Abnormal Activity

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story told entirely through text messages or emails.... view prompt

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Message received: 13:49

Hey, I just tried to call but I got your answerphone. I left a message. So check your messages. 

Message received 14:20

Saf, are you there or are you ignoring me? 

This might be our last chance to hang out for a while. 

Message received 17:01

 Message sent 20:22

Hey, sorry I missed you I got your answerphone message. 

Who even leaves those anymore, you weirdo!

I’ve been at the doctors with my mum. Seems like there’s something strange going around. I’ll cycle over later?

Message received 20:30

Was starting to think you’d been taken. Was going to call Liam Neeson. 

Yeah sounds good. The pub has closed so I’ll be in all evening. 

Message received 21:00


Are you coming or what?

Message sent 21:05

Keep your hair on, I’m on my way. I’ll give you a call when I’m outside.

Missed call to Saffie 21:30

Message received 21:33

Sorry was out the back. Coming now. 

Missed call to Saffie 23:02

Missed call to Saffie 23:05

Missed call to Saffie 23:10

Message sent 23:15

Saffie I swear to god you better pick up soon. 

Message sent 23:25

Where are you????

Oh god oh god oh god

Missed call to Saffie 00:01

Message received 07:00 


Message sent 07:15

Wtf Saffie I’ve been worried sick!

Message received 07:17

I know, I’m sorry but I had to go. 

Message sent 07:18

What happened? 

Messaged received 0719


Message sent 07:20

Don’t lie to me Saf, what did you see that made you run off like that? 

Missed call to Saffie 07:20

Message received 07:21

I can’t talk right now. 

Message sent 07:22

You’re lying to me about something I know you are.

Missed call to Saffie 07:25

Missed call to Saffie 07:27

Message received 07: 30

Look Lana I can’t talk right now. 

I’ll call you later. 

Message sent 07:31


You better. 

Missed call to Saffie 15:05

Message sent 15:08

Dude, what was that? First, you run out on me late at night with no explanation

I try and get through to you and you push me off

I wait for you after school and you can’t wait to get away from me? There’s something going on and you won’t tell me. It’s not on. 

Message received 15:15

I’m coming to get you now. 

But I need to know you’re on my side and you’re not going to freak out. 

Message sent 15:17

Yeah, I promise now let me in. 

Message received 19:01

I knew you’d freak out.

Do you believe me? 

Message sent 19.20

I’m not sure

It’s a lot to process.

But yes, I think so.

Message received 19:23

Well, that’s a relief. 

I’ll call you on WhatsApp. It’s encrypted. 

Message received 22:02

So what do we do now?

Message sent 22:06

I don’t know. I’ll call you tomorrow. Let’s meet then and figure out a plan.

Missed call from Saffie

Message received 07:07

Hey, I’m outside. 

Message sent 7:08

I’m coming out now.

Message sent 12:02

Hey, check your email.

Message received 12:04

My school email?

Message sent 12:05

No idiot, your private one I’m not that dumb. I forwarded you something

From <lanaisabeldelorio@hotmail.com> to <saffronjames123@hotmail.com> 

The group I was telling you about. It’s tonight. You in? 

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Blackbird <blackbird@protonmail.com>

Date: Tues, 27 Feb 2020 at 08:50

Subject: Meeting. WKAE. 

To: <lanaisabeldelorio@hotmail.com>

Thanks for your recent interest in our meetings and for contacting us. We’d love for you and your friend to join our meetings if you have information to share.

I can confirm we have one coming up this evening. Information will be sent in a separate email to your protonmail account as soon as you set one up. It’s the safest way to send sensitive information. 

Please respond with a broken-down version of your email address to this chain and once I’ve confirmed receipt, delete all chains. 

We recommend choosing an alias for your proton mail, which is what we will refer to you as. 



Message received 12:30

So.. did you read it? It’s tonight, are you in? 

Message sent 12:34

Yeah, I’m in. What’s the address? 

Message received 12:39

Not sure, I’m making my protonmail account now. Make sure you pick an alias and make one too. That way I can loop you in. 

Message sent 12:40

Got it. On it now.

Message sent 12:54

I made it. Code name Hecate.

Surprised it wasn’t taken already. 

Message received 13:00

Cool, I’ll forward you the address, Blackbird just sent it to me. 

