Coital Drought

Submitted into Contest #160 in response to: Set your story during a drought.... view prompt


Drama Fiction Romance

TW: Swearing and sexual frustration.

“Hello, Darkness, my old friend,” said Shawn the illusionist.

            “Please don’t,” Darkness replied. “The number of people who’ve said that in the night. I cringe every time.”

            “I wanted to ask you for some advice,” said the blue-eyed mortal.

            The chalk white entity dressed in a sequined suit leaned closer to Shawn in the deck chair on the hotel balcony. Brilliant teeth glittered as the embodiment of shadow looked into Shawn’s eyes. “Yes, little friend. How can I help?”

            “You see everything that happens in the shadows?”

            “I do,” smiled the flamboyant immortal.

            “Is there any way you’ve ever known to get over a dry spell in a relationship?” Sculpted muscles stretched down the illusionist’s arms as he leaned on the balcony overlooking the swimming pool.


            “We’ve not been having-” Shawn bit his lip.

            “Coitus?” Darkness’ smile was audible when it said the word, teasing.

            “Sex.” Said the young man in swim trunks. “We’ve not had sex in ages.”

            “Easy there, historian. Throwing out words like ages as hyperbole is a great way to initiate or prolong sexual drought.” Glittering elbows of the flashy god intruded upon the mortal’s peripheral vision as they gazed down at palm tree silhouettes on the horizon.

            Playful waves danced, grinding against the sand of the beach. For them, thrusting and caressing never ended.

            “You, you can help me?”

            “I have some advice,” said the immortal. Pearly teeth were still grinning when the magician looked at his eternal companion. “I know that you can’t fix it by ignoring it. You can’t hope that things will go back to ‘normal’.” He used air quotations with flair that Eddie Izzard would envy. “Talk to her. It might be that she’s been feeling uncomfortable and hiding it from you. She might not be feeling attractive. She might need change to liven up the act. You’ll never know if you don’t ask.

            But you must be careful. I’ve seen endless relationships end because a partner blamed their better half for ‘denying them’ or accusing them of infidelity. You are partners, it’s a thing happening to both of you. You need to work out if you can find a solution that works for you both, or if the initial lust in the relationship has burnt out. If the connection you had isn’t enough without it.” An ethereal hand, snow white, touched Shawn’s shoulder.

            The illusionist buried his face in tanned hands.

            “What if it is the end? I don’t want what we have to be over.”

             “Then tell her that. If she feels the same way, then you’re halfway to victory. If not, then you’re only prolonging your torment. Ask her.”

            The illusionist nodded. “Thank you, Darkness.”

            “I’m always here when you need me. And when you don’t need me, whether you like it, or not.” The eternal being tipped an imaginary hat to the young man and vanished.

Billowing white curtains beckoned Shawn and brushed him away. He pushed through the flailing cotton to the bedroom of bamboo and broken wet dreams.

            On the bed lay his lady love, Rayelle. Electric blue hair was strewn across four pillows as her long legs wrapped around a fifth. Diamonds glittered on the platinum band around her wedding finger.

            Tattoos peeked from beneath the sheets. Waring instincts told him to wake her with a kiss or to lie there with her and wait for the dawn. Their room had the best view on the island.

            “Are you going to stand there watching me sleep all night like a creep, or join me like my husband?” Her voice was muffled by the pillow. She smacked another with her hand.

            “Rayelle, do you love me?”

            “Duh,” she said, wiggling the diamond ring.

            “Do you still feel the same way about me that you did when we first met?”

            “No. Of course not. That was years ago.” Her words were a brick to the face, icy water hitting him from nowhere.


            “Change happens, dumbass. Come to bed.” She looked up.

            “Things haven’t been the same recently,” he said. Being delicate wasn’t their thing.

            “You mean we haven’t fucked in a while?” She said. Drool stuck blue strands of hair together on her ear.

            “Em, yeah.”

            “We’ve been on the run, keeping our heads down. Which is bullshit since we basically saved the world.” She pushed herself into a sitting position. Without looking her long fingers found the grip of the gun he’d stolen.

            The laser gun spun in her hand. “I always feel hornier when I’m killing, Shawn. You know that.”

            “Yeah, but if we do, we’ll be found.”

            “True, but we might be found having incredible sex.”

            Weighing up the pros and cons, Shawn found that he would let her murder just about anyone if it meant their sex life returned to its previously steamy heights. “We need to find a new job then. A hit.”

            Rayelle’s smile was serial killer sexy to him. She had the gleam in her eyes.

            “Where will we go?” She asked.

