Romance Fantasy

1st person:

My legs burnt from the long climb but the tyrant’s surprise and dread at seeing me made it all worth it.

After months of on and off fighting, I realized this would be my final stand. Win or lose, no in between. I couldn’t afford to lose, I had a kingdom to rule. This selfish woman wanted to usurp my throne, however, I was determined to defend it with my life. She used to be my lover, my soulmate; every time I called her “my princess” she would blush so sweetly. We had planned our wedding for years but when my father died it had been postponed. I was the only son; the crown was mine to take. I wanted to rule and bring prosperity and wealth to my kingdom. Naturally, I accepted the crown.

I had just scaled the hill this pitiful woman had taken refuge on and my breath was heavy. I could see her slowly backing away from me, fear evident in her wide eyes. A single tear rolled down her cheek.

3rd person:

A huge crowd started gathering at the foot of the hill. Two figures could be seen on top. One was our beloved queen, the other a deranged madman.

Five months ago, when the king had died, the young prince had taken control of the kingdom. At first, we had been glad to have a strong and young ruler but we soon learnt just how misleading appearances could be. He had been too young to take the crown, too inexperienced, too eager. He had declared war on nonviolent countries and attempted peace with bloodthirsty ones. He had brought a wave of destruction and horror to our weak kingdom. We had all started to lose hope. Nevertheless, when a woman had stepped up to correct the impossible situation, the light of hope had shone brighter than ever. A charismatic, beautiful, young girl. She wasn’t yet of age but after only a few treaties and gifts she had managed to calm the kingdom’s new, raging enemies. She had always worn a cheerful smile and encouraged us, she had promised that a brighter future was just around the corner, waiting for us. We had believed her and loved her, she had been an angel fallen to earth. The prince had been supposed to marry her but he strongly disagreed with the peace treaties she had made without alerting him. She had risked angering her king to shield us from the horrors of war and our gratitude was immense. We would have done anything to save her.

However, as we all stared up at the hilltop, tears in our eyes, we understood we could do nothing to protect her. The prince clutched a dagger in his left hand and she backed away, even from so far away we could all see her legs shaking.

1st person:

“Why did you do it? Why did you betray me? We could have loved each other, a kingdom at our feet. You and I, queen and king.” I asked her desperately. I wished for nothing more than to hear her say sorry. “You were destroying your father’s kingdom, I had to do something, I was the only one that could save them.” She replied between sobs. I could see that a crowd had gathered below us, good, they would see me end this tyranny.

3rd person:

It is said that the prince went mad after his father’s death. No one had seen him mourn but we all knew just how much his father meant to him. The prince’s mother had died while giving birth to him and his father had grown him without marrying a second wife.

We had also seen the young couple, now trapped in a deadly dance, stroll through the castle, hand in hand. Head over heels for each other. She was a mere a villager but she had captured his royal heart. We had enjoyed watching this young couple fall in love with each other, each day more.

Simultaneously, we all gasped as our prince lunged, aiming with the dagger for her stomach. She backed away quickly but tripped on her white, long dress.

On their wedding day the queen had been forced to flee. The naïve prince had threatened to declare war to yet another rich city. He had wished for money beyond anyone’s dreams. Jewels and territories. She had tried to talk sense into him but he had refused to listen. We had all heard the shouts when she run away from the palace, already in her wedding gown. He had threatened her life, his words cutting through the air so loudly the castle servants had heard. “Cross me another time and I will make sure you won’t say another word”.

A humble family had given her safe heaven in their farm but evidently the steep climb and wooden fence hadn’t been enough to keep the prince from finding her.

He had been utterly enraged at her escape and when he had ordered his guards to kill her and they had refused, he had gone after her himself.

The tension in the air was almost palpable. It was obvious the crowd wished to surge forward and save their queen but they knew that wasn’t possible.

1st person:

In a heartbeat I was standing on top of her, my knife to her throat. I watched as a droplet of blood fell down her neck. The crowed screamed, I knew they wanted their king to end this peasant’s life but I needed to enjoy the moment and take my time. “Do you not regret it? Do you not wish to have used the people to obtain all the gold and glory there is?” I asked her, incredulous of her stupid choices. “A king doesn’t use his people, he leads them, he kneels at their feet and does as they wish. A king is there to make his kingdom powerful, a king isn’t elected to steal and condemn his warriors to a pathetic death.” She spat in my face these arrogant words. But I had enough of her stupid preaching. She may take the high road but I would never believe her words. With one swift motion, I plunged the sharp dagger deep into her chest. She gasped softly and uttered her last words in a barely audible whisper. “A good king protects his people with his life, a bad king kills his people to protect his life. You killed me because you couldn’t kill your regrets, you cannot save the people you sent to die, you cannot save the people that are dead because of you.” Her words hit me like a blow but the weeping and wailing of the crowd was what made me realize just how wrong I had been. I stared at the bloody dagger, tears cascading down my face. I had just wanted to make my father proud. Without thinking, I touched the pointy dagger to my chest. I had killed her, I had killed the love of my life. I had condemned them, I had condemned the people I was supposed to protect. Then, all went dark as I plunged the blade into my heart.

August 05, 2021 15:53

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