Fantasy Fiction Sad

She does not rise. I do.

The Abyss claimed us for longer than we had planned. No matter, we did not have much say in the situation. I woke up first as had always been the case through our long lives together. I breathed deep, the air afterwards was always musty and unpleasant, but I always loved the first breath. It tasted like new. My body creaked and cracked as I began to move. It took an uncomfortable amount of time to get my muscles and bones to follow my orders again. The rest we experience was never particularly deep, but it was necessary. It was necessary for all of us. She did not stir as I rose and prepared for what was ahead of us. 

First, it was imperative to check on the state of things outside while we had been cloistered. The people never changed much, but it was important that they knew we were back. I walked towards the window. She had insisted they install a window, she said that the sun could keep us company. The thought made me smile. That’s when I noticed the first hint that it was not as it had always been. The window was open. For how long, I had no idea. We were meant to stay undisturbed while the Abyss had hold on us. All knew the consequences of breaking the pact. 

Perhaps it was a simple mistake, as hard as that was to believe. I never liked to think the worst of people, especially considering how much everyone had invested in this. Even so, I had to continue with the preparations. It was a gloomy day outside, it was winter. She would not like that, she always hoped for an early summer day. I used to love winter. The city had expanded a few miles out while we slept. When we had begun, it was simply the castle I had built with her father. Simple, but proud. The pact was clear, as long as we slept the city could prosper. If we cheated our slumber then tribulation would visit our home. I could hear the singing of the abyssal choirs outside. As was the custom when we would wake. 

I have lost count of how many times we have done this, over how many centuries we had repeated this process. One Day. We were given one Day per every 25 years to spend as we saw fit. Some would have considered this a curse, maybe that is what it was meant to be. That is not how it felt. Because I was with her. I do not know if it was mercy afforded to me or if it was a cosmic clerical error that gifted me an eternity with my beloved. I did not question it, one is rarely discerning when happy. Truly, what more could I ask for? 

I needed to continue the steps we had laid out. I always liked having things done early before she woke, that way the day was ours. I cleaned what dust had accumulated and cleared out what critters had infiltrated our little haven. I opened the door and picked up the meal and drinks laid out for us, taking a moment to appreciate that a servant would prepare a meal for us every day regardless of the fact that none knew what day of the year we would rise. I prepared our coffee and made my way to the bed once more.

I sat next to her and stared at her for a moment. We had known each other as children. I have known many princesses since then, none were so clearly royal as she. While I would call her superior in every manner, she would never lord her standing over anyone. Not that she was particularly humble, her voice would easily pierce a crowd. She was so clever that none could challenge her intellect, not that any dared. She was so curious about her surroundings, always inquisitive about the inner workings of creation. Often she would spend our Day reading about what new discovery was made while we were under. Some would call her brash and graceless — I would call them cowards. I loved her instantly and hopelessly. I always felt as if I could just bask in her light that would be enough. That she would set her attention on me was astonishing. She saw in me something I never recognized, I still don’t. It was my life fulfilled when I heard her laugh. While I adored her she lifted me into confidence. We were content with each other.

She slept still. Longer than usual. I found it difficult to rouse her. I loved her face when it was steeped in the bliss of sleep. I knew she would not be happy with me if she slept through the morning. So I placed my hand on her shoulder and still she slept. This was to be expected, the Abyss would hold us tight when we slept. At least, I thought so.

She was not breathing.

What is that fateful moment that insouciance turns to alarm? I look back and am filled with envy at the prospect of ignorance I held before knowing what true terror awaited me. When you follow your day-to-day routine, unsuspecting of the destined swipe of malicious intent upon your life; when can one really be prepared for that? She looked like an angelic portrait lying there. Her peace grieved me. Panic filled me. Horror washed over my heart. I held her and screamed. She did not rise. I did. She was gone. I was alone.  

I wish I could tell you I did not remember what happened next. I wish I could have forgotten how long I held her limp in my arms. I wish the image of her face, my teardrops spread across were gone from my mind. I wish I could tell you I honored her memory, that I remained composed and regal. I wish I could tell you that I did not know what happened.

The truth is not so kind. 

It was then I heard It. 


December 05, 2023 16:32

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