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I don't like new years eve parties. Any other party I'm okay with. Birthday parties? Yes, they have free cake. Holiday parties? Free booze. Bridal showers? Also free booze. But new years parties are the worst. They last forever, everyone always drinks way too much as they go on and on about how they plan on changing when we all know that they’re just going to be the same shitty they’ve always been, and they’re always crowded. So when my friend first asked me to go with him to a bar new years eve I immediately said no. 

“But I don’t want to go alone,” he whined as were wiping down tables together at the end of the night. “The restaurant is closed and I know you don’t have to work your second job.” 

“So?” I asked in return. “What if I want to stay home and celebrate the end of the decade with a movie marathon?” 

“You have movie marathons all the time.” 


“Stop being a waffle Jane,” he snapped. “I never ask you to go to do anything with me.” 

I let out a snort of disbelief at that statement and moved on to the next table to clean. Evan asks me to do things for him constantly and he knows it. And I also don’t appreciate him calling me a waffle, short for twat waffle, over something a stupid as a party. 

“If I go you’re just going to leave me all by myself to find some girl to hook up with and then come mop to me about it when you strike out.” 

“I won’t!” he insisted. “I promise, we’ll spend the night bar hoping. The entire street is going to be open late like one big party.” 

“Fine,” I sigh. “But if you leave my side I’m going home and never going to another party with you again.” 

“It’s a deal,” he agreed. 

So, we made plans on where to meet new years eve and who else might be there that we know. As the days ticked down, I was actually looking forward to the party. Even though Evan and I worked together we rarely had the opportunity to hang out. I worked two jobs while going to school part time and he was starting a media company with a childhood friend of his. As of now our friendship consisted of shared sarcastic comments on busy restaurant nights and meme sharing. I even bought a new top for the occasion, a splurge I rarely allow myself to do.  


He left me alone. Not that I was surprised, he managed to stay by my side for two hours before he went to go get more drinks and thirty minutes later, I saw him chatting up a girl with short brunette hair. Unfortunately, it was almost eleven so getting a lyft now would be pointless. Might as well stay until midnight and bring in the new year with some overpriced alcohol. I flagged down a waitress and ordered a rum and coke to be put on Evan’s tab and found a nice corner booth to observe the drunken scene before me. 

“You took my spot,” a man I hadn’t seen before said with a teasing smile. “This is my people watching booth.” 

His teeth were perfect, white and straight and his brown eyes were slightly glazed over, probably from alcohol. He also had clear brown skin and wore a hoodie and jeans even though I found the bar to be far too warm. Handsome for sure.  

“I didn’t realize this booth was taken,” I told him standing up. “Sorry.” 

“Well it’s not really taken anymore,” he admits. “All my friends are trying to get laid tonight, so they abandoned the booth.” 

“And you?” I ask. “Aren’t you looking to bring the new year in with a bang?” 

“Yeah but not that kind of bang,” he laughed. “Just looking for some interesting conversation if I’m being honest.” 

“I can be interesting,” I supply lamely. “My friend also abandoned to try and get laid.” 

“Do you like to people watch?” 


Smiling he slid into the booth patting the seat next to him once he was settled in invitation. We then spent the next thirty or so minutes trying to make the other laugh at the conversations we were making up for the people around us. 

“I’m telling you bro,” I mimicked in that stereotypical ‘bro’ voice pretending to be the very muscular blonde a few feet away from us. “I am a power bottom. I don’t care what you or any of the other bros say.” 

“And I’m telling you Stephanie,” he started picking a group who were clearly member of the Harry Potter fandom if their keychains were anything to go by. “Harry and Draco are my OTP and Hermione could’ve done better than Ron.” 

“I love Harry Potter!” I exclaimed while turning to face him. “What’s your favorite book?” 

“The Goblet of Fire! You?” 

“The Order of the Pheonix.” 

“Very nice. What’s one book you think everyone should read?” 

“I don’t think I can pick just one.” 

“That’s such a cop out!” 

“Okay, okay. The Perks of Being a Wallflower, I read it every year and the movie was actually good. What about you?” 

“To Kill a Mockingbird.” 

“Really?” I ask surprised. “Most people my age found it boring.” 

“Most people are stupid he counters.” 

As I go to reply the volume on the tvs are turned way up, the count down for the new year has begun. I stand up to get a better view of the ball dropping and the man I’ve been sitting next to for the past hour stands right next to me. I don’t know his name. I’ve been chatting and goofing around with this man and I don’t know his name. 5...4...3...2...1...BANG! People pop confetti all around us and cheer. Couples kiss and drinks are split. Running on pure alcohol and adrenaline I stand on my tip toes and kiss the man next to me briefly.  

“I’m Jane,” I tell him quickly once I’ve pulled away. 

“Devon,” he replied with a huge smile. “Nice to meet you.” 

We stand there smiling like two drunk idiots for a few minutes when suddenly there’s a loud shout and glass breaking. Shocked I turn to see dude bro from before standing over a man he clearly pushed over. 

“Why the fuck were you kissing my girlfrien?!” dude bro yells. 

“Shit,” Devon curses before running to the scene. 

He helped the man up off the floor, pushed dude bro away and they both run out the door followed by dude bro never to come back. Later I find Evan and we take a lyft home in comfortable silence. Once I’m home I take off my makeup and hang up my nice new top and go to lay in bed. I have work tomorrow after all. 

January 04, 2020 03:35

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1 comment

Cassidy Caldwell
00:24 Jan 09, 2020

Nice job! I really like how you write dialogue. Some touch ups on grammar would help with how this is read, but overall a great story.


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