Fantasy Fiction Teens & Young Adult

It was cold. So cold I could feel my fingers and toes turning purple.

My body felt sluggish and my brain was clouded.

They told me it would be easy. That I would be safe.

They lied. I had believed them so easily and they crushed my trust beneath their heels.

I opened my eyes to total darkness.

There was no light and there hasn't been since I was left here.

I was so tired of the cold and dark but I was not allowed to leave.

I was put here to guard the Flame of the Hearth.

A burning flame that held no warmth.

A flame that was cold to the touch but kept our mountain town alive.

It was said that it was given to us by Hestia, the goddess of the Hearth, herself.

It was meant to protect us from the endless winter outside our town borders.

Every ten years a new person was chosen to guard it.

I had always wondered why…now I know.

They died from the cold and loneliness.

The darkness had driven them crazy and the emptiness brought them only despair.

I sat up in the darkness as my tears turned to ice.

I knelt before the flame and took it into my hands.

I held it close hoping for even a bit of warmth.

My fingers were stiff and could barely cradle the flame.

It was never day here and light never blessed me with its presence so I had no idea how long I have been alone in the darkness.

I closed my eyes and thought about better days where I smiled and enjoyed the warmth of the blazing sun.

I could barely remember my mother’s voice or my father’s strong hugs.

I had forgotten my brother’s laugh and my twin younger sisters’ bright smiles.

I could not remember anything beyond entering this place of total darkness.

My heart ached with sadness and my mind raged with anger.

I did nothing to deserve such a fate as this one.

I had done everything asked of me by the Elders.

No matter what it was I did as they asked because those who didn’t were left to die outside our warm borders.

Maybe that was why they chose me to guard the flame.

I had been obedient and they knew I would not refuse their orders.

I was a loyal dog and nothing more.

I was left here to guard the thing that brought us great happiness but only to have mine stolen from me.

I curled around the flame as the wind grew stronger.

I shivered but stayed as I was and protected the thing that had brought me endless despair but protected my family’s happiness.

I would guard this flame only for the sake of my beloved family.

I had long forgotten what hunger felt like or how dry my mouth was.

I was no longer bothered by the smell that came from my filthy body.

I no longer cared to brush out the tangle in my long locks.

All I could think about was surviving long enough for the Elders to choose another Guardian of the Flame.

I held onto my life only with the hope that one day I would be free from this place.

I may not know how much longer it would be but the very thought of being able to let go brought me the most happiness I have felt in a long time.

I hugged the flame closer to me and closed my eyes.

With my eyes closed I could pretend I was somewhere else.

I could pretend I was happy and with my family instead of in this place.

I could pretend I was warm and full of delicious food.

That I was drinking cool water and freshly clean.

I could pretend my pain away if only for a little while.

The smallest of smiles graced my lips as I daydreamed.

The harsh wind blew and brought me back to reality.

My smile vanished and I curled farther around the flame.

Soon. I will be free soon.

I took a breath only to be sent into a coughing fit.

It would not be much longer until I met my end to this cold darkness.

Tears filled my eyes as I thought about never seeing my family again.

Of never seeing the field of wildflowers from my window or playing in the stream with my sisters.

Never learning the names of the stars that my father promised me he would teach me.

Never cooking alongside my mother or reading to my brother.

My tears fell only to turn into ice on my cheeks.

I could only pray I lasted long enough to see this to the end.

I sat up and pulled the flame to my chest with difficulty.

My arms felt frozen and my fingers refused to bend any longer.

As time dragged on I could only wait and hope.

As I pulled my arms closer to my body I heard the echo of voices.

I blinked in shock as they grew louder and I slowly turned my head to see the faintest of light.

I stood up only to fall with a pained gasp.

Everything hurt to move and it was agony to even breathe.

Coughs shook my body and I could only listen as the voices grew louder and the light became brighter.

It was from that light that I could see blood stained the ground below me.

I had been slowly dying for a long time but it seemed I wouldn’t have made it much longer in the state I was in.

I looked up to see the silhouettes of people.

I was free. I could finally let go and be rid of this pain.

I would no longer be in darkness or in the cold.

I would be free of this painful place.

Four people stood in front of me.

Two Elders, a farmer, and the next Guardian of the Flame.

A boy no older than seventeen would take my place but I could not find it in me to feel sorry for him.

All I cared about was that I would no longer be stuck here.

The farmer picked me up and one of the Elders took the flame and gave it to the boy.

The farmer turned around and started to walk away towards the exit.

We reached the mouth of the cave I had been in for ten years and I could feel the sun upon my skin.

I opened my eyes to see everything I had missed from my home.

I took a shuddering breath before my eyes closed for the final time.

The girl I held was freezing and her skin had turned different shades of purple and blue.

Her clothes were stained with blood and she smelled of the earth.

She was thin and pale from not eating or drinking.

Her whole body shook from the force of her coughs and she looked to be on death’s doorstep.

When we reached the exit she opened her eyes and saw our town and felt the sun.

She died with a smile on her face and I could only be glad she had passed in the sun’s light and the view of our home.

January 06, 2024 12:37

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John Rutherford
09:01 Jan 25, 2024

Interesting style. I'm confused with the ending.


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Caroline Austen
21:27 Jan 17, 2024

This is a wonderful story. The way you make the reader feel the emotions of the character rather than have them see it is commendable and interesting to see.


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Maria DiFranco
21:26 Jan 17, 2024

How heartbreaking! Beautiful, too, though. Nicely done!


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