From <pallasathena71@protonmail.com> to <hecate@protonmail.com> 

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Blackbird <blackbird@protonmail.com>

Date: Tues, 27 Feb 2020 at 12:50

Subject: WKAE location meeting. 

To: <pallasathena7@protonmail.com>

Hi Athena

The address is 3546 Holden Drive. It’s near the old carpet warehouse. 

Look for the red van, we park it near our meeting spot. You’ll see a set of black double doors. Through there, the first floor. There’s a door with a sticker on it. You’ll know the one if you’ve researched us. 

We’ll see you and Hecate there. 

7 pm. Don’t be late. 


Message received 13:15 

So, you in? 

Message sent 13:17

I’m in.

I’ll meet you at the library at 3. Let’s do some digging before we go.

Message received 13:20

Roger that. 

Message received 15:15

Hey, I’m sitting at the round tables near the poetry section. Easy to spot. 

Message sent 15:17

Gotcha. Picked us up some coffee. Caffeine fueled digging.

Message received 15:20

Yes, brilliant. 

Message received 16:59

“Signs there might be paranormal activity in your area” - Area51.com <LINK> 

This is the link I was looking at. It all adds up to what I saw. 

To a T. 

Message sent 15:21

Great, will take a read. Maybe WKAE will be able to confirm if it’s similar to what they’ve seen.

Message sent 18:00

I’ll meet you out front, just want to pick up a leaflet. 

Message received 18:02

Okay cool, I’m at the front lobby. 

Message received 21:46

So, what do you think? Do you think I was right

Message sent 21:48

I don’t think you were wrong. I definitely think there’s something strange going on. 

What do we do about it? 

Message received 21:51

I say we investigate. 


Message sent 21:52

Tonight? In the same place you saw it before? 

Message received 21:54

That’s the one. Are you in Hecate? 

Message sent 21:55

I’m in Athena. Let’s do this.

Message received 23:04

DId you see that? 

Message sent 23:04

I saw it

Holy crap Athena I saw it.

What do we do?

Message received 23:05

We run. 

Message sent 23:06

Okay on the count of 3. We meet at mine.

Message received 23:08





Message sent 00:02

Are you sure? We run, run?

Message received 00:05

I think it’s the only way. WKAE said they have people down south. People we could link with. You know no one else will take us seriously and they have people, real people creating a defence against this. 

We know what we saw, Lana. 

Message sent 00:08

You’re right. When?

Message received 00:10

We do it tomorrow. I’ll book us bus tickets. We’ll leave for school and then just go. We’re 18, our parents can’t stop us. It’s better for them they don’t know everything. 

Message sent 00:12

I know you’re right. It will be hard but it’s right.

From <pallasathena71@protonmail.com> to <hecate@protonmail.com>

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Great Busses <no-reply@greatbuses.com>

Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2020 at 6:00

Subject: Your bus tickets are attached! 

To: <pallasathena7@protonmail.com>

Thank you for ordering your tickets with Great Buses!

Your bus tickets are attached via PDF. 

Reference number FD-7652538 

We hope you have a pleasant trip.

Great Busses



Message received 6:15

Did you get the tickets? Can you print it before we go? 

Message sent 06:18

I got them. Are we sure we’re ready for this? 

Message received 6:20

We can’t turn back on it now. This is bigger than us. Bigger than all of us. We’re off to join the revolution Lana. 

Lana, we saw aliens. Real-life aliens. 

And you heard what Blackbird said about the government. We can’t trust them.

Message sent 06:24

Yeah, I know you’re right. I’m nearly packed are you done? 

Message received 06:30

Yeah just about done. Meet you at the bus station? 

Message sent 06:50

I’m on my way.

I got the burner phones by the way. I thought it best we get rid of these. 

Message received 07:00

So I guess this is the last time we’ll be using these. 

I feel like Thelma and Louise. 

Message sent 07:02

Hopefully with less death though. 

But just as much adventure.

Message received 07:05

You got it. I see you. 

I guess this is is for this scroll Hecate. 

Message sent 07:07

I see you too.

See you on the other side Athena.

This persons phone has been disconnected.

This persons number has been disconnected. 

March 28, 2020 03:24

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1 comment

Emily Sperber
21:33 Apr 01, 2020

I like how you ended this - with a clear end but with also a promise of a clear beginning for these characters!


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