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That was a ten tons , red winged and jumping dragon living in a hidden cave among some bushes in the middle of the icy mountains 

There were no human neighbors all over the place.

Only him.

- This solitude is killing me – the dragon said , jumping.

( as a matter of fact, he used to jump all the time, even tired - or should I say , the whole time? Well, anyway, that was a big red jumping dragon living in a hidden cave ( no ! All over again? Wholly sh..! ) .

On talking about him, he used to spend his days in a lake near the end of that natural road that led to an old stream, behind the little pine trees forest.

During the day he used to wash himself in that waters and to admire his shiny wings.

Everyday, for more than two hundred years , he has being doing it, even under the heaviest rain and heat of high summer season.

One day, he was looking at the water mirror, found a wrinkle in his face.

- Oh , no ! What is this ? Does it mean I am getting older?

No ! – in desperation.

It cannot be !

I am getting older! – without being able to stand up for even move a single sapphire claw from the huge stone in the lake where he was sitting.

 I am more than two hundred years old, grownup enough to find a female dragon, a drakaina, as soon as possible  because, time is rushing, and I have no descendants , which is considered a pity in dragonny hierarchy, and he took a picture from his pocket.

It was the picture of another dragon, an old one, with white bear and gray wings, looking at the camera , before he could get rid of his walking stick by throwing it to the same pine trees forest.

That old guy, was none but his great grandfather , an old navy sailor that got a shipwreck, and whose destiny was to live for one year and die ten seconds after it, in that same pine trees forest – and, according to some people gossip, that was the destiny of all the members of the family  due to  a magic spell given by some young jealous dragon lady that was pissed off with the walking stick, as it was always between the couple.

- I deny myself to have the same destiny that my great grandfather had in the old Jurassic days, as I consider It a public shame not only for myself nor my family, but also for the whole dragon specie.

Mind made up, he started to wash his ten meters wide wings rubbing it with water and some pumice stones that were around, singing some old traditional tunes tought by his father during his school days outside the cave village, two lakes down from his actual residence.

He also washed his plastic-like beak with some mud, so it could get shiny.

At the end of the process – it means, two and a half hours after – he tried to wash his yellowish flowering tail, but, he stopped, staring at his tail for about one minute.

- No way! I have gray feathers here too!

And he started to cry, saying :

It Is the end of the road ! I am done! – and cried so, so, so much - the whole day and night.

- What can I do to solve a puzzle like this ? – over crying and sobbing without taking a break.

It lasted for.more than three days and three nights, non stop, in the middle of that pine trees forest that, slowly, started to get full of water little by little, until it  obviously flooded , killing many reptiles, destroying some plants and even breaking some pine trees branches during the whole summer of that year, which ended with some extra water levels in the rain seasonal records.


( can you believe that?)

And this cry originated another unbelievable thing : the fall of some of that trees caused by the crying water that originated a huge strength during its impact with the pine trees, causing the kill of the whole indian village that was flourishing in that imaginary valley.

And it suffer more transformations, such as the creation of talks narrations and, furthermore, a legend.

This legend says that the shiny dragon not only made the pine trees fall, but it talks about his victory against the evil, as he destroyed the caves where some devil used to live in.

- Exactly ! And all these natural phenomena has given birth to this tiny geological deformation , that we know as valley.

In reality, I also stepped onto the stones and the land surroundings, originating more deformations, which are marked with my footprints.

Yeap! I think I need some weeks, maybe twenty days or a month, of a low calorie diet. 

It will be better to eat more fruits and vegetables than only monkeys!

And dragon, took an avoiding all chances of any sort of furtive glimpses to his hanging belly .

Anyway, the legend also talks about some self destruction.

The thing is that, the old dragon lifted his right and left wings.

- Oh ! My God! It is worse than I could possibly think.

There it was, round and white  shining under his left wing.

- It is impossible! No! This can not be true!

The thing is that he found not only wrinkles, fat, or things like that during the bath: he also found there , a tiny hidden egg , under his left wing.

But…I am not a girl  am ? – he asked himself, doubting, almost trembling in fear or maybe he was trembling for finding something obvious: the whole time thought he was a male dragon but, he was not.

He, was she.

Easy ?

No, not at all.

As he  in depression, kept sitting on that stone for some ten months.

Non stop.p

The worse thing is that he could never stand up again, nor even to look for some mosquitoes, or maybe some snacks, like frogs and rabbits.

Or, stop crying about his last two hundred years thinking he was a dragon , a Male one.

- It is written in my genetic code ! – he said, trying to convince himself about his condition.

So he repeated it continuously,  for hours, days and even months. 

Non stop.

Defying all possibilities of a truth victory, he made his mind up.

Changing his genetic code.

Not physically, but emotionally. 

And he convinced himself that he was he.

And she, had never existed.

So, the egg that he saw, naturally stopped his evolution, and also stopped growing , as it had never existed, because it was not an egg, but an age disruption.

It particularly was something so strange, that the dragon has never seen nothing like this before.

But he won the battle.

May 13, 2020 01:49

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1 comment

P. Jean
01:22 May 21, 2020

A story full of dragon dilemmas....fun reading!


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