Desperate Remedies

Submitted into Contest #248 in response to: Write a story titled 'Desperate Remedies'.... view prompt


Adventure Science Fiction Suspense

A dry desert wind blows across the surface of planet Argot. Thick dust clouds fill the air, twisting and turning, constantly changing the appearance of the dunes. Its citizens have moved underground centuries before. Argot was one of the first planets in all the galaxies to produce life after the Big Bang. Over millions of years, its population had used all its elemental resources. Their scientists worked hard to solve the dilemma but with little success. They eventually achieved a momentous victory when they learned how to convert dark matter into energy. With this unlimited power source, the Argotians built a fleet of spacecraft to travel to distant galaxies, seeking out uninhabited planets and stripping them of all their resources. However, they soon discovered that planets with colonizations of beasts and beings had far more resources than those without. It is for this reason the Argotians attack only planets that support life. They have developed a dark matter bomb that, when exploded over the chosen planet, will eliminate all forms of organic living matter, thus leaving behind only the elemental resources. They then exploit these resources and send them back to their home planet to restore it to its once magnificent glory.

While searching the cosmos for suitable planets to plunder, the Argotains discovered a small blue planet orbiting third from its star. They could tell it was rich in resources even from a great distance. They quickly charted a course.


The doors to Ensign Mirri’s navigation deck hiss open as Commander Loo enters. As Ensign Mirri rises to salute his superior officer, Commander Loo tells him to be at ease.

“Have you decided on a course, Ensign?”

Sitting at his console, the ensign replies, “Yes, sir. I have been studying the charts and learned that the star is Sol.  It has eight planets orbiting around it at various distances. The one we are interested in is the third planet, known as Earth. Earth also has a natural satellite called the Moon. Of the eight planets in this solar system, only Earth sustains life.”

Leaning over the ensign’s shoulder to view the charts, the commander asks, “Is this the course you’ve decided on?”

“Yes, Sir. I’ve planned our approach to be a series of stealthy moves that will keep us hidden behind each planet in the system until we finally reach Earth’s moon. The Moon rotates at the same speed as its orbit, making it appear only to have one side facing Earth. Therefore, if we land on the Moon during its night cycle, we should be able to remain in the dark and unseen from Earth.  This cycle takes 27 days, 7 hours, and 43 minutes to complete. During this time, we should be able to prepare a completely operational station.” Placing his hand on Mirri’s shoulder, the commander praises him. “Good work, Mirri. We’ll be counting on you.”

After leaving Mirri, the commander heads down to communications. Upon entering the communications station, Commander Loo demands, “Report Lt. Zpa!” Zpa replies, “Greetings, Commander, and I must tell you I have much to report, Sir. Would you kindly have a seat, please?”

Pulling up a chair, the commander bids the communications officer to continue. “I take it that you have infiltrated the communications satellites?”

“Oh, yes, sir. Their communication satellites, as well as their radio, entertainment satellites, military and spy satellites. In addition to these, they also have two large interstellar telescopes that see very far into space. Ensign Mirri must use extreme caution in our approach, lest we be seen. The commander protrudes his lower lip. “I’ll be sure to inform him. What else have you learned?”

“Its computer system contains a resource website entitled “Wikipedia.” Zpa displays it on his service screen. “As you can see, sir, this site contains a vast knowledge of Earth, everything from its prehistoric past to its present day. Anything, anyone, or any place you need to know about is on this site. Most fascinating.” 

The commander leans back in his chair and smiles. “Most helpful indeed, Lieutenant. Zpa. What is your general impression so far?”

“Sir, I had my computer analyze the entire site for accurate and precise reporting of the facts contained in it, and it has returned a definitive overview of Earth and its history, concluding with its possible outcome over time. 

Earth began much like all planets- a molten ball of rock. It underwent many profound changes in time, but it wasn’t until the Ice Age that humans first appeared. As humans slowly advanced into the Industrial Age, they succeeded in driving into extinction a vast number of beasts and birds along with a great deal of fern and fauna. Also, along the way, humans themselves changed. As they spread across the face of the Earth, they developed colonization, kingdoms, and countries and gained rulership over others through governments and religious practices. The driving tenets of these governments and religions were greed and prejudice. Certain groups of humans look down on others who are less fortunate than themselves and figure those people are less intelligent or even less human. Therefore, this gives them the right to rule or even enslave other humans into doing their bidding.   They created laws to control and enforced those laws to control the masses. 

They speak different languages and practice different religions, some of which are peaceful, while others entail terrorism to achieve their goals. The thing is, sir, that they have entered the Atomic Age and still insist on using coal and oil as their primary energy sources. They detest wind and solar power and have yet to manage nuclear power safely. Still, many of their nations have nuclear weapons, and considering how barbaric they still are, this will lead to a dangerous situation soon. If you don’t mind me saying so, sir, we have arrived at a critical point in their evolution. If we don’t eliminate them now, hardly any elemental resources will be left for us to harvest.”

Commander Loo sits, holding his chin between his finger and thumb. “Thank you for your hard work, Lieutenant. Zpa. I shall send a copy of your report and a recommendation to Headquarters. In the meantime, I will gather the captain and the members of the department heads to discuss our mission.” Before leaving, Commander Loo sighs heavily.

“I can’t help but feel sad about the way the human heart chose to move forward on this planet. Earth offered so much good that could have been shared if they had not been so greedy and self-centered.  Suppose they had used their intelligence to create and share wealth, health, and love instead of using their achievements to make war as a way to achieve peace. That plan is the way of madmen.”   As his commander rises, Zpa asks, “Sir? I don’t want to seem impertinent, but are we that much different from them?” Commander Loo chuckles softly. “Our quest is not to hate and to enslave others. Ours is a simple matter of gathering the things we need to restore our planet to its former glory.”   With that, Commander Loo strikes his fist to his chest. “To the glory of Argot!”  Lt. Zpa repeats, “To the glory of Argot.”

As the doors hiss closed behind the commander, Zpa unclutches his fist and lets his hand fall. “Does not the commander hear the irony in his words? Our mission is nothing but selfishness and greed! I suppose all I have learned from this is that humans, or men in power, are the same, no matter where they are from. Power corrupts, and as powerful men get what they want, the masses suffer and die. All hail Argot.” 

April 29, 2024 05:56

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