How our lives took place

Submitted into Contest #100 in response to: Start or end your story with two characters sitting down for a meal.... view prompt



Note - I am very sorry if this is all over the place.

The auburn haired girl loved Picniks for supper and being with her friends. She had always made them easily but never kept them. They were like those friends you would make on a warm sunny day at the park.

Finding one person and asking them if you wanted to be friends. You would then proceed to play princesses or pirates; go on great adventures with each other, not really thinking that you would never see them again.

This always happened with her from the ages 3 - 10. Natasha (the auburn haired girl) would often go to the park with her older brother and his friends to the park where a skate park was. That's where her brother Justin and his friends would play. They would leave her to make a temporary friend at the playground and go play by herself at times. Although her brother loved her, he was always embarrassed; she would always talk nonsense with his friends. Like really smart nonsense. The nonsense no one really knew, nor cared for. And Natasha's bother and his friends were all 5 years older than her.

So as the years passed by, and Natasha got older she just stalked to the skatepark with her brother, seemingly losing interest of playing with kids younger then her. She only came because it was routine now, and even if she said no her brother would guilt trip her. Saying that it was her favorite activity to go to the park when she was younger, and that she would be disappointing younger self if she didn't come. Today was one of those days.

The boys in front on Natasha laughed at bad jokes, pushed each other around and made fun of little kids they saw once they were out of earshot. All of these things Nathasha rolled her eyes at. She was minding her own business listening to an audio book while skating on her brother's old skateboard. She didn't like skating in the park, just rolling around simply skating is what she preferred.

As she was listening to the book with her headphones in her ears she didn't notice that one of the boys from the group was missing and now behind her. She only noticed when they pulled on her long Auburn ponytail and pulled her earphones out harshly.

"Nerd!" They had yelled running away as everyone else laughing at her. Even a group of teenage girls and a mother with a little chubby baby stopped to look at her. The mother just walked away. The group of 5 teenage girls stopped to laugh at Nathasha and whisper about her, making Nathasha's face turn scarlet.

She got up and put her earphones and phone in her bag, then picking up her skateboard and running off. Justin loved to torment her life, it's been his recent hobbie. He even went so far he got his friends involved.

When Nathasha finally got to the park, Justin and his friends were already at the skatepark. She didn't want to face them right now. She sat on the swing that squeaked like a family of mice in a house when she sat on it. The park was next to abandoned, it was secty. Graffiti on the walls of the ark equipment, trash littering the floor, and equipment rusting. All you ever saw anymore were teenagers goofing off on a late friday night. The skate park wasn't much better, the only thing different was that beer cans weren't littering the floor.

Nathasha took her bag off her shoulders and took her phone out again which still had the earphones plugged into it.

She went to her spotify playlist and put it on shuffle, the first song being Matt Corby - Brother.

Something about the song always made her go back to her childhood.

The wind ruffled the little girls hair, her brother chasing her in a game of tagg. Life couldn't get better really, the boy being a role model in the 3 year olds eyes, the parents watching from the side lines laughing and smiling on how far their children have come.

No one would guess that the parents would grow distant having to always work at the hospital, and the brother being nothing more then a reason to cry most days.

No one knew how this would all affect the little girl's life to becoming an independant one. A strong one. But then again no one could tell the future, you just live in the moment.

A boy around Natashas age (15) sat on the swing besides Nathasha. Pulling out her earphones she asked: "Hi." He smiled back at her. "What's your name?"

"Charlie, what's yours?"


They continued to talk, at first it was simple get to know you questions like 'What's your favorite color? Whenever Nathasha was there, Charlie was too, making their relationship bigger and better. Natasha had learned that Charlie's older sister was dating one of Justin's friends, so they would always come here to look at the group of boys.

By the time Charlie and Natasha were 20, they came to the park on their own time, wanting to talk with each other. And by the time they were twenty one they had started dating, and Justin had just gotten engaged to what would soon be Natasha's sister in law, although she didn't really know her yet, she was really excited.

Once they had moved in together, they both became youtubers and started college. Natasha became an author and charlie became a teacher for 1st grade.

But even when they were busy they still made time for each other, and Charlie decided to take a surprise date to the next level. A picnic. Although it wasn't much, it was one of Nathasha's favorite things. He had also decided that it would be the best idea to do it at the park where they had first met, he had heard that someone had just recently renovated it to it's original self. This was the place where both of their lives started to really make sense for both of them.

So when Natasha came back from her office in a facility she wrote in, Charlie made her get ready from their date, just telling her to wear something comfortable.

When Natasha saw what Charlie had done she had given him the biggest hug she might have ever given, and for the rest of the night she couldn't wipe off the smile on her face. Eating the grapes, peanut butter sandwiches and drinking soda they talked about everything they could possibly think of, excited to do more of these in the future.

July 02, 2021 00:37

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