Inspirational Teens & Young Adult Speculative

It was just another day in the life of Michael Andrews, when he heard a knock on his front door. He was expecting anyone so he was quite curious as to whom it could be. As he approached, he could feel a change in the Universe. Not knowing who could be here he knew nothing would ever be the same. Michael pens the door, only to find a simple woman standing there in a suit and carrying a suit case.

“Hi, my name is Alexandria Delevine; I am a lawyer with Delevine & Dramose. I just have a couple of things to go over with you, Would it be ok for me to come in?” questioned professionally.

“Sure, come on in! My name is Michael, pleasure to meet you.” Michael states politely. “We can go into the living room and talk.”

After being seated Alexandria gets right down to business. She tells him that he had a distantly related cousin Owen Hill, who as it turns out, was very wealthy and very charitable. Not only had he spent his whole life helping others, he had apparently kept an eye out for family. Alas, he had passed away before he could meet Michael. Owen was the CEO of a charity that was helping the world on multiple fronts. He raised money and contributed to wildlife conservations around the world, as well as housing for the homeless, lost and neglected pets, and multiple others. So, what could he want with Michael who hasn’t accomplished much of anything in his life.

As Michael was contemplating with this could really be about, he realized he was thinking more than listening. He brings his attention back to Alexandria. “His funeral will be at 3 pm this Friday, I know you didn’t really know him and he did mention in his will that you are not required to attend the funeral if you didn’t feel comfortable with it.” Alex continued.

“Why would I be required to attend anyway?” he questioned

“That brings me to the main reason I am here. You cousin has put you in his will, for you to take over his non-profit and a good chunk of his fortune. But, there are some stipulations first. He knows you have a kind heart and want to help others when you can; although he has seen you have a bit of trouble when it comes to finances. Ultimately, before you can take over the company you must sell everything you own and live the next year on the road. I have been authorized to help you purchase a decent RV to live and travel in, and you will receive $500 a month to survive on. If you can make it a year on the road and can truly change the life of at least one person, then you will be named CEO and the funds will released to your control.” She explains.

               “Why would he choose me? I am nothing special.” Michael asks curiously.

               “I have been Owens lawyer for quite some time; He was one of the kindest men I have ever met. He never did anything without a reason. He also use not to be anything special, until he was.” She said with a smile.

               Michael sure what to think, or what to do for that matter. Alas, the more he thought about everything the more he was thinking about giving it a shot. He lived in an apartment to cost far too much, at a job he was going nowhere in, and a car he never got to enjoy because he was constantly working. He started going through his things to see what he would be ok getting rid of. Surprisingly, there was a bunch in his apartment that he never uses and it just sits there. After spending all day going through things and thinking of the opportunities, he makes a decision. This is something he has wanted to do for a while anyway and he feels like he can make this happen.  

               After letting his landlord know he was moving out and giving a 2 week notice at work Michael spent the next few weeks trying to sell everything he could. Alexandria helped me find a short bus that had been renovated into a cozy little living area on wheels. It was time to hit the road, regardless of how nervous he was.   

                Michael was both enjoying and struggling through the last few months of the year. He had volunteered around the united states at food banks, soup kitchens, and animal shelters. The way he seen it, his cousin wanted him to be in the world. Among the scores of hungry, desperate, hurting beings. Whether it be the homeless wasting away in plain sight of humans well off enough to help or the animals we tend to see as nothing but creatures put here to serve us. But the humbleness he has witnessed on his way are far greater than the tribulations. For they gave him hope that where there is neglectful views to our humanity there is also a sense of humility in said humanity. For yes, there are those less fortunate than the majority of our society. In his time on the road, a homeless man offered him half of his sandwich when he clearly hadn’t eaten in days. As well as a stray dog saving a child’s life when the kid was about to get run over by an oncoming vehicle, ending his own instead.

               It makes you see that those struggling at the lowest points of their lives can actually have more human decency than those who claim to love one another. The world has us at a point where we are taught that the unfortunate are less than everyone else. Or children in Africa aren’t important because we have to take care of our own, which we do not take care of. Even going to extremes and building a wall to make sure what we have, others who need it more than we do can’t get.

               It was time for Michael to meet with Alexandria again to go over what happens now that the year is complete. He wasn’t really too sure if he had passed the requirements. I mean, how can you know if you changed someone’s life by meeting them?

               “Hello again Michael, How are you doing today?” she asked, walking up to where he was sitting at the sidewalk café.

               “Can’t complain.” He said cheerily

               “Great! Shall we get started?” she asked as he nodded. “Good, So, you have been living on the road all around the US for a year now. How has your experience been?”

               “It’s been better and worse than I could have ever imagined. I’ve seen a new prospective of humanity. Not only did I meet some incredible people that happened to be homeless, but also a lot of people who chose to be free from the constraints of a normal living. And I am proud to be one of them. I also see a lot of change that needs to happen. There are far too many people and animals suffering for us to be selfish any longer.” He said with boastful determination.

               “Absolutely, thank you Michael. I only have one more question for you. Did you change anyone’s life along the way?” she asked knowingly.

               “Well hmm...” he starts nervously. “I’m not sure, I know I helped as many people as I could, but I don’t know if I really changed anyone’s life per say. I know I have a better understanding of the world now and I can apply that to helping others.”

               With a straight face, Alexandria continues, “OK, so the requirements are one year on the road and change at least one life. You have completed your year, although you are unsure of your impact. Let me ask you a follow up question. Do you feel as if you have changed, that you have a new mission in life?”

               “One hundred percent, even If I can’t move forward per the will, I will make a difference.” He exclaimed optimistically.

               ”That’s what I wanted to here,” she smiles. “And what your cousin was hoping for too. We never know whether or not we truly change someone else’s life, the important thing is to change ourselves and lead by example. He wanted you to take this experience and learn what it is you are fighting to change. To help those that need our help, no matter who they are.”

               Michael decides to run the non-profit remotely, traveling the world helping and recruiting others. Hoping for a better future for everyone and everything.

December 11, 2020 22:13

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