off the alarm system and block the cameras I will make sure no guards are nere mona Lisa. Hey did you do it yeah how about you. Are there any guards nere The Mona Lisa . no but we will have to de really quick. just because it’s the Mona Lisa stupid Of course we have to be quick. it must be more than just mona Lisa.well even if it is we still have to be quick. Look it’s right there this is the one part of the day that there’s no security we have to go and grab it. Wow that was one adventure. Shut up the cops are coming!!! Quick get it to Roplane. next stop Rome!!! We will de robbing the discus thrower. What’s that. It’s in ancient Greek artifact.sI is it worth a lot. Yes of course it how do you plan to get a statue you On the boat I rented witch we are also still. OK but how do you plan to get on the boat. We are going to place it on the boat but places I mean Paul it. That Makes sense. At midnight we will pull it onto the bowt. but well most people hear it. yeah but will never have to go to room anyways again. OK . Are you ready yeah let’s pol. it’s too heavy What should we do .I will Think of a plan will come back tomorrow. OK do you think of a plan. Yeah will have to use the boat Will have to use a bill to help pol. but then how will we get on with the statue. we’ll get on will get on .OK. its Time. OK I will go to The statue and you go to the boat and we will meet at the statue. OK. finally it Took you so long. I didn’t Know how to drive a boat. OK whatever. come on let pol. whooooo. That was awesome we did like a flip. OK now we have to get back to the plane Because we’re going to Italy. what are we getting in Italy Athens. How are we get Athens. We’re going to come out of the wall but it auto A big dolly . OK that makes sense but how are we going to cut it out of the wall. With a saw. OK Let’s get A little bit of sleep before the plant. that makes sense. OK are you ready. yeah. let’s get control of the security. i’ll go check for where all the guards are you go undo The security. OK did you do it yeah how about you .OK we didn’t forget the dolly right. yeah it’s right behind me. OK and I have saw. Great. Now saw it down devVery careful. Wow that was really loud we got to go quick. Run read run!!!! few that was a close one now we got to give all of this to the joker and since we can’t go to London we have to go to Los Angeles to see the joker. hi joker. Hi this is our worth $6 million. OK let’s go to the Robmobile. wow we have enough money four 2 million for us. Great we half to go the shelter. Wo thanks that’s so much money.We have to run the cops are here. stop your vehicle. Or we will shoot you. pull over. hi where are the United States government. we saw how do you can rob all those things. so we would like you to be part of the United States military. If if you say no You to are going to jail Also if you don’t tell us where the joker is you you will go to jail. OK the joker is a couple blocks away. OK welcome to the military.

January 15, 2021 21:48

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