Bartender or Witch?

Submitted into Contest #233 in response to: Set your story in a bar that doesn’t serve alcohol.... view prompt


Mystery Fantasy Fiction

“I’ll take a glass of your strongest drink, thanks” 

“It’s a bit early for that, don’t you think?” 

“Alright, alright. One moment.” 

He bounced here and there across the counter picking up this, that and the other. An array of sounds billowed up with each pour, a bubbling, then sizzling, then a crackling followed by the clack of ice being shaken up. Once the glass was full to the brim he slid it swiftly across the long countertop, a practiced and perfected move as it stopped perfectly in front of her. 

Her face scrunched in disgust as she looked down at the glass. The gooey liquid substance oozed with bubbles that quickly grew and burst, another forming in its place. Everything that shouldn’t happen with a drink seemed to be combined into this one making it a masterpiece of drinkable death, something only a witch could brew up. 

“What is this… you trying to kill me?” 

“You asked for the strongest drink, didn’t you?” He said with a smirk shifting his glance between her and the glass as he casually cleaned one of several empty glasses on the counter. Greenish pink fizz began to bubble over the top and drip down the side as she stared at it in contemplation. 

“I must be mad” she said, squeezing her eyes shut as she took several big swallows of the strange concoction, returning it to the counter with a slam as she processed the wild potion dancing on her tongue and down her throat. 

“What the- is that…” 

“Pop rocks” he interrupted with a smile. 

“What-” she muddled through her confusion as the tiny pops subsided, “what kind of- what kind of bar is this? This doesn’t even have alcohol in it!” 

He chuckled, leaving his cleaning and approaching her with arms crossed. 

“I think you missed the sign that says ‘alcohol free bar’ you know, it’s right next to the sign that says ‘closed’” 

He smiled and cocked his head to the side as her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. 

“I’m so sorry, I’ll be going.” she said, shifting in her bag to pay and leave. 

“No no, it’s alright, I’ll make an exception. It is New Years after all.” 

It’s only now that she noticed his smile and kind eyes paired with curly blonde hair and nice features. Quickly, she shifted her face down at the glass hoping to hide her blush.

“So tell me… what is a girl like you doing at a bar at 11 o’clock in the morning on New Year’s Day?” 

She huffed, “I think the better question is what kind of bar doesn’t serve alcohol!” 

“It’s for people like you, of course,” he said with a laugh. 

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” 

“Oh come on, it’s just, it’s supposed to be an alternative for people trying to get away from drinking, is all. Most people go to bars for the atmosphere and to socialize, this is meant to give the same feeling, just without alcohol of course.”

Several moments of silence passed as her groggy brain processed his words. 

“Well clearly your business model isn’t doing too well” she remarked, glancing at the empty chairs beside her. 

“Like I said, we’re closed, you would know and remember that if you weren’t-… nevermind…. How is the drink?” 

“It’s odd, it’s somehow sour and sweet at the same time… did you just put candy in it or something?” 

He laughed, “no, it’s not just candy” 

“Well, what is it then?” 

“I can’t tell you that, that would take away all the fun” 

She gave him a confused, worried look. 

“Take it easy, it’s just a drink is all”, he said, and feeling reassured she tilted her head back taking another gulp, a new determination to identify everything in it. 

“Lime!” She shouted wide eyed. 


“Oh… why do I taste… shrimp?” 

“Hey, you’re pretty good at this,” he said with a nod. 

“Who the hell puts shri- is that mango juice too?” 

“You got it” he leaned forward now in amusement as she continued testing her skills on the odd bubbling liquid popping at the bottom of the glass. 

“It’s like- really thick too… what’s making it fizzle up like that?” 

He shrugged, unwilling to disclose anything. “Tell you what… you go on a date with me… I’ll tell you anything you wanna know.” 

She smiled, appreciating his forwardness, only taking a few seconds to ponder. 

“Y-yes… only so I can figure out what I’m missing” she remarked, robbing him of the satisfaction of mutual interest.

“I should probably be going… to a real bar you know” she said, shifting again for her wallet. She held up a $20 bill, “Hopefully this covers it, you can keep the rest” 

“No no, it’s on me.” He said waving away her bill. “You really shouldn’t go yet… it’s only just begun…” He said, gliding his fingers across the register screen as receipts printed out. 

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked, standing up and feeling a sudden wave of… something. 

“Well… let’s just say I could tell you were really hungover as soon as you came in, and drinking really doesn’t pair well with-“ 

“With what?! I’m not-!…” she sighed, lowering her tone and sitting back down, “I’m not hungover.” 

“Where do you think you are right now?” 

He said leaning over the counter watching as she finally looked around to observe her surroundings. 

The place was decorated beautifully with plants and greenery along the walls and corners, each sprouting buds and blooms of all different types of vibrant flowers she’d never seen before. The bar was fitted neatly with rows of drinks in unique containers and bottles, all confined between stone edges and glass windows covered delicately with draping vines. Twinkle lights flickered amidst the greenery and around the assorted bottles creating an ambient glow in the bar area. Her attention was drawn straight up above to the sky-light ceiling where the clouds drifted peacefully and she squinted, confused that the beam of the sun wasn’t burning her vision. Below the sky, wooden tables lay scattered in the garden-like space. Each table was equipped with red umbrellas and chairs stacked atop. Mesmerized, she stepped off the bar stool, reaching a hand down and running it through the soft grass below. With careful steps she wandered through the garden space, studying the flower blooms and up at the sky. With a long inhale she breathed in the lily flowers and fresh grass. She returned to the bar with a refreshing smile. 

“I must be dreaming,” she exclaimed. 

He laughed, “no… this isn’t a dream” 

The whimsical, fantasy like room began to move as she looked around more, her body swaying slightly. The soft grass made falling a non issue as she wandered again around the place aimlessly. With each minute the bar became more alive. The flowers moved around as if they were walking or dancing along. Watching the clouds float across the blue sky above was like entering a trance. Stumbling her way over to the bar, the bottles took on even stranger forms. One taking the shape of a frog while another looked like an instrument found in a science lab, the opening of the tube shooting up small puffs of steam in perfect small circles, like a chimney or steam engine at work.  

“Woah… can I get another drink?”  

January 20, 2024 00:29

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15:12 Jan 24, 2024

I love this story, you're so talented!!


14:56 Jan 28, 2024

Thank you!


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