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Drama Romance Funny

She looked up. Blue clouds and white skies fill the horizons from left to right. The fluffy gentle grass enveloped her back. She slowly closed her eyes to experience it all. The earth beneath her rustled and life underneath hustled. She felt the ants scurry in single file lines and each blade of the lawn soak up the radiant sunlight. Here, no shouting and no fighting can be heard. No beer bottles were thrown. No muffled tears. It almost felt like all her problems were fading. 

 Almost. A tear found itself nestled on the edge of her face.

 She took a deep breath, but before she could exhale, a voice invaded her peace.

“You okay there? Is there anything I can help you with?”

She opens her eyes, and glances to her left. Her unaccustomed eyes were blinded by the sun and a blurry figure appeared in front of her. It was a boy. 

“I am okay. Thank you!”, she said with a fake smile.

“Your leg is bleeding a bit there. Your elbow is swollen too. If you do not mind, I can take a look.”

 Everything was okay, she thought in contempt. 

She slowly rolls over and sits up to interact with the invader. Her body aches but her soul is pristine. 

“I am fine, thank you. I am fine. Be careful of that spot there though. There’s a hole. Who knew there would be a freaking pothole in a cemetery. You would think with the money they make here would at least cover the holes. That is literally their job here, you know? Absolutely ridiculous.” 

He chuckles. His smile is genuine and he was pleasantly intrigued by Her. 

“You are right. They have truly wronged you.” His eyes peak towards the bike. It looked weathered and battered from its recent experience. Its bright red paint is now a fraction of its former glory. 

 “Your chain seems to have come off too. I can help with that as well” 

She reaches out in defiance and she declares, “I am fine really. Thank you.”

Contrary to her rebellious statement, however, she winces in pain. Her leg feels numb and blood drips from her wound. As she stumbles, he reaches out and helps her regain her balance. She shriveled in fear. He backs off.

“I apologize. I just did not want you to fall. I hope you are okay. Please allow me to at least clean up your wound” 

As she slowly crumbles to the ground, she sighs, admittedly to herself, she does need help. “If you don’t mind. Thank you so much”, she said with a slight smile - this time with less annoyance. Normally she would not let anyone help her. Normally no one offered. Today she was feeling nice.

I shall see what this intruder of peace does.

“Okay just wait here for one second.”

“It’s okay. Thank you. I can’t really move anyways.” She grows a little frustrated in her inabilities. Her helplessness makes her angry. She is reminded of her fragmented home.

As she is deep in thought, he runs towards the path and beeps his vehicle open. He looks back to see the girl’s face grimace. He comes back with a first aid kit. 

“Look at me.” She looks at him. 

“AHHHHHHH, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?”, she thunders as she feels a sharp, burning pain.

With the alcohol wipe in his hand the boy booms in laughter. He diligently, step by step, works on her wound. She bites back in pain and hatred for this vile beast that had invaded her peace. 

I was fine before! I was doing great before you came!

 Her emotion was subsequently subdued as the band-aid was gingerly put on. To her, this is the first time someone put a bandaid on her.

“Why are you even prepared for this type of thing? Who has a first aid kit in the car?” she asks in slight annoyance, gratitude, and mostly pain

The boy laughs. “My dad taught me to be always prepared. You never know what will happen.” 

She could not relate. Her dad never taught her anything. She allowed this act of kindness, but it still caught her off guard. All she could do was mutter, “Oh wow”. 

The boy starts working on the bike. He mumbles to himself and diligently, and step by step, repairs the damage. He stops for a little bit, deep in thought. For a second, she thought his eyes turned red and beady. Just as suddenly, however, he turns around with a smile.

“How are you feeling?” he asks.

“That is the tenth time you asked. I am fine. Really.” 


“No no, why are you sorry. Thank you for helping me. What were you doing around these parts  anyways?” 

“Did you hit your head? What else is there around here?”, He chuckles and points towards a grave. It was well kept, and fresh white roses beside the chiseled stone. “My dad is there. Just visiting him. What are you doing around here?”

“I know I fell, but did YOU hit your head? Clearly I was enjoying a leisure bike ride.” She lied, but they both laugh.

“You are right, damn. Sorry I am a little stupid.”

“No problem, I accept your apology.” 

He smiles and she smiles. A small chuckle blurts out between the both of them. Eventually they both burst out in laughter. 

“Did your dad teach you how to fix the bike?” 

He smiles. “He also taught me how to ride a bike. I fell so many times and now that I think about it, I feel so bad for the bike. He was a loyal steed that went through alot. He was quite the handyman. He knew how to fix everything. Everytime the bike chain fell loose or something was wrong, my dad would teach me how to fix it. I guess that is how I know”

He continued to talk about his dad with excitement. She continued to listen with reciprocated enthusiasm. 

“You turned out alright, your dad wouldn’t be too disappointed in you.”

“You cool too.”

He completes the final touches as they laugh, and asks her how she is feeling. She hops on and goes in a circle to answer his question.  

“Thank you for fixing my bike. You really are a nice guy. Thank you so so so much.” 

“Are you truly okay? I can give you a ride if you want. Your leg looks swollen now.”

“Not a problem at all. Thank you so much for helping me. I do not need a ride. I feel a lot better and I have my trusty Ruby.” She points to her bike.

He laughs. “I believe in you then ... but you named your bike? Ruby? … because she is red?” 

“You have a problem?” 

“You should name it your Attitude, cause it needs to be fixed.”

“Do you want to die? I will end you.” 

They both laugh. Her smile has become genuine. 

“You know, I named my bike too. Truffle” 

“I hate you. Are you serious?”

“Yes. Do you have a problem?” 

“Yes, with you.”

They chuckle. There’s a small silence.

She looked up. Blue clouds and white skies fill the horizons from left to right. The fluffy gentle grass swayed back and forth. She slowly closed her eyes to experience it all. The earth beneath her rustled and life underneath hustled. She felt the ants scurry in single file lines and each blade of the lawn soak up the radiant sunlight. Here, no shouting and no fighting can be heard. No beer bottles were thrown. No muffled tears. It felt like all her problems were fading.

The boy noticed her enjoying the experience. As the sun reflected on the girl, it seemed like she was glowing. The boy settled. It was her time now. 

She takes a deep breath, but this time she breaks the peace. 

“What is your name by the way? You never introduced yourself. I am Luna ”

August 28, 2020 17:00

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1 comment

21:17 Sep 02, 2020

Really good job! I am apparently one of your Critique Circle people, so here's some things I noticed: 1. Sometimes it changes the tense, liked "She looked up." vs "She takes a deep breath" which are past and present tense. I'm a grammar nerd though, I doubt anyone else would notice. 2. The dialogue might flow better if there are apostraphes like, "I'm Luna", but if you wanted to give that kind of vibe, that's totally cool. That's all I saw, otherwise, it was a great story! The dialogue was funny and the description was amazing. Keep...


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