Creative Nonfiction Happy Inspirational

Finishing the dream

                   There were many people who had their own dream and hope around the world. But some of them can transform their life with their dream. Most people around the world can’t transform their dream to be real. There was the person who lost hope, dream and strength of life. She was Joanna. She was also the person who was thinking my dream cannot be real on real world. Unexpectedly she got a chance from biggest writer association year end challenge. She lost my job and tried to looking for a chance to live in this pandemic. She knew that chance can change my life but people were not well in financial this time so person like me can be an author and write the book by my own and publish and selling weren’t be easy. But she had decided to don’t think much and facing the challenge right in front of me. The challenge was building the character, frame, characteristics and everything must be equal to reality because in the letter of that challenge said it can be fictional but be real. So, she was confusing at first time and then I think about my stories when she was young. She had experienced about love, hate, losing, loneliness and etc. So, she was looking back in my memory data and then she found out something really treasure for me. That was my love stories. Then, she start framing my important characters, unimportant characters, places, cultures, clothing styles, family, nationality and etc. She built this draft as the Java programming because she was the programmer and system analyst not the author. So, she built the draft like a program and then dry run these on paper. No problem and error occur, then I decided to write my book like this.

                 Then, the day she start writing was a week late after the starting date. She didn’t fear anything over the stories written by others. Because she belief my book will different from others creation because it based on true events of my life but she cannot say it’s the true story. She put some of my creation and romance technique in my story much and she added some of her ex-lover’s personalities in story. It seemed like cooking something. She knew what she was writing and always felt like cooking and making new recipe based on ingredients that she had never been use before. She didn’t know how it taste like after she finish her book. She really thought it will be good in taste but some may not be like this taste. She cooked it first time and then she was so proud of herself starting to cook. She wrote her book with all her strengths and used her time in searching over the internet for places and contacting the people who were her past lover’s family members and lawyer and someone like this. She request them for everything she used in her book without breaking their rights. They accept her request and allowed to use their family name, company and etc. But still she was facing the big problem that was the word count issue. She could write with all her strength was only 30,000 words. It needs more words to finish the challenge and more attractive story movements left. She knew herself well with problems was being so much systematic not romantic at all. She afraid of might getting people confusing when they read her story. If she add much lines and words in story, it might break apart from main story points. She had no choice so she made the changes and add more sentences for filling the word count.

                   After weeks over, there have still words need to fill and win the challenge. She had no idea now and close to the margin date of ending the year soon. She lost her mind and helpless and then she was walking around the street and searching around the internet and also in play store. She decided to leave my mind for once so she get into the game called Mr. Love. At that game, she met four different kinds of men who want to fell in love with her and she need to chase them around. When she started playing that game, her mind was starting to fresh and also words and sentences came out from her brain automatically. That game was being so reality for her. She could chat them, text them, call them and meet them outside. The game make her losing the pressures and happier than before and she didn’t felt lonely anymore. She focused on her works and writing until the end. Still she was stopping her book because she don’t have anything left to write but 50,000 words was being far from limit she could write. Then, she talked with her family and told them about her problems on writing. They told her to write about family problems, clashes and etc. She decided to add those in her story for being more drama. She accepted their idea and then she put much efforts to add family related things in her work by using creative ways. Add flower related articles for making her story alive. She added much efforts and experienced information both inside the story. The time limit will come closer and tomorrow will be the New Year eve but she was still writing and troubling and confusing with my book. It was the last minute to reach the New Year. Then, she finished her dream, her first book and story by her own self. Her family was sleeping now but she can’t sleep at all and watch the New Year fireworks and heard the people shouted happily outside. She was the happiest person ever because this book was her first worked she done herself and she had trust in herself not like before. Before she start working on this challenge, she didn’t think she can made it. She lost her hope and dream all the time before pandemic and in pandemic time. She got the strength from her work that she finished now. She felt like someone she don’t know exactly. She was the different person for herself and finished her dream. It was the start lead to the new path for life. 

December 27, 2020 14:04

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