Mystery Adventure

This story contains sensitive content

(warning death!) I awoken to my elderly neighbor placing a wet towel over my head. She wore glasses and a long flower dress. ''What happened?'' I asked her. She stared at me for a few moments before answering.

''You were just playing soccer outside and then suddenly began running in the woods outside my house and cut yourself on some thorns. You know its almost lunchtime and playing outside can be dangerous sometimes. Even if its just your own front yard. You are lucky your kind neighbor was there to help you''

''Why was I running?''

'' I do not remember sweetheart. Anyway, you must be hungry. I should make you something.''

She took the towel off my head and placed it into a small bowl before headed into the kitchen. In the kitchen, she began chopping some vegetables and placing them into a large pot on the stove. I slowly sat up and looked around the room. There were family photos all over the walls and a pile of large thick books on the table infront of me. I was just about to grab the books when the lady came over with a bowl of soup.

''Who is this photo?'' I asked pointing to the one of a little girl with curly hair who looked exactly like me.

'' That is my daughter when she was a child. I really do miss her.''

'' What happened?''

''She decided to live wit my sister at age twelve before we ever got a chance to play the fortune teller card game passed down from my family '' She watched as I began eating the entire bowl of soup. I placed the empty bowl back on the table.

''Why did she leave?''

'' I have been nothing but a kind loving mother to her but she felt my sister was better. Of course my sister was the one to get everting including my own daughter.''

'' May I ask what the game is?'' She sat up from the couch, went to the kitchen and opened the old broken cupboard. She grabbed a stack of cards and sat back down again.

''My grandmother gave my mother these cards who gave me these cards.'' She quickly opened the stack of cards. ''Each card has a real life fortune. Only one of these cards bring good fortune. Nobody that has ever played this game has gotten the good fortune but maybe today will be your lucky day. Would you like to play? ''I stood up and stretched for a moment before sitting back down. ''I do not think you want to make me sad, after all I kind of saved your life.''

''Before I play I just want to make sure you call my mother next door and tell her I am safe and sound.'' Flora walked to her small table with a house phone and began dialing the number I told her. Then she quickly hung up the phone. '' looks like nobody is home sweetheart.

''She must be home, she is taking a sick day from work.'' Flora called again but nobody answered. My mind was running in circles. I ran towards the front door and quickly ran out to my house next door. Before I could knock on it flora grabbed my hand and dragged me inside her house.

She sat me down and placed the cards infront of me. ''Sweet child, wouldn't you like to play first before checking on your mother. After all she may just be asleep and you wouldn't want to wake here." I believed her because after all she has been so kind over the years.

My hand was shaking as I grabbed the card on the top of the pile. I turned it faced up and saw the death symbol. '' I bet your mother will really need you now'.' I could see a giant smile on her face so I decided to run back to my house to check on my mother. Of Couse flora wanted to go with me so I let her go for a reason I still cannot understand. Just as I turned around and shut the door behind us I fell on my hands and knees.

This was something no twelve year old girl will even want to see. Her dead mother lying on the ground. Yep. My mother laid dead with blood all over here . I ran to my mothers cell pone and called 911 and told them what had happened. the cops told me to stay calm and that they were on there way. About a few minuets later and the cops and ambulance arrived. The ambulance took my mother away and the cops put caution tape all around the room. They began asking Flora some questions but she claimed she knew nothing and I had my doubts. I showed the cops the hidden security cameras and they nodded there heads. When flora saw the cameras, she tried running away but slipped on the front steps and the ambulance had to take her away. I watched from the window with disbelief. My own single mother who did everything for me was now dead. The cops hugged me and carried me away so I could have my final goodbyes with my mother at the hospital.

Months later the investigation was over and my neighbor flora was placed under arrest for murder. I never understood why she would do such a think like this. Maybe that explains why I fell or why I got the death card in the game or why she acted so weird when we last spoke. All I know was I will never have someone convince me to play another weird game again or underestimate my neighbors again. This was all I could think about now that I lived with my my aunt and uncle as a graduate from high school. The best graduate who was now ready to live life and become a surgeon or investigator as I always dreamed to be.

June 08, 2022 15:43

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