Adventure Christmas Kids

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Yes. And. No.

Progress has a way of testing our mettle. Suffice to say, intentions and motivations are, at times, one and the same, or two of the same. Or not.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. What this may mean is different things at different times. One man’s pulled tooth is another man’s treasure. Hey. I did not make the rules. Adhering to them is both a test of discipline and fortitude. Whatever happens in the middle or the meantime is anybody’s guess.

Which brings us to the middle. The troubled middle of concessions and ambiguity. Which way to go. Up. Down. With. Without. It is a test do the mettle of the persona. And then some. Thinking we have arrived may be the same as thinking we gotta leave asap. How will we know? What is the best. What is the worst. What is the best path chosen “under the circumstances.”

Time passes.

Quickly sometimes.

Will we be left holding the bag.


Wishing we were holding the bag?

Chances are a little bit of both will cross our minds. Which is better? No one may know until the outcome informs us what we may have known all along.

Life is hard.

Life is short.

Life throws curve balls.

We duck and bob and weave because we really do not know what to do in the interest of the breakdown. We may be so dis interested, we simply do not care to address the elephant in the room until it is so large, we simply cannot ignore its magnitude.

Should I stay or should I go? Here. There. Anywhere. Becomes the focus of the life exchange and questions of all the seconds and minutes that lead up to the moment of potential departure. Potential stay.

Decisions. Decisions. Maybes. Maybe nots. All a part of the equation of whether to take the next plunge. No body knows. Many may have an opinion. People may circle round one another in an attempt of support and condolence at the same time.

The competitive nature tells us to crush the opponent at all cost, whatever it takes. Then. The so called lesser of the—tells us to accept what it is we are given, whatever we “get.” Somewhere in there is the key of the progress we hold near and deserving, but really it is a blank slate of wondrous possibilities and unanswered questions.

The answer may come in the approach.

We think we are getting it right. Doing things the best ways, the right ways, until we are given an alternative way of thinking that tests our ability to grow. Stuck in the old way of thinking because the comfortable, is well, comfortable.

Distractions weave their way into our existence. We wonder what the best way to attack them is so as to not look too looney tune. Unaware that there is more to it than meets the eye. We are really powerless to change any of the moment in an attempt to alter the new reality we hope will be better. Think will be better. Wish like the dickens the past wasn’t what it was, but really is what it is.

He. Said.

She. Said.

No body cares.

Everybody heard.

No body cared.

Life went on.

To the next day.

The next thing.

The next outing.

The next thing.

He said this, she said that.

Persons took a side. A popularity won the order of the day in somes instances. Leaving one in the cold. Again. The other? Feeling as smug as a bug in a rug.

Cozy friends make forever friends.

In between the euphoria of the connection and the buss of the outing comes the test of the loyalty of days gone by. And . The days have gone by.Holding on to the persons and the past may be the lesson of the day, but the action can be one of exhaustion.

Belonging takes it toll on the highways and byways of life. Thinking we should be there, rather than here messes with the mind both in big ways and small. He said so. She said not. And the road both passes in front and behind like a mirage of what happened.

We hurry.

We scurry.

We forget that the moment is most precious if we just heed its quietness and move along in a quest of better. We become overwhelmed with the minutes and the moods of the day. We become distracted thinking about how best to attack the day of events and obligations.

Life can change. In a moment’s notice. Telling us the next step, where to go, what to do. Whether or not we listen is a testament to the unspoken whisper.

The unspoken whisper of words of guidance of the there from here. And the how to get there there from here. In one piece. The pieces being put together and torn apart from situations and circumstances of the past..

The past that cannot be changed. We, at times, being our own worst enemy, try to convince the real enemy things are not all that “bad”.

Who knows.

Life moves rapidly and it is a quest just to keep up with its changing moments. We live, we hedge, we try to offer the best of the moment, only to be shot down with a better offer that looms elsewhere.

Some people get invited to all the parties.

Some do not.

Some wish they knew all the hullaballo was about.

Some do not care.

Life is presented fairly and subtitling nowadays. Some folks are magnets. Some are repellers. Some cause the magnets to magnetically perform more, where the repellent continue onward. In attempts to get the same thing. Never willing to admit they were vying for the same prize all along.

The ultimate prize?


Free to be. You and me.

Free to be. You and me. Or me and you. In the same room. Looking at one another. Wondering. Waiting. For someone to make the first move.


Actions will speak louder than the words uttered before.

And. Then. Who knows?

December 29, 2024 03:51

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