Mystery Teens & Young Adult Fantasy


The book was an ordinary affair, brown worn spine with faded lettering, sitting amongst other drab works of olive and maroon. But to Luke, it was as though the book was a bright copper in a pile of bits. Something about the book spoke to him, whispering secrets in his ear as though it would tell him all he wanted to know and more. He stood in the middle of the library's east wing, duster clutched in hand, among the towering shelves of dusty tomes. And here in the farthest reaches of the library, against the very back wall, he had found the book. He moved closer slowly, sidestepping as if he walked directly towards the book it would vanish. The closer he got the imagined voices got louder, coaxing him in closer. He reached out, and as his fingers brushed the spine…. Nothing. He had expected a shock or a warmth or something. The book came easily from the shelf as though it wanted to jump into his hands. Out of all the volumes this one had not a speck of dust, as though someone had just wiped it. The cover was plain brown leather except for a symbol of a door in flaking gilt. Not willing to wait anymore Luke carefully opened the tome. The words on the page were in a language he could not read. And as he looked closer the words got larger and larger. Soon he realized that when he looked around all he saw were words and yellowed paper. Then the falling sensation hit him, and he went down, down into the pages.


Luke Lancaster walked down the hall, it was generally understood that Luke would be late for class. “Late Luke” they all called him, And I mean all, classmates, teachers even his mother. Luke felt his ears warm as he trudged closer to Mrs. Weezleks' class. He knew he was in for it this time,  it was his third week of school and he had been late every single day. He let his eyes wander to the finely arched ceiling of the marble hallway, with its ornate carved details and expansive frescos with depictions of somber scholars. He didn't belong here, he knew it too, the only reason he was here was because his mother got a job as a laundress. And lucky for him his schooling was part of the package. His mother scolded him daily that he should be thankful for the opportunity that was given, but he just couldn't see it. He wanted to be back at the Heimlich School For Young Boys getting up to no good with his old pals. He didn't fit in here with the stuffy uniforms and puffed-up boys with soft baby-pink faces. He sighed as he reached the door, the tall imposing oak mountain looming above him ominously.

“Why was everything so tall here?” He thought “It's as though they built it for giants, and then they never came.”

the murmurs of speech slipped through the door, he reached up, ears still alight, and pulled back the oversized brass knocker, up over his head. Taking a breath he released it, and it came slamming down with a resounding BANG! All murmurs stopped, all Luke heard was his own heart hammering. Then the silence broke.

“Now, who could that possibly be” boomed the baritone of Mrs Weezlek “It most certainly could not be the Lancaster boy” 

The angry sarcasm in the voice was sour milk on Luke's tongue, as she approached.

The door swung ajar, and from above loomed the biggest set of red glasses ever made, perched upon a huge hook nose, with two beady eyes resting on either side. 

“Well, well, well color me surprised, it's Late Luke, who would have guessed. Anything to say for yourself boy?” she bellowed spit cascading onto Lukes's face.” you have been late every day for two weeks!”

Luke wiped the spit from his brow. “Sorry Mrs. Weezlek, My alarm didn't go off.”

 Real Story?

Mike Mavvek stole his only pair of clean uniform pants while showering and then hung them from the statue of Arnold The Ranunculus’s pointy hat. It had taken him 30 minutes to wait for the halls to be empty enough to scamper out and climb up and get them. And if that's not all he now had a hole in the seat of his pants as big as a bullfrog.

“Oh I'm sure it didn't, well if you're going to be late every day then you are going to have to do extra work to keep up.” she boomed once again. “after class go down to Mrs. Spadefoot and help her until supper”

Luke groaned, Mrs. Spadefoot was the worst punishment, the horror stories he heard about helping her were awful. It was rumored when little Ray Alistar was tasked with cleaning the top shelves, he slipped on the dust and broke his spine. He was never heard from again. They didn't even find him for 3 days.

Before he could step into the class her hamlike arm shot out.

“Oh, And it seems you could use a little positive influence. How about we move your seat next to my favorite student, Mike? Could you make room for your tardy classmate?”

Mike gave a delighted grin. “Of course Ma’am, I would love to”

Double groan.

He walked over to his new desk then plopped down, and immediately jumped up muffling a curse. There was a tack in his chair. Originally, he thought and shot Mike a withering glare.

 Mike kept his easy grin settled on his face, Luke turned and faced the board.

Mr. Weezlek finished scrolling on the board and turned to face the class, “Take out yesterday's homework everyone” she said. 

Luke reached down and grabbed his book bag, sliding out yesterday's homework. As he set it on his desk he saw that it was only half finished. Toadwarts, he thought, Mom's gonna kill me.

He hurriedly attempted to finish the homework, but as he got to the third to last question, he felt a tug on the paper. The paper was ripped from his hands, and standing over him was, of course, Mrs Weezlek. 

“Times up young man, if you ever want to pass my class I recommend you take some tips from Mike.” she thumped “That boy is a perfect role model” giving a disfiguring smile to Mike.

Mike's grin only got wider.

 Luckily Luke managed to pass the rest of the class without much incident other than taking Mike's spitballs and kicks to the shin beneath the table. But of course, he only had the library to look forward to.

The library was a once beautiful space that spoke of the last owners' delicate care. Unfortunately, it did not speak well of the current owner's care. The shelves were tall and crooked and books lay in stacks to shoulder height. And amongst the mess was Mrs spadefoot, with her wiry frame and even more wiry hair, she looked like a scarecrow that found nails in his breakfast oats. As Luke meandered through the stacks and around piles of scrolls, once he reached her at the small and only desk, he cleared his throat.

“Excuse me,” he said quietly ”Mrs Spadefoot?” when she didn't react he raised his voice.”MRS SPADEFOOT”


“Sorry, sorry thought maybe you were asleep,” he said.




Ready for the interaction to be over, he snatched the duster from her hands, and as he was walking away she said.


Eyes rolling he picked his way to the east wing.



Luke's head was spinning, and it hurt, he dragged his eyes open. Above him was a bright blue sky, he blinked confused the last thing he remembered was the library. He slowly stood looking all around him, he was in a garden, with long rows of bushes, statues, and flowers dotted throughout. Then he noticed a bench, and on the bench sat an old man in white robes with a frog on his tall pointed hat. As he looked at him, the man looked at him and smiled. 

“Finally he said” in a warm comforting voice” I have been waiting for you”

“You have?”Squeaked Luke

“Yes of course, why wouldn't I be?” he chuckled eyes crinkling

“Who are you?” Luke stammered.

“Your Father.” He said slowly. Luke was stunned, he couldn't speak.

The man laughed ” I'm joking son, look at your eyes big as saucers, I am your kin though” he said looking serious.”I am your Grandfather”

Luke was still baffled. “Why are you here, what is this?” he said

“I am here to tell you who you are, and what this place is. Well that is a story for another time”

“Tell me who I am?” Luke said, confused “Who are you?”

“I am Luke Lancaster” the man who claimed to be his grandfather said

“That my name,” Luke said now thoroughly confused

“Well, of course, you named after me” he chuckled again. “I founded this university 300 years ago, with my brother Araleus” now speaking very seriously ”I sent you here to tell you of your future, there are many great things needed of you. But that too is for later, First I just want to make sure you understand that you deserve to be here, and there are great things in store for you.”

Luke was stunned but strangely consoled.”I do?”

“Yes boy!” said the man now smiling bigger than ever.

Luke's heart warmed and before he could stop himself, he moved forward into the man's arms and held him tight. He smelled of home and new beginnings. And finally Luke felt like he belonged.

November 11, 2023 02:37

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