
My family consists of restraint, obedience and perfect. I live on a manor on a tall hill. Not many like to wonder up here. I've lived 16 years of isolation. No friends. My dad never let me outside the walls, but never hid the wonders and horrors of the world.

My only friend, my mother died five years ago. Like my mother I was dark haired but my eyes but brown. I was the only one who had brown eyes in my family. My mother's were black and my fathers blue. I was allowed to watch the news, and have social media, but he had control over what I watched and what I did. So I didn't have any joy in doing that.

I was in the garden, tending to the roses, both my father and I absolutely loved. It was the only thing my mother loved more than my father and me. I was allowed to be alone in the garden. My father hated when people saw cry, simply cause it was considered weak.

It was in that beautiful garden when it happened. A boy about my age came running up to me. He had dark eyes and light hair. He was covered in blood carrying a little girl in one arm. And in the other he held a knife.

I immediately got up and started running away. When he yelled

"Wait, don’t go. Please you got to let me in. Please! I beg you. It's a massacre out there." He was out of breath. "Who are you? What are you doing here? And what do you want? Also what the hell are you talking about?

"My name is Jacob, I am seeking shelter, and people are eating each other. Th.th..ey ar.. n't st..aying dead!" He let out before he passed out on top of me along with the girl he had in his arms.

I carried them inside where I scream to some bodyguards to help me and since I rarely say anything to them, they looked shocked also with the fact that the boy, Jacob was covered in blood. He never once left go of the girl in his arms.

I ran to my fathers room and slammed the doors open.

"Father, Come down stairs, its urgent"

"What is this? WHY YOU DARE INTERRUPT YOUR FATHER WHO IS WORKING? I have asked to not interrupt me wh...."

I cut him off. “Father this is a life or death situation. Something is happening outside and you have to listen to me or something bad might happen!"

As if finally noticing that I was covered in blood and that I looked frantic. He said" Fine, let’s go downstairs." And so we did.

"So what's wrong and why are you covered in blood?"

I took him to wear the boy, who was now awake was. I told him to tell my father what had happened.... and what he told us turned the world around.

"I was in the store, not far from my house. When all hell broke loose. A man jumped another. At first everyone thought it was a robbery and got down. But the man started eating the other man as if it was its dinner. Then that man died, but then he wasn't dead. He got up and bit someone else in the arm. I, shocked tried to kill the man, but they were everywhere. I ran faster, than I had ever run home. I had to kill my mother who tried to eat my sister. I grabbed her and ran out of there away from the city. I ended up here."

"How did you climb the wall on the outer perimeter?" he asked quietly.

"That’s the first thing you ask, people are killing, eating each other, but you want to know how he managed to climb a freaking wall?" I asked astonished on how calmly he was taking this, when I realized that no one else looked astonished.

“You knew didn’t you? Some how you knew was going to happen, didn’t you?”

“I had no idea something like this was possible, Avery. So don’t go shouting accusations like that, I am just as astonished as you?

We were in the middle of the discussion, when everything changed. 

  A maid walked in,actually she was halfly staggering.She started twiching so violently you could hear her bