Drama Fiction Romance

It’s been indeed a stiff competition between Real Good Bakery and Tasty Wonders Bakery. One trying as much as possible to outsmart and outshine the other. Each had been involved in various advertising stunts and awareness on improvements and changes made on their products. There was a time when one of them organised a weekend breakfast show. Sandwiches and cappuccino were served. It was indeed a huge success. There were a lot of interesting topics discussed and many were in attendance. They didn’t just leave like that after the show. Most of them had in hand a loaf of bread in order to give themselves a homemade treat. This they bought with other confectioneries. It didn’t just end that way. The other bakery had gone to the drawing board to plan and strategize. Weeks later after the raised dust had settled and the novelty had worn out, they came with a bang. It was a mini concert. One of the most entertaining in the history of the town. It was the talk of the town. One of their favourite celebrities was in attendance for an electrifying performance and that was the highlight of the night. People wondered on how funds was raised by the bakery to organise such a concert. They decided to give their support. They increased their patronage. That was the last straw that broke the camel's back. Real Good Bakery lost its customers to its rival. Its ratings and patronage plummeted like one taking a deep dive into the sea. It strived to come back to its status quo but things never remained the same. Tasty Wonders Bakery had won the hearts of many and it kept improving on its deliveries.

It was time for the town's annual holiday festival. It had been a long while since the last one was held. Both bakeries would have to put aside their differences and competitive brawl to make the festival a huge success. They were to serve assorted pastries and drinks. Both staff were to work as a team to serve the guests. Both entrepreneurs had to brainstorm on how effectively this can be done. This was a time to iron out every rough edge. They both met at a park to discuss.

“Hello Courtney! How are you? It’s indeed been a while we sat this close.”

“Yeah! Robert. It’s indeed been a while. Am actually fine.”

“What are your plans? Anything in the offing? Any strategy? We must make this work. They’re counting on us”

“Why are you asking if I have plans? Why are you asking if I have any strategy? I thought you were the wise one. The one who calls the shots. The one who has it all working for him. The one who knows the big shots. The one who knows where to pull the ropes. For am just hear to listen and that’s all.”

Looking surprised and in shock, Robert sat still for a while with eyes wide open. Stuttering he replied, “No..., It’s not what you think. It’s not what you assume. We are in a competitive world. Competition helps business thrive better. Monopoly never helps business in the long run. I started the business first. You came to break the monopoly. You came to put me on my toes. You came to put me on the run. You took me out of complacency. You made me achieve what I have. Though rivals, we're not enemies. Though in a competition but a healthy one. I am so grateful to you for joining me in the business. I admire your courage and resilience. So, please let’s bury every rancour and work as a formidable team.”

Courtney took a long look at him. Smiling she answered, “Am very sorry for all I said. I know I have been offended for the wrong reasons. I have no reason to be offended be it whatever. As you rightly said, competition keeps business going. We are business rivals but not enemies. Thank you for not taking my words personal.”

“No problem. Let’s get down to business,” Robert spoke smiling.

“Aye! Aye!! Ready, prepared and willing.”

They pooled ideas and experience together. The town festival was a huge success. Both bakeries were awarded for the unprecedented success of the festival. Robert and Courtney became business partners. They merged their enterprises together likewise their hearts. That began the journey to new heights of success for them.

“So you have a treasure chest hidden on the inside of you. What happened? Why didn’t you harness it all this time? Why did you allow it lie fallow?”

“Actually, after a while, seeing the giant strides you have made. I became frustrated. I had no courage to look inwards anymore. I was almost throwing in the towel if not for the advice of my best friends. They told me that the only reward I can give myself is to win against all odds.”

“Wow! That’s a good advice. You sure have good friends.”

“Yes I do. But you are simply the best of all. There’s a fire in you that have spurred me. It has pulled out those ideas hidden underneath. With you by my side and l by yours nothing can stop us. Like Bonnie and Clyde, we'll hit the crescendo of the bakery world."

“Nah! We aren’t Bonnie and Clyde. Don’t want us to end like them. We are simply the unstoppable team and we’ll put other bakeries on the run. Thank you for making me see farther than I ever have. Thought I had it all until I found you. I promise to put in my best to make this work.”

“So do I. I haven’t met a man that understands me the way you do. You seem to understand my every feeling. You listen to me with empathy. You carry me in your gentle arms. You look at me with reassuring eyes. These keep me going. These give me the courage to move on. I love you so dearly.”

“I love and adore you too.”

Robert embraced and kissed her. They put in their best into the business not also waving aside their relationship. Though not perfectly a smooth sail, it was a pleasurable and memorable cruise.

December 11, 2020 14:34

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