Black Coming of Age Contemporary

Your Honour, Judging from the state of everything in this state, I strongly move the motion that the slogan of this state be changed immediately. It is certainly contributing its own quota to the backwardness of the State. All manners of evil is happening here and no force is curtailing them. Home for all. Could you imagine a name like that? member representing Nnewi south said. 

Your honour, we are in 21st centuary, we must by all means stop corruption that has taken roots here especially among us politicians. The problem of the state is us (politicians) not superstition. We must serve the people that voted us into office. member from Idemili north said. 

Your honour, let us work first, then we will know if what we do, will collapse. then, we will know whether it is in the name or the politicians. Member from anaocha said.

You honour, judging from what we have been debating here for the past four hours, it is evident to me that the state problem is with us here. Why are we discussing change of name as if it will erect any structure on the ground. Another member quipped. 

Order!, All your suggestions are recorded, please, let not forget who we are and where we are. Let us observe every  protocol. Your recommendations will be put to vote after the recess. The speaker thundered. 

After break, the house reconvene to finalise the issue of the day. After haggling for another four hours, they decided that there is power in a name. they concluded that the state slogan is bring all manners of questionable characters into Anambra State from other states. so, they changed the Slogan from Home for all to Light of the nation.

Collected their sitting allowances, forwarded their conclusions to the governor for his assent. They all returned to their hotels and their wenches. a true representative of their people.

Three years after changing the slogan of the state, the backwardness of the state increased. The citizens became poorer, crime increased, corruption became more acute. The families devised method of sending their first sons into business after primary or junior secondary school and the second to the university level. On one occasion, governor despite receiving allocations like other states from federal level, refused to pay primary school teachers for nine months and the teachers went on strike. Schools were closed many parent sent their sons into business and girls became housemaids. 

The law makers were busy in state house, comtemplating another name to change. Some were suggesting the slogan to be changed to Home of technology," some perseverance state. They spent almost a year running after rat while their houses were on fire. The number of male enrolment in schools dropped drastically in the state. Governors house different regimes has been building for almost a decade now is yet to be completed. Infact, successive administration has made that project and others of the same nature avenue for siphoning state resources. When journalist confronted the governor on the issue, he told them that he wants to use German method in running his administration. He admonished the journalist to be agent of peace and not discord. He adviced them to be Germanic in their reporting. 

Till he left office, the dividend of Germanic and German method, the citizens did not witness. Infact, he was accused of not leaving any single penny in the coffers of the state by the new governor. The new governor who happened to be successful businessman and British educated, Came to power and cut off all the unnecessary money going to the state assembly, the assembly wanted to pocket the governor, and found it difficult. They decleared open war on the governor, telling the masses that the man is a novice who dont understand the arithmetic of politic as they put It. 

We cannot be around and see those that elected us into office suffering because one man dont have knowledge of how to run government. The lawmakers stated. 

The governor ignored them, he set up with all the Television houses in the state and was televising The state of the state weekly to the masses. Telling them what they did, why it was done and what they are planning to do. 

    This is getting out hand, we must do something to save democracy in this state one opposition house member said. 

How can this man be marketing his ignorance in this nature, state of the state report is done yearly not weekly.Do we need any other evidence to know that we're Dealing with junk yard another said.

Your honour, I move motion for impeachment another enjoined. 

The speaker was eyeing them with annoyance, wondering what is wrong with these guys. 

What will we tell The citizens of the state that we impeached the governor for? he demanded.

No one is entitled for any explanation one enjoined. 

Why are we worrying then? The speaker asked. 

After twenty minutes of shouting and threatening to impeach the speaker, they settled down to their fate and business goes on as usual. 

The governor started with rehabilitation of all the government own schools, tarred all the major roads, enforced environmental laws and made primary school education compulsory. Forced every kid below thirteen years back to school. Stopped child hawking and marriage, introduced awards of one million to all the tertiary institutions in the state to the best student each year. 

In his second tenure, he tackled the perennial power outage the state faces and water corporation of the state started operating again. Created parks and beautified major areas with flowers. 

People started forcing their kids to study hard and aim for the million award. 

Last two years, in Awka University, a lecturer in department of mass communication was expelled from the institution for engaging in fraud to win governors million. It happened that the lecturer was one of the judges in the school. He contacted a girl that is one of the three finalist in the running, made friendship offer to her in exchange for the money. He invited the girl to his hotel and introduced himself.

"I have been wondering for long now if we can be useful to each other?" He began.

" How do you mean?, do I look like a harlot to you?" She asked.

If you are, I will not come near you. Am just wondering if we can scratch each others back maturely.you see, I has this thought running around in my brain for long now, am just wondering if it is right up Your alley?. He asked her.

He tabled the plan and his demands to the girl and she agreed. At the end of the school year, the girl was announced the winner and given a million award. 

Two months later, in school chapel; a priest during his Sunday sermon revealed to everyone what happened and investigation was carried out and the allegation found to be true.

           It happened that the lecturer wanted sex and 10 percent of the money. He gave the girl the project he used in his masters and the girl won. The lecturer was expelled, the money recovered. the girl was stripped of her honor and disgraced.she ended up failing courses she would have passed on her own. 

November 03, 2020 16:08

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Meli Mangos
01:36 Nov 10, 2020

Punctuation can honestly make or break a story. In this case, it feels broken because of lack of punctuation. Not using quotations marks in this story takes the reader away from it. Also, keep an eye on short, choppy sentences and using capital letters at the beginning of sentences.


Philip Ebuluofor
20:10 Nov 12, 2020

Everything was in order where it was typed from. Even before your comment, I noticed that. How can it be like that, I don't know.


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