No cloud can predict the wind direction

Submitted into Contest #20 in response to: Write a story about a character experiencing anxiety.... view prompt



My friend just called me yesterday.She cried for about half an hour.She said in the phone that she has a ring shaped shadow at the lungs.It is the size of a thumb.Her doctor said it was cancer.

I was so shocked by what she said that I almost dropped my phone.

My friend murmured:“Why my life is so miserable,when I was three years old,I lost my father,my mother is the one who raised me.As the days of gratuating from high scholl were close,I thought that my mother would live peacefully in the rest of her days but suddenly my mother married another man that was bad behaved.He was a alcoholic,a drug addict and sometimes beat my mother.I at last successfully find some friends who helped me to counsel my stepfather and he stopped doing those things.Then,my mother was found diagnosed with diabetes.One day,her eyes got so blur that she cannot find her way home when she get outside.”

I also followed my friend by wiping my tears,my mouth also speak up for her and I was also angry for her fate.

As I speak up for her,I also comforted her by saying:“If not,how about you go to another hospital,you cannot just trust one hospital.”

“But the hospital I went is the best hospital in the country”she said.

I quickly said that there are other doctors in the hospital not just only one,you cannot just trust one.

However,she was not in mood to hear me and kept crying until the line was dead.

I was afraid that she would not be open-minded so I bought a plane ticket that night.The next day, I flew to the city where my friend lives. I arrived at 7:00 a.m. and started seaching for her.At last, I found her in a street corner below her house.She was seeing an x-ray picture while laughing.At the x-ray picture,there was really a ring-shaped shadow. I quickly comforted her by saying that your cancer could be cured.

But she cried more fiercely and cursing fate why should fate play with her. “It is not playing with you,it's using a small disease to test you.”I quickly explained.Suddenly,she took out a scissor and pointed it to her abdomen. I quickly stopped her but she was still laughing and said that I should not interfere as she was to open a shirt to find a ring.She finding the ring so long ago.When she was packing her things,the ring got inside andwas stuck at the shirt's layer.That ring shaped shadow is this ring.I touched the shirt and found the ring.Once tooked out, it was covered with white gold lines.

It was a false cancer,the ring was founded now.My friend was so happy. I said that God just played with you helped you find your ring back.

She sighed and pointed the clouds up in the sky and saying:“now I understand that those clouds cannot predict the wind directions,when the wind blows,they area lamb for a while,then a horse,but if they are covered with white color,no one will say that they are ugly.We are all like a cloud,if we cannot predict our lives direction,we can predict our mental state's color

December 14, 2019 13:56

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