Drama Holiday Creative Nonfiction

I hold the red card in my hand, twiddling its intricate ribbing. The wax mark was imprinted with the letter Katherine for the recipient's name, and it looked like it was my name.

I put on a self-made H&N altered from the original dress, which is the designer's job, to make everything special and shine.

I drove my Audé, it had been a long time since the last time I last used it, five years. Ever since that horrible accident, I had hardly found the courage to get in that car again. But today is another occasion, I never expected this chance to come. Nevertheless, I know I'll take it.


The kids were off for the summer, so the class meeting took place in the student hall, a standing party. I solemnly pulled the flaring train of my skirt, each skirt line went up the red carpet stairs. I stopped in front of the large door, already saw a few familiar figures inside. As soon as I handed the card to the girl at the door, her face seemed to glow.

- Oh Katherine, you look so different, even prettier than before.

- Thank you - I smiled and quickly glanced at the necklace engraved with her own name, so this was the girl hanging around back then - Stacia, you too.

Stacia was my number one fan that time. It is hard to find a word to describe her gratitude and happiness when she saw me remember her name. Stacia's face brightened, her mouth beamed brightly, the girl hurriedly turned to her next to partner to ask him to greet her guests, then casually reached around me to welcome me.

- Thought you wouldn't come. Is a party like this too trivial for you?

- No - I laughed, saying exactly what Stacia wanted to hear - I was no longer an arrogant kid at that time.

Stacia laughed back, her eyes narrowed together. We all knew clearly in our mind which memory we were heading to. In the autumn of about seven years ago, one of the kids I bullied was planning revenge before leaving school. How pathetic it was, the plan failed before it even started, but that girl had to go on. Because what it chose to take revenge by is a show-off party. Oh how nostalgic. Both Stacia and I laughed. It was a fine morning, we the seniors gave up our books and counted down to the graduation day. And that's when the loudspeaker suddenly made the announcement.

"For everyone who is a senior at the school. I know this is a hit, but tonight, at the basketball court there will be a "expose" party. There are no qualifications. Join in, come and have fun if you have time! "

That's it, a weird and sudden announcement, all the students at that time looked like a bunch of idiots. The voice on the loudspeaker was unknown, but the content was stupidly funny. My boyfriend Joseph stroked my hair and laughed.

- What the hell is a "expose" party? - He pulled his face closer to me and took a deep breath - You certainly have a share, this little devil.

That joke was not very happy for me, making my spine cold. No one in this whole school caused more hatred than me. If the name of the party is clear like that, maybe I should also be a bit prepared to guard myself.

I had to skip my fabulous make-up, put on a rustic hoodie and covered my face with a mask. I walked quickly to the basketball court, which didn't look like it was about to hold a party. I wonder which idiot would play this game, and would such foolishness harm me?

- Silly! - I got annoyed, raised my feet and kicked an empty can of water in the stands. I can't believe I was wasting my time and then rushed here. But just as I was about to turn away, I happened to see a purple t-shirt with jeans. Oh really? Lilia, what is that rustic nerd doing here? Don't say she was the one who made this game.

Thinking for a moment, I decided to keep an eye on it silently instead of provoking. Lilian is a typical nerd, her clothes have only one style, she always wears a pair of glasses, her hair is messy, her face is messy, her manner is sloppy. Only her existence is a thorn in my eyes. I just want her out of my sight. So I dumped her books, kicked her bag a few meters away, poured sauce into her locker and filled his desk with curses. Yet she persistently carried the body to school. Such a long life as a cockroach.

Back to the basketball court, Lilian was wearing a black backpack, she put it off and lay it against her lap to open it. He pulled out a stack of A4 paper. No, to be more precise when I squinted, they were photos. Until there, I know something was wrong. As soon as that little girl looked around scurryingly, I slumped behind the row of chairs, my knees hitting the aching ground. Through the gap between the two blue chairs in front of me, I saw Lilian throwing those pictures in the air, letting them scatter and fill the basketball court. Someone tell me what crazy this nerd is planning. She looked like she was in a fit. In the final photos, I can see Lilian clutching them tightly, hatred that she can't tear them to pieces. The crumpled photo fell to the feet of a madman, and Lilian stood there breathing hard, it must be the photo of the girl she hates most. She moved his feet up and crushed the pictures. Until tiredness and boredom filled her, until the madness was over, she left.

I can't wait to see if it's my photo or not any longer. I ran down the court and picked a random picture. How surprising, it is me. But the content of the photo was completely astonishing. How the hell did Lilian get this picture, in which I was kissing my best friend Anette's boyfriend, Sylvian. If she and Joseph saw it, my life would end. The other photos were just as horrible, from the picture of me cutting Devanie's shirt to the picture I handed the teacher the phone Gorege had been trying to hide. Dammit! I'm so pissed that I want to punch someone and break his nose right now. Since when has that Lilian been following me? This party is definitely out of place, just for people to come and know my misery.

But anyway, Lilian was just an idiot. She carelessly threw away these photos here without even thinking I would notice them first. Now everything is easy, just put all this away and burn it.

The work also took quite a bit of time, but since that was a fighting against the child I hate, I was extremely productive.

When the basketball court was clean, I should be able to go home now, lie on the bed, surf the net and ignore this pointless party. But no, I can't easily let go of that nerd of a nerd. To think that she would dare to take revenge against me with this trick, I would boil again. Okay, she wanted to play me right? I will let her know what it is to play till the end.

I walked back to school, thinking about how to humiliate that nerd. But it was difficult to retaliate in the same way as her because Lilian did not do anything wrong. So if I want to harm her, I need to create a good reason first. It might seem trivial to say this, but the trick of stealing things and blaming others is never outdated.

