Submitted to: Contest #64

The Flame of Love

Written in response to: "Write a romance that involves one partner saving the other from a fire."

Fiction Romance Happy

I went into work this morning like no other. It was a super normal day, driving in,sitting down and doing work. I expected nothing of  this day. Even though it was the day I nearly died, and met my soulmate. Oh, maybe I should tell you a little bit more about what happened. 

So basically I work as an account manager at a big tech company. I get paid quite a bit, but I am not rich. You know, kind of  like the in between. Well, I am in between everything. I just  go with the flow, pretty low key. I’m sure there are many other low key people, but I can’t find one. It’s just  like I am the only one who doesn’t like to cause a ruckus. Like, is  it  just me or everyone is trying to make  something happen. No one can just leave it be, they have to fix it. Or in the attempt to fix it they just make it even worse. 

Maybe it is because I live in Iowa, a pretty small state. So everyone just tries to make things more interesting or something. I think everything is interesting enough. I mean, things like tornadoes happen all the time in the spring. I don’t know, but it is really annoying to live with all the time. I can’t walk outside anymore without my neighbor yelling at me saying my car is too loud. It’s literally an Audi, like one of the quietest cars ever. I mean, come on! I don’t even leave at like five in the morning or anything, I leave at eight o’clock. 

Anyway, I walked in to work that morning, feeling pretty crappy. Literally three neighbors yelled at  me, and I spilled all my coffee. Yeah, going great right? Then, my boss yelled at me for not having a document ready. I fell asleep the night before trying to do it. Why did I leave it to the last minute? I didn’t. He literally e-mailed me at eight o’clock at night and told me I had to finish this project. It was literally the longest document ever, and I had to finish it  in one night. That sucked. I didn’t get  to finish it because I was up until four in the morning. Then I fell asleep, and was late for work and stuff. But that’s why I was having a really crappy morning.

I was so tired that I couldn’t focus. I literally had to slap myself awake. It was so hard to keep myself awake. I couldn’t even walk right without tripping on something I did not see because my eyes wouldn’t stay open. I wasn’t even doing things right. For example this morning before I left I spilled my coffee. Then, when I was driving here I stopped at a green light. Once I finally got into work I walked into my boss’s office to bring him coffee like I always do, and I  spilled it on him. It was okay though because it was iced coffee, so it did not burn him. Then I had to go fix one of the PCs because someone locked themselves out of it. I was trying to fix it and was looking at the PC itself but couldn’t find a problem. Then I saw something sticky all over it. So I took it off. Then I tried again and finally it let me into the PC after thirty minutes. I stepped one foot outside of the room and the thing blew up. 

             The whole building was engulfed in a fiery rage. I tried to run out, but the stairs were on fire. I was literally stuck on the twelfth floor of a burning building. So I did what any logical person in a burning building would do. I screamed. Instead I just swallowed a bunch of smoke and passed out. I have the vague memory of a man carrying me out. But I passed out again way too fast to see his face clearly. I do remember waking up in the hospital and the same man standing there next to my hospital bed. “Morning sleeping beauty.” He said with a soft voice. “Who are you?” I questioned, confused. “Well,” he said, “Not to brag or anything but I saved your life. It hit me. He was the man that carried me out of the building.

            “Turns out you didn’t need saving.” You are immortal and can’t die.” He broke out laughing. “Hahaha you should have seen the look on your face! It was priceless! You’re not immortal, no one is!” I began to laugh as well. “Well, what’s your name, funny guy?” I asked. “My name is Chris.” He replied. “I have to go,” he said. “Goodbye.” I replied. I thought that would be the last time I would ever see him, but he kept coming to  visit. I was in the hospital for over a month and every single day he came to see me. Each time, with a small gift. He would bring me flowers, chocolates, and even games and puzzles and stuff like that. The day I left the hospital, I thought that he wasn’t going to show up, but as they wheeled me out of the front doors, there he stood holding a big  bouquet of flowers, and some of his friends held a sign that said “Will you go out with me?” “Yes!” I replied. I was extremely excited! I hadn’t dated ever since my ex broke up with me. I have kind of been just kind of agitated with everything. I don’t know why. It was just like I was really angry all the time. Maybe I was mad at my ex. Maybe I had just changed. I have no idea, but I don’t feel that way any more. I feel different. It is kind of indescribable.

Either way, I went on my first date with Chris. We went to some fancy restaurant. I had a steak. I didn’t make him pay though. I paid for mine and he paid for his. I would feel kind of bad making him pay. I did let him open my door and stuff that men like to do. At  least the good ones. I am really independent so it was really hard to let him pull out my chair for me. He was really kind to me. I liked him a lot. Later, he asked me to be his girlfriend. Of course I said yes, why wouldn't I? 

Soon, we moved in together. Nothing really changed, he was still kind and respectful. He even made dinner all the time. We had been dating for almost a year when we moved in together. We were taking it slow, and I liked that. But two years later, when we had been dating for three years- he proposed. “No.” I answered. “Hahaha the look on your face was priceless! Of course I will marry you! I’m just getting you back for when we first met.” “You scared me!” he said. We had our marriage in a beautiful church in Iowa. I have loved him since the day I met him and I will love him until the end of time.

Posted Oct 19, 2020

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12 likes 4 comments

Kaitlyn James
23:50 Oct 19, 2020

I really liked this prompt. It was really fun to write about. It took me some time but I finished. I think the storyline was okay-ish. Leave a comment letting me know how you liked the story! I’d love to hear your thoughts and tips!


Felicity Anne
19:37 Oct 27, 2020

It's not okay-ish, it's fantastic! Wonderful job!!


Kaitlyn James
20:18 Oct 27, 2020

Thanks so much! I am glad you liked it!


Felicity Anne
20:19 Oct 27, 2020

No problem! :)


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