Drama Teens & Young Adult Historical Fiction

South-den, England


In the upcoming, and bustling city, “South-den” there is a ball being held in honor of the infamous Rosewood family. Specifically, the son of the Rosewood family, twenty-year-old Gideon. Gideon is receiving the family business, “Rosewood Rings”; his parents Carmina and Samuel are heading off to the Americas to establish themselves over there. Leaving him with his twin sister named Gloria. Gideon is a responsible human being, kind, and courteous. His sister on the other hand, she’s rebellious, loud, and mischievous.

The ball is to serve as both honoring Gideon and a going away party for Carmina and Samuel. Gideon, dressed in a midnight blue velvet tuxedo, stands on the top floor of his family’s pearly white mansion. As he looks out of their baby-blue stained-glass window, he sees all of the guests arriving. The guests were all well-known and very important people, all dressed in their best. Needless to say, Gideon’s anxiety grew, his breath was a tad shaky.

A specific white gloved woman especially catches his attention, as she’s standing in pale moonlight shining overhead and above the Rosewood estate. Gideon began to hyper-focus on his hands to DE-stress and distract himself. His blood pressure then rises when his sister, dressed in a dark Gothic gown, yells his name.

“Gideon!!!” Her deep raspy voice roared.

He turns and says, “What is the matter with you heathen?!?”

She squints her grass-green eyes and says, “Last time Giddy, tell our parents you’re not fit to take over the business, tell them it should be me!”

Gideon scoffs and says, “Gloria, what herbs have you been sniffing mate?”

He then continues, “There’s no way that’s happening my dear, but feel free to dream on every star above that crazy little head of yours.”

He then patted her curly head of hair, angering her.

He smugly says, “Now, I have a ball in my honor to attend to. Shouldn’t you be in your Apothecary?”

He then walks away leaving his sister behind him, staring at him. Gloria exhales and joins the party as well, all while tucking something in the waist of her dark laced corset.

Gideon sees a group of women and he respectfully greets them.

One of the women named Prudence Kenzington, daughter of successful farmers, grew flustered by his diplomatic presence. Many were taken aback by the strong and powerful energy Gideon seemed to have around him.

Prudence says to him, “Why hello Gideon, how might you be on this big night?”

He says with a cheesy grin, “Better now, thanks to this encounter.”

She smiles back in return.

Before the two could talk any further Gideon’s father stood tall over the giant candle-lit table and said, “Let us all sit on this joyous night!”

Gideon looks at Prudence, and while offering his hand he says, “Shall we sit together my dear?”

To which she replies, “I’d love to.”

He smiles and takes her white satin covered hand.

They’re chemistry, electric, a little suspiciously so.

The two then each take a seat in the center of the long dining table.

The night was cold one.

Prudence shifts her snow-white Shaw to the front of her body.

Gideon rolled his eyes at the sight of his sister Gloria sitting next to him.

He whispers to his sister, “If you shall mess with my night, so help me I will-”

Gloria stops him saying, “Giddy, my brother, you are. I’d never betray that, even out of anger.”

He nodded, showing mutual respect.

Their father Samuel was about to call for a toast but he realized neither of his kids had glasses in front of them.

As he was about to demand a server to fetch them one Gloria stood up saying, “Don’t worry father. I’ll get my brother and I our glasses.”

She touches her brother and father’s shoulders then proceeds to the bar. After several moments she returned with two shiny glasses full of a bright blue liquid. “The Den Drink” is the blueberry-colored alcoholic drink often used in South-den to celebrate huge moments such as these.

Gloria hands the drink in her left hand to her brother.

He doesn’t trust his sister but smiles in her face.

As she sits a small bottle falls, she rushes to pick it up. Gideon takes this opportunity to do something cold and calculating.

As she rises, she puts her hand on her shiny cup, securing it with her tight grip.

Prudence reached for her glass, Gideon gave her a look, a look that only the two understood. It was like they were communicating telepathically, she then put her glass down. Almost as if she was reminded of something she had previously forgotten about, even though no words were exchanged.

Samuel raises his glass and says, “Now, to my son. Gideon! May you do the business and your family proud! And who knows maybe you’ll produce an heir to the family business.”

Gloria laughs, unsettling her brother.

Everyone raises their glass, and they then take sips of the icy-blue liquid. Gideon waits for his sister to drink hers first, after she does, he waits then proceeds to chug his.

His sister looks at him with a smile and says, “I got a surprise for you… my dear.”

He tried grabbing her arm, because he can sense she’s up to no good. However, his arm went limp in midair, he’s not able to move. He tries to say something to Prudence, but his words are muffled as his tongue begins to swell.

Gloria quickly rises, gathering everyone’s attention. She says, “Prudence! My beloved Prudence! How come you didn’t sip the Den Drink? We all know you have no willpower when it comes to its blue temptation!”

Prudence’s father says he’s noticed the same thing, so now he begins to raise some questions.

Prudence turned to a subtly panicking Gideon. Gloria said snickering, “What’s wrong my brother?”

He muffled, “The drink…! What th-id you do?”

She says, “Oh, yeah truth tulip extract. Don’t worry brother I won’t be the one to spill your secret, no, that will be you.”

She then says loudly, “I’m sure Gideon has some insight on the matter?”

All the guests had confused looks on their faces.

She looks to Gideon and says, “Gideon, tell us, why is Prudence not drinking the Den Drink tonight?”

He seems to be answering against his will, like the words were being yanked out of his throat. Before he could fully answer his father said, “Son, stand when you speak to the room!”

Gideon stands quickly, almost stumbling onto the table in front of him. He says, “P-p-p-rudence i-is w-with child, m-my c-child.”

The room collectively gasps.

Her father screams, “Out of wedlock!?! How could you two!?!”

Gloria snarkily said, “There’s your heir father.”

Gloria laughs, her plan has succeeded.

She knew her brother didn’t trust her at all, and she played right into that.

By originally lacing her drink with the truth tulip extract, she has the antidote tucked away. He switched the drinks, and unknowingly drank the truth serum.

Gloria’s heart began to feel warm.

Samuel says, “You, Gideon are not fit to take over Rosewood Rings!!! And you will see to it that you marry that girl.”

Gideon nodded shamefully.

Gloria cheered, “Hooray! Finally, father, you Gideon’s for who he truly is. Now, might you have something to tell me?”

He puts his hand on his daughter’s shoulder and says, “I know you did something to your brother Gloria. Knowing I can’t truly trust either of my children truly breaks my heart. My heart also breaks, because now your mother and I aren’t going anywhere. But you two are to ready by morning, your ship to the new land awaits you!”

The two siblings look at each other in horror.

Gloria gives her brother the antidote.

Prudence was then demanded to travel to the new land as well.

What was supposed to be a prideful night has now turned into a shameful one, Gideon’s hatred for his sister intensified every inch their huge ivory mansion door moved to then finally close shut. With every guest leaving abruptly.

The pale moonlight starts to break into something brighter.

Whereas, Gideon’s heart,

grows darker…

The End!

March 11, 2023 02:21

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