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The cool night air whipped around the willow tree. Karla sat there staring up at the stars hoping to someday find a friend. 

No one liked Karla. She was too shy for the popular group, too wired for the introverts, and not athletic enough for the jocks. She felt out of place and she had never found her click. 

It all started when Karla’s parents divorced. Karla hasn’t seen her father since she was 1 year old and doesn’t know what he looks like or where he lives. Mother always keeps shut when I ask about her father. The only thing Karla got out of her was that he loved pot roast. What could I do with that information? Karla questioned. 

Now, everyone at MapleLeaf High knows about her dad and how she is desperate to know who he is. What made it worse was that the popular girl Bethany hated Karla and spread false rumors of her. Bethany said that Karla was mentally disabled and at night she was a total creep. Not only was this false, that made other people scared and the teachers also scared. Now, no one, not even the teachers, liked Karla. 

The girls tortured Karla and humiliated her in front of the other girls. Because of the pressure and sadness, Karla was feeling, her grades began to drop. Nothing would help and no one would help.

One day, Bethany got suspended for spraying graffiti on the school campus wall. This was Karla's time to shine. The suspension was only 3 days so Karla had to act fast. Karla wanted to make a speech about her time in MapleLeaf, but being the shy, introvert she was, speaking In front of her school was a big step.

But with all her fears against her, she asked for a turn to speak at Community Morning. Community Morning was when all the people in the school came together at the end of the week and usually listened to the principal blabber about the school and how great there doing.

"Miss Kim." Karla said in a shaky voice. "yes Karla?" "you was wondering- I mean I was wondering if I could make a speech at Community time?" Karla asked. "Hmm, What are you going to talk about?" Miss Kim asked. "Just my time at MapleLeaf! that's all!" Karla responded with. "After the principal speaks, you can speak." Miss Kim said. "Yay! thank you!" Karla said as she exited the room.

Now, Karla had to write the speech. Only had 2 days till Community Morning at she had to make a statement. After school, she only worked on her speech. Not even her mom knew about the speech, no one did except Miss Kim.

The day was here and Karla was full of adrenalin and fear. The principal walked off the stage and now it was Karla's turn. She swallowed hard and stood up tall as she walked on the stage. The murmurings in the Audience wad loud, Karla knew they were talking about her. But with her will and courage, she started. "Greetings MapleLeaf. If you don't know me, my name is Karla Amherst, a freshman in high school. You might know me because of the rumors, the fears of me being the creep I am. You might believe Bethany and her rumors. But let's get the real story. Parents divorced when I was 1 year old. I have never seen my dad since and I don't even know who he is. This might have made me eager to find who he is but I'm not the creep Bethany has framed me from. Bethany picks on people like me, people who she feels are lesser than her. She makes you try to gain her respect but she will never give it to you and that just makes you her little pet. Sure, don't believe me? Watch for it yourself and you will see how nasty that girl is. Now, she told me never to say this about her but I'm going to. The reason that she got suspended was not that she gratified on the wall, but because she pushed Kevin into a locked and forced him to kiss her. That is why. Thank you very much for your time, and have a good day."

The whole school was in shock. Really? Could it be? Wow! Miss Kim ran to Karla right after she got off the stage. "KARLA! what was that?!? who do you think you are?!?" "Had to spill the tea" Karla responded with a smirk. "Karla, this is not okay!" Miss Kim argued. "Oh, I know it's not. You are just hiding the truth. I saw her in the locker room. When Bethany told me not the tell anyone, I just knew it was right to tell." Karla said. "Go home." Miss Kim said as she stormed out of the room.

After school, Karla's mom heard the news. "KARLA! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO SAY SUCH THINGS IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL?!? Karla's mom scolded. and Karla just responded with, "the tea had to be spilled." I can't believe you, Karla." Karla's mom said. "well, I can't believe my self either." Karla said. "Karla, your grounded." Karla's mom said. "no thanks" Karla said

Karla walked out of the house and strolled around the neighborhood. Passed by some donut shops and dress shops. She walked for hours gazing at the world with a smile. Karla felt relieved. All her anger and anxiety were gone and she felt so good. nothing could stop her from feeling good about what she did. Yes, Bethany will kill her once she found out her secret was out, but she didn't care. The truth was out and that's what mattered the most.

Truth is truly the guide to relief. You must know that when the truth is apparent, all drama, fear, and confusion works its way out of the dark pit of dishonesty.

The stars finally started to peek out from the sky. Karla sat down under the willow tree and gazed at the stars and whispered, "I have found my self."

April 28, 2020 18:52

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1 comment

Lilli F
13:35 May 07, 2020

Nice job! Really cute plot. Next time, try to avoid cliches and check your punctuation. Overall, loved the story!


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