"New Year's Day"

Submitted into Contest #231 in response to: Set your story on New Year's Day.... view prompt


Funny Happy Holiday

"Happy New Years Day"! Its a great day for the new year. There are a lot of sales today. This is what people enjoy the most after the New Years Eve. The weather has started out a little cloudy. Overall, it looks pretty much like another holiday. We always set resolutions for the new year. Some of us may set goals and actually proceed with them.

I have set only two resolutions for the beginning of the day. I vowed to start eating healthier and doing more cardio. In my mind, I said I would no longer eat heavy meals. I clean out my closet throwing out old things. Cleaning out your closet is almost organizing your life. The only hard thing about the resolutions is sticking to them.

If you guys are anything like me, we set these goals and forget about them. After a few months these resolution are the furthest thing from our mind. I am awful when it comes to committing to diet plan. I think it would be better to just not commit to a diet plan. I feel like it would be better to start eating in moderation. I am trying start out positive on my resolutions.

Traditionally, cooking black eye peas is a southern tradition. This tradition is known for bringing good luck. Folks believe that the more peas you eat, the more money you get. I haven't cook any at all this year. I am done on cooking holiday foods this year. I would like to do more salad recipes. Although black eye peas are a great source of protein and good for your health.

I thought about the ways that I can manage my finances. I wanted to save up so that I can travel on vacations. Or maybe even starting a side hustle. I would like to maybe start getting out more with my family. Investing in my writing is another goal that I would like to set. I realize that I have a lot to do this year and haven't yet began.

I left the house at ten o clock to get an early start on sales this morning. Walmart was packed as usual and the sales are about the same as last year. The televisions are always in the aisles marked down to still "HIGH!" It's amazing how everyone is thinking the same thing. We set out to hit stores like Walmart early, only to get there and leave. I know that I am not the only person that does that.

I have had enough of walking laps in Walmart for today. I didn't purchase anything. The store was so crowded that each aisle was hard to get on. This is like an everyday thing and the holiday sales just make it worst. I sometime do the online shopping for better deals. The disadvantage is not being able to see the actual size on the item that you bought.

Leaving the parking lot was just as congested as going in the stores. I thought what a waste of time I didn't get a chance to buy a thing. The traffic was almost like driving the bumper cars. I was glad to get back on the road to civilization. You could see all the Christmas decoration being put away. They are putting that away and up comes the W-2 tax return displays. "LOL!" I'm done with it already.

New years day along with any holiday always bring drama sales. There's always a catch to the items that you are about to purchase.

The coupons are never matching the markdown sales. It's always a clause in the "before you purchase item." They want you to buy three at regular price to get a fourth for free. The enjoyment of shopping and saying, "What a great deal!" is gone.

I headed to the discount stores where most things are marked down like everyday. You can never go wrong in any discount store that has low prices everyday. The problem with the discounted items is that they may not have good quality. At a discount store you pay for what you get. We take a chance a great price but a risk at quality. I grab a cart and begin shopping, "Boy this was going a lot smoother"!

I admit this was much better given the fact that everyone was stuck in Walmart. I felt like I was at the mall when it opens up early in the morning. I wish I could of had the same experience at Walmart. The New Years is also where you run into old friends. People are usually off on that day looking for great deals. I ran into some old class mates who where also recovering from Walmart.

Finally, I got home and discovered that I bought the same thing twice. I looked to the left and saw that I already had a red sweater. I didn't get upset, I just threw both of them in the trunk. I labeled it Christmas gifts for twenty-twenty-four. Well, someone will get a gift next year. After being out in the cold air, I warm up some hot chocolate. I grabbed my blanket and curled up in the recliner to watch television.

The new year usually brings Carolina ice and snow. The temperature changes up gradually. I have never seen it cold enough to where the ponds freeze up. We hardly get those types of temperatures. I think that a lot of us are located in the rural areas. Therefore, the first sign of ice or flurries means we don't travel far.

Never the less, I am glad to see year twenty-four arrive. We all are looking for something better. I truly believe that we have to put our plans into play. If I want to be successful I have to stick with my resolutions. Today is the start of something new and improved. I am the CEO of my ship, and my destination is my own.

January 01, 2024 13:58

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