            “Where do you want to kill people next?” He asked, crawling into the bed with her.

            The gun was gone as she rolled on top of him. “Austrailia? New Zealand? Somewhere colder?”

            “No. I think I definitely prefer it hot,” she said, kissing him. “Hot and screaming. Wet, chunks flying everywhere when I shoot them.”

            “We just need to be careful.” He kissed her neck, realising she’d frozen still as a statue. “What?”

            “CAREFUL? What’s sexy about being careful? You had to ruin it, didn’t you.” She pushed off him and stood up. Her body compounded his mixed feelings as she threw on her clothes. “I’m going to the bar. Feel free not to join me. Don’t worry though. I’ll be careful to spend all of our money.”

            Sweeping from the room in a flowery dress, she slammed the door. Shawn clawed at his cheeks, then slammed his fists into the mattress. Smothering his face with a pillow, he screamed into it.

            “You were this close,” said Darkness. The immortal was sitting on the end of the bed, holding two chalk white fingers millimetres apart.

August 27, 2022 03:34

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Sabine Bradley
12:59 Aug 31, 2022

interesting take on the prompt! Definitely didnt see the end coming


Graham Kinross
13:04 Aug 31, 2022

Can’t tell if you approve or not! Hopefully you did. If not you could always tell me why. Learning from failures is easier than learning from successes, as Shawn will have to understand.


Sabine Bradley
13:08 Aug 31, 2022

oh sorry haha, I did like it a lot! Didn't mean to sound cryptic lol


Graham Kinross
13:10 Aug 31, 2022

That’s ok. Thank you. Darkness gives you the thumbs up and vanishes to nothing.


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S. E. Mary
00:40 Aug 31, 2022

I have many many thoughts about this story. 1: You had me from the very beginning when Darkness actually replied as a being. 2: I never knew what was coming next, and I mean this in the very best possible way. 3: Genius work reimagining the standard “drought”. Just the use of the prompt in this way made it comical gold for me. 4: I really do love Darkness. 5: Great job! I look forward to reading more of your work!


Graham Kinross
05:15 Aug 31, 2022

Thank you. I actually thought more people would think of drought the same way I did, I heard it used somewhere recently so I thought it was a nice rebellion against following the prompt literally. This isn’t Darkness’s first story, or it’s last.


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Ian T. Smyth
06:22 Aug 29, 2022

Very interesting story. I loved your prose - the characters were so vivid.


Graham Kinross
07:32 Aug 29, 2022

Thank you Ian.


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Moon Lion
02:04 Aug 28, 2022

It was only when I re-read the prompt that I understood where the drought was ;). Darkness sounds like the world's best wingman, and the characters were all hilarious in their own ways.


Graham Kinross
02:18 Aug 28, 2022

Darkness has seen it all, and approves of most of it. Best wingman for a pair of world saving killers on the run from the law.


Moon Lion
02:25 Aug 28, 2022

Oh awesome. Darkness is so like Death from the Discworld books. Have you ever read them? I love flamboyant immortals.


Graham Kinross
02:38 Aug 28, 2022

Have you seen Sandman? Desire in that is very flashy and fabulous.


Moon Lion
04:11 Aug 28, 2022

Yes I saw the show, I was delighted that they kept mostly everything from the comics. Desire is indeed a fabulous immortal, but Dream always amused me the most. Colourful and fantastical realm governed by a broody, messy haired individual is quite funny.


Graham Kinross
05:09 Aug 28, 2022

He seems like he would have been played by Robert Pattinson ten years ago, similar portrayal to the vampire in Twilight. The whole cast is great, I’d say the actor playing Dream is my least favourite so far. I like the actor who plays Death, she was great in The Good Place as well and it was awesome to have Paton Oswalt as the bird.


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Brian Stanton
21:43 Aug 27, 2022

Hey, this was a clever idea. I thought of every kind of "drought" I could when the prompts came out, but somehow UNBELIEVABLY sex did NOT come to mind...that's the first. This was a fun story, I liked the characters, especially darkness. The ending was unexpected and funny. I can image the serial killer spouse is a difficult one to satisfy, lol. I just realized you have 144 submissions. That's dedication! Keep it up.


Graham Kinross
23:40 Aug 27, 2022

Thank you. I usually try to do the most abstract interpretation of the prompt to avoid having a story that’s similar to other people.


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Graham Kinross
03:41 Feb 07, 2023

If you want to read a vaguely related story with different characters set in the same universe then I have the slightly similar tale located in the same all encompassing locale for you. Thank you, your call may be recorded for training purposes.


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