That’s the Life

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a summer afternoon spent in a treehouse.... view prompt

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It was a sunny summer morning when Jenna woke up to the squirrels lurking into the Tree-house windows. She wiped her eyes with her hands and stretched in the rays of the morning sun. Saying good morning to the birds and also the other wildlife rustling in the dense woods that Jenna now calls home.

Jenna realized that moving from her small studio flat; located in Central South America, to the large Treehouse her grandfather built for her to be closer to family. She realized she no longer has to be worried about the hustle and bustle of City life instead she can relax take her time and enjoy life’s journey. She hurried to get her coffee made and placed bread into the toaster, she grabbed the butter out of the fridge. “Meow Meow Meow” she heard as Gypsy rubbed against her leg while she waited for her toast to pop. “How are you this morning Gypsy?” Jenna said as she pet her on the head and gently rubbed her belly as she rolled over. ”Meow” was her response, “What are we going to do today Gypsy?!“ Jenna said as she took her toast from the toaster grabbed the butter set it on the table. She slid a chair from under the table and was about ready to sit down when all the sudden Gypsy jumped into the chair. “Silly day I almost sat on you now shoo.” Jenna swiped at Gypsy as she jumped down and went over to her food to eat.

Jenna thought that was an exciting moment this morning. She slowly ate her toast and drank her coffee; while she stared out the treehouse window into the thick dense forest fog. As she watched a couple of doves dancing in a neighboring tree. She thought of the addenda for the day “Feed cat check, feed birds, collect berries, work on painting.” she said outloud as she moved to the staircase thats adjacent to the kitchen. As she reached the bottom of the staircase she grabbed the bird feed that was in a container by one of the trees holding up the treehouse. She slowly fed the birds watching them as they flew towards the seeds. Compared to North America city living, Trees house living in Central South America is very different. The climate change is dramatic imagine being in the smoggy air of a city then moving to the humidity of a jungle.

Not to mention the dangers of both of them; Wild Cats and other wildlife cross along the path she walks to get to her folks treehouse which is about a mile away. Jenna finished feeding the birds and grabbed the basket for berries. While thinking out load she mentioned that she needed to collect psilocybin mushrooms as well for tea or tinctures.

When the treehouse was built her grandfather would write to her in North America and let her know the progress. It sets and is fastened to 5 trees 4 on the outside and 1 in the middle. It’s two stories and has 5 rooms that include the kitchen, bedroom, guest room, bathroom, and living quarters. Electricity is ran between two treehouse homes, which is powered by waterfall and a windmill that’s 1/3 of a mile from the tree-homes. When it rains in the rainforest the roof has a built in waterfall that drains into 4 kegs which are filtered through a natural filtration system and used for cooking, drinking and bathing water. With the filtration system being natural the water is filtered through rocks and charcoal then filtered through cheese cloth which is then pumped into a separate keg located inside the dwelling. When needing to use the water it has to be pumped by an old fashioned hand pump.

While picking berries and psilocybin mushrooms Jenna ran across a nest with 4 eggs in it. “Gosh these would be good for lunch this afternoon“. She thought as she scooped up the eggs and placed them on top of the berries and mushrooms. “What a great find” she mentioned to Gypsy as she went back into the treehouse and placed the basket on the kitchen counter. “meow meow” Gypsy meowed as she watched Jenna grab the basket and a bowl from the counter and moved to the sink. She started pumping the water into a bowel to clean both the mushrooms and the berries. While she was doing this she started day dreaming about what she can incorporate into her landscape painting of the rainforest. “Oh shoot“ Jenna said as the bowl of water started overflowing and a couple of the berries cascaded over the side and into the sink. “Me and my daydreaming“ Jenna stated under her breath while catching the runaway berry with her free hand. As she got done cleaning both the berries and mushrooms and placing them into a clean bowl. She grabbed her tea kettle and placed it on the wood burning stove. The embers already being hot she added the psilocybin mushroom into the boiling water and waited patiently for the tonic to brew. She poured herself a cup and walked into the living quarters where her art studio is located. She glanced at her work and slowly sipped on her tonic. She rolled herself a joint, lit it and continued to contemplate what she could incorporate into her already started painting of the rainforest. She took a couple of hits from the rolled joint and continued to sip on her tonic which included psilocybin mushrooms and berries for a fruity flavor. As the magic of the mushroom and berry mix start to flow through her veins, Jenna started to think of animals that could be incorporated into her painting.

She thought of a panther showing their teeth to protect their young from a pack of wolves searching for territory to claim. She then through that’s too dark and took another hit from the joint and sipped in her tonic. By this point Jenna was feeling very good and took a seat on the stool located in front of the easel. She took her paintbrush and dipped it into the paint and stared to make small strokes on the canvass. Touching up the rainforest trees and adding tropical birds on the branches and also flying through the air.

After about a few hours Jenna stepped back from her painting and made a small snicker “Ewww“ she states as she swallowed the now cold and strong tasting tonic. ”My work is finished“ she stated as she gazed at her painting in admiration.

July 13, 2020 13:42

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Ken Coomes
21:18 Jul 22, 2020

In my opinion, this is another story that has "good bones," but needs a lot of loving attention to detail. One example of many is "pumping the water into a bowel to clean both the mushrooms." I believe the water was pumping into a bowl; and word processors won't catch this, because bowel is a valid word. For me, there was also too much tell, rather than "show." I did enjoy the setting, Gypsy, and the imagination. Just work at your craft and you'll be fine.


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