When I got to school, most of the people had left, the hallway was deserted and there were no cameras, making it more convenient for me to sin. One thing wasn't enough to harm Lilian, I had with me Joseph's car keys, I knew where Annette's locker key was, also knew she kept her bra in it. I also know that the only left photo of Miss Violet's late son was in Class 15. I was myself surprised and horrified of how terrible I am at times. But okay, who cares about those things forever. All had been arranged properly, in Lilian's closet.

I didn't attend that misrepresented plan party. But the next day when I arrived at school I saw Annette pretending to be weak to cry with Sylvian, I saw Miss Violet grabbing Lilian's parents by the neck in the principal's chaotic office. Joseph called me last night, blaming me for losing the keys to Lilian. I panicked and complained that I completely didn't expect that nerd to be a stealer.

School became a miniature hell for Lilian, as all the students were looking at her with scorn and discrimination. That's why it's important to have at least one or two best friends, so they can stand up for you every time something happens. Lilian had lived in seclusion for three years, even though the whole school knew she wasn't the real culprit, they would just ignore and calmly admit the evidence. At the last minute, but Lilian still didn't understand this principle, she was so pathetic that she insisted on blaming me in despair.


- Do you think she dares to come, Katherine?

- Who? - I pretend I'm surprised - Lilian? Best not.

My mouth is a witch's, as soon as that sentence ended, a taxi pulled up in front of the door. The driver did not step down to open the door but the passenger inside stepped out, to Stacia's amazement and excitement, she hurriedly raised her voice, drawing all the attention of the hall.

- Yo, see who's coming to us, everyone, Lilian Purvetti.

I smiled, also tense a little while looking at Lilian. That nerd wore an A-shaped dress, her hair was cut short and curly, also the figure was better than before. Without seeing her invitation, no one would expect this to be Lilian. Unfortunately, ink is the clearest proof of a human's identity.

The whole hall was full of people who hated Lilian, or still, like that year, needed one person to resent. They scornfully watched her stepping up the stairs, allusions steadily coming out.

- Did she steal that dress? Should have chosen the one that suits her.

- Everyone, be careful with your furniture, especially the girls in bra. - Someone joked loudly. The whole hall laughed.

Meanwhile Lilian has arrived, she holds the card in front of Stacia, frowning at us.

- This card was sent wrongly.

- Send what wrong? - I smirked, raised my card and waved it in front of her. - Lilian, are you going to blame me again?

Lilian rolled her eyes and looked at the card in my hand, her mouth gaped at me without saying any more words than a meaningless boo. How pathetic it is, Stacia, Annette and a few other classmates had arrived. We stood side by side, as if a massive bullying team. Lilian was isolated on the opposite side, her face turned pale quickly, her mouth stammered.

- No, that's not true. There is a misunderstanding.

- There is no misunderstanding. - How ridiculous it was to hear she say. - How many things did you do that year, and you still turn up here?

- Hey - Stacia pointed at Lilian in the face, the situation was getting more and more tense, my blood was boiled. Turns out the feeling of wanting to get into a fight is like this - How many years, have you not changed your vile nature?

It's so horrible, I can imagine the crisis of being cursed by a bunch of people. Lilian didn't seem to have experienced this before, she couldn't make any more excuses. Only a little movement of the mouth will make the surrounding people cruel. It's just that I suddenly became kind and wanted to draw a way out for Lilian, otherwise she wouldn't capable of running away.

- Are you still standing there? This place does not welcome you. Hurry and go home.

Lilian's face was filled with disgrace, as if something was lodging in her throat. She kept staring at the card in my hand, at me as if she wanted to devour them both. But it can't be helped. If I were her, I would also leave rather than stay more agressive.

In the end, losers are still not accepted. I sighed, the party is still going hot but I'm not as excited as before. After a round of greeting all old friends, I called my boyfriend to pick me up, my car can be picked up for tomorrow.


David has always been a great boyfriend, he was there after only 10 minutes even though it wasn't a weekend. He was just as gentle as always, opening the door and handling me to the front seat in front of the crowd of admiration and envy behind him.

Closing the car door, we laughed, David kissed my forehead, ran his hand through my hair.

- You have an appointment with Dr. Pole today, right?

- Yes. - I sighed, it's been five years since that surgery, but I still have to have a routine check-up. Dr. Pole is such a good and trustworthy person, he's just too curious, when there are things I won't be able to share.


Dr. Pole went through the same checks every time, and then as usual, he asked annoying questions.

- Who is that person after all?

- I told you, Dr. Pole - I tried to smile to hide my discomfort. - She's a foreign music star, she's just not popular within our country. I really idolize her so I want to undergo surgery to look like her

Doctor Pole stared at me, not for check-up, but to analyse to see through my lie. That made me very uncomfortable, but in the end, he didn't say anything, silently nodded to report the situation and saw me off.

Out of the clinic, the phone rang, it was a strange number, but I still picked up.

- Hello, are you Lilian Purvetti? The post office sent you the wrong post the day before ...

- It's okay, I solved it myself.

I cut the postman's announcement, hung up, and block that number.

On the other side of the road, David smiled brightly in greeting. I swooped to his lap, hugged tightly.

- You seemed very happy today, Lilian.

- Of course - I chuckled satisfactorily - Finally, I can revenge them.

Fortunately David is not too moralistic, he only cared for me.

- They deserve it. You did a great job, Lilian.

On the way home, I reconsidered something. Wasn't David's job sorting posts at the post office? I turned to him in suspicion. In response, he blinked cunningly.

- That's right my love. Shouldn't you thank me for this fantastic swap?

September 28, 2020 02:30

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