Dalloway & Descent

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story told entirely through text messages or emails.... view prompt



18th April 2003

Hi Lucia (I hope I’m spelling that right?),

Thank you for taking the time to chat on the phone just now. I sincerely believe we can make a difference to your bookstore’s supply chain. As promised, I am sending you this so you have my contact information. If there is anything our firm can offer please don’t hesitate getting in touch.

Best wishes,


PS still can’t believe Mrs Dalloway is your favourite book!

23rd April 2003

Hi again Lucia,

Sorry for emailing again I just wanted to check if you saw my earlier message and were at all interested in speaking any more, about our services that is? I completely understand if not, but it would be great to hear from you if you are interested.

Kind regards,


25th April 2003

Hey Albert,

I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to reply, business has been pretty manic (maybe we need your help after all!). To be frank we may not have much in the way of budget for consultants currently, but if you ever fancy helping a girl out pro bono let me know. Or maybe because you don’t like Mrs Dalloway I can pay you in good book appreciation lessons? Don’t know why I’m emailing at 8pm I’m sure you won’t see this until Monday, sorry!

All the best,


25th April 2003

I still think aoubt our phone convesartion evrey day. You are so wonerdful I loved takling to you so much. I’d give yuo any bro pono support you need. I lov you xxxxxx Albie

26th April 2003

Lucia I am so so sorry for that last email. That was so unprofessional I really can’t apologise enough. Can’t work out what’s worse, the shame or this hangover! Truly I’m so sorry.

No words can express how sorry I am.

Please forgive me


28th April 2003

Well that was certainly something to greet me on a Monday morning. First you don’t like Mrs Dalloway now this, strike two ‘Albie’. I guess the only way to make it up to me is to take me out for dinner isn’t it. I’m also looking forward to reading the 2000 word essay titled ‘Why Mrs Dalloway is a masterpiece,' you will write and bring to dinner as part of your apology. Deal?


28th April 2003

Those are terms I can gladly accept. Considering I was expecting to be reported and sacked this morning for that email, anything would have sufficed, but dinner and some kind of GCSE essay discussion sounds perfect. I’ll meet you at Stasera Cenado in town at 7 this Friday?

3rd May 2003

Wow I still can’t believe you wrote the essay. Top marks! There were parts that were remarkably similar to a few book reviews that are top of the search list when you google ‘why is Mrs Dalloway good?’ but I’ll allow it. Thanks for a great night, although I’m still being punished for those sambuca shots you ordered...before the food arrived, you’re an animal. Either way I think we’re probably just about even for your naughty email.

3rd May 2003

I knew I’d be rumbled! I had a great time, same time same place this Friday?

3rd May 2003

Sounds perfect, I’ll send an advance notice letter to my liver warning the poor thing about the sambuca.

14th November 2011

Dear Mr Albert Stesso,

I am legally representing your wife Lucia Stesso and am hereby informing you of her intention to terminate your marriage on the grounds of infidelity.

As my client sacrificed her business and livelihood to look after yours and her children, she is expecting to be compensated fairly. Additionally she mentioned your problems with alcoholism and is thus asking for full parental custody.

Please inform me of your legal representation and their contact details so I can progress this process accordingly.

Kind regards,

Elizabeth Sart

Williamson & Taylor Family Law Department

14th November 2011

Luce why the fuck have I just got an email from our lawyer asking about a divorce and why have you blocked my phone number what the fuck is going on. Look I was honest with you, I told you what happened. You didn’t say a word and this is the first communication I get. Don’t act like this was all my fault we’re both to blame here. And you’re going after my money and the kids what the fuck is that. It was one stupid night please it was a mistake. Talk to me Luce please. Think about the kids.

15th November 2011

Hello again Mr Stesso,

I would kindly ask you to not communicate with Ms Stesso. Not only is this prohibited but any messages will be used against you in court so it’s neither legal, nor in your best interest.


Elizabeth Sart

Williamson & Taylor Family Law Department

16th November 2011

Dear Mr Roberts,

I’m so sorry for what happened today, I had no idea my husband would do anything like that. I know it’s no excuse at all, but we are currently separating and he is reacting to it poorly. Clearly.

Truly I can assure you it will never happen again, I have alerted the security desk and shown them a picture of him to ensure he will never be allowed into the office again. This job means a lot to me and I'd hate for this to ruin my reputation or favour with you. You know how hard I have been working and how good I am at my job. I am very eager to guarantee this does not reflect me or the quality of my work here at Thurgood Publishing.

Please let me know if you would like to talk about this further or if you have any concerns I can put to rest.

Best regards,

Lucia Stesso

Assistant Editor. Thurgood Publishing

21st November 2011

Dear all,

This is a local public service announcement. If anyone has seen, or knows the whereabouts of Mr. Albert Stesso please contact us immediately. He was last seen within two miles of this district three days ago, near Lake Spiazzante. Please see attached a recent picture of Mr. Stesso. Please do get in touch if you have any information that may be useful to finding him.

Yours sincerely,

Rushfall District Police Department

22nd November 2011

Dear Mrs Stesso,

I regret to inform you that we believe to have uncovered your husband’s body. It was found in Lake Spiazzante at around 4 o clock this morning. Please accept my deepest condolences at this time.

I appreciate this may be difficult but we will need you to come in to identify his body. Please let us know when would be a good time for you and we will ensure the process is as quick and involves the least amount of trauma possible.

Our thoughts are with you and your family,

Sgt Praft

Rushfall District Police Department

23rd November 2011

My darling Lu,

I tried calling but your phone must be off. I don’t know if you’ve seen this or not but I thought you’d want to know for sure. It’s only an article in the local newspaper but it seems conclusive. They say he was found in the lake and stunk of Sambuca even after having been in the water for hours. Don’t think you need to see the body to know it was him, the scumbag.

I’m so sorry my precious Lu. I can’t imagine what you must be going through. All I might say is, hopefully you can take the smallest crumb of comfort in knowing this nightmare that’s been going on for years is now over. The importance of finality and concrete facts are underrated in times like these. I can’t say I know what you are feeling but I know what it felt like seeing your mum slowly fade away for years, without the harsh, brutal blessing of conclusion. I’m sorry if I’ve spoken out of turn, I just love you and know you deserved more than him.

I love you with all my heart my Lucia, please call when you can

Dad xxx

March 24, 2020 19:01

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21:53 Apr 01, 2020

Wow you packed so much emotion and story into just emails!


Lex Briggs
12:57 Apr 05, 2020

Thank you so much Rebekah, I really enjoyed reading some of your work just now too


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