

“Hey! Daniella!” I was waiting for Daniella to open her circular window when my Siberian husky came whimpering in. 

“Oh Luna, what now? Did Mr. Hank catch you pooping on his lawn again? I thought I told you not to do that.” Luna put her well-groomed fuzzy hair on my lap, and licked my fingers. I was guessing that was a yes. I looked up to not only see Mr. Hank picking up dog poop but also to my delight Daniella waving her hand at me. I opened up my window, poked out my head, and informed her that my parents weren't home. 

“Oh good, I’m glad,” she said in a relife. 

“Look at Mr. Hank, I think he’s sick?” I said with a shiver in my voice. 

“He’ll be fine, don’t worry,” Daniella said reassuringly. 

After what felt like 10 minutes a grey jeep pulled up in Margo’s driveway, her parents emerged from her car with her little sister Lucy and Margo’s twin brother Thomas. Margo shut the window and checked her phone. “ We were talking for 2 hours oh my,” she thought, she ran to her bed, picked up her book, and put on her reading glasses. Margo was much like her mother, she had a curly black afro, beautiful amber skin, glasses. But she also had some of her dad in her lush green eyes, her smile as big as the ocean and her height as though she was touching the stars every time she reached.

‘Hi, sweetheart what are you doing? We got Edo your favourite!” called Jamie, Margo’s dad. 

“ I am reading, and sounds fantastic!” I yelled back. I heard dad run up the stairs. ‘Nock’ “Hey Maggy. How is your book?” 

“It’s quite lovely, how was the museum?” I said quietly “OK well just meet us downstairs for Edo Japan.” 

Margo skipped down the stairs with a delightful smell of her favourite sukiyaki beef lingering around the house. Dinner was filling, sukiyaki beef, sushi, teriyaki chicken and some fortune cookies.

 “ Hey, mom did you pick up my craft supplies.

” I wondered “yes on the way to the museum I did, Oh ya and there is a new Science exhibit about the universe and space. We could maybe go on Saturday how does that sound?” mom said with excitement in her beautiful voice. 

“ Sounds fun! I’m excited! “But I have to tell you something. Our new neighbour and I have been hanging out and she is timid.”

 “Oh, well why didn’t you tell us that’s wonderful!”Said mom joyfully.

 “Well, why don’t we have her over?” Jamie said

“No we have to continue talking through the window. Plus I have to go talk to her now. Thanks for dinner! Love you!” 

I sat in the fluffy blue couch next to my window talking to Daniella “So, Daniella why don’t you come to meet my family?” I asked, curiosity lingering in my voice. 

“No, No I mean what if they don’t like me…… What if they never let us hang out again?!”

“Fine…. Mom! Dad! Come here!” I bellowed

“Hey… Wait noo! Daniella shrieked.

At that moment the door burst open and Margo’s mom and dad burst in.

“Oh my, is this Daniella? Hello my name is Jamie you can call me, Mr. Barton. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“And my name is Monique Greenwood Barton consider calling me Monique. It’s also a pleasure to meet you dear.”

The discussion went well in my perspective and Daniella was so delighted to meet them she started a window sill book club. Our other neighbours Alice and Honey joined. The first book we read together was 

‘The Small Wizard and a flock of purple Owls’: “I found The Small Wizard and a flock of purple Owls by Emerson van Essen mystacal wonderous and full of laughter and friendship.” I said loudly so that everyone could hear me. 

“Me too,” Honey said 

“As for me I thought the book was inspiring,” said Alice. 

“The book was full of Wonders,” Daniella said in a horrible British accent (although the sentence was spot on from the book.) everyone giggled.


2 years had past and The Book Club and I visited every single day through our window. The only thing wrong in the past years was that Mr. Hank passed away a week ago due to cancer. The whole neighbourhood was down especially his wife Lory Hank, so for the first time the book club opened up to not only Green Road but the whole Harvest River Town to honour Mr. Hank! Daniella, Honey, Alice and I put up posters that read:

The Window Sill Book Club!

  • Grab some microphones because we need to be heard!
  • All people 9 and up can participate and share your opinion!
  • Hosted by Margret Greenwood Barton, Daniella Farfield, Honey Lavendoff and Alice Winchester! Call 123-883-1234.
  • 13 Dollars each participant to honour Mr. Hank and to pay for books!
  • Meeting days Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:30!
  • What to bring? Your book a drink if you want, a megaphone and a comfy spot to sit!
  • Where to meet? At your window!

Hope to see you there!


Singed: Margret Greenwood Barton, Daniella Farfield, Honey Lavendoff and Alice Winchester!

Daniella was so excited she could hardly talk every occasion a book club meeting was on. And the best part about it was that she was not shy anymore! 

Ding!Ding! I looked at the phone and saw an unknown number. I cautiously picked up the phone. “Hello, Margret Greenwood Barton speaking” I said with butterfly in my stomach.

“Hello this is mayor Stephanie, and I wanted you and your friends to be on the NEWS from your windows at 4:00 sharp please be ready,” she said 

“Okie Dokie that sounds great!” I said ready to explode with happiness.



‘DAD!” I shouted my dad went up the stairs opened my door and stared at me “I just got a call from the Mayor and she said at 4:00 sharp I’m going to be on the news!” “Good for you sweetheart! Said Jamie a large grin on his head.

8 minutes later I had already sprinted to Honey’s house, Alice’s house and Daniella’s house and described to them exactly what the mayor had said. “Oh well we’d better get to your window right now! It’s 3:59 hurry! Alice said shocked. We burst into my house, sprinted up the stairs to my bedroom and stuck our heads out my large window. At exactly 4:00 sharp they arrived, the news crew. 

“ Hi we are the Window sill book club we were hoping you could search your neighbourhood for posters that say “ The window sill book club” we hope you can make it and have a wonderful day!” we said beaming proudly at each other. “Great job!”

I woke up the next day feeling good. It was Friday and Sunny. When I went down for breakfast the book club was crowding our dining table next to my family. “Good morning there are people here to see you Maggie” Said Mom. As I opened the door with my friends the whole town was standing at my doorstep yelling: Were here for the book club or where do we sign up!?. I was standing there thunderstruck. “ come on let’s go get 7 clipboards 1 million pieces of paper and a bundle of pens.” Daniella said I shut the door and grabbed as much as I could.

At the first meeting they got a book called the “The Wich of What.” By Emerson van Essen. It was wonderful they got to help out Lori and read. I was proud and when it was all over we were exhausted but beaming with happiness and pride all in one. And so every Monday Wednesday and Friday at 7:30 they hosted a book club through their windows. It became a tradition in Harvest River and windows were a part of everyone. We lived Happily ever after. The End of my story.   

April 22, 2020 21:32

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Grace Van Essen
21:31 Apr 27, 2020

I like your story :)


21:33 Apr 27, 2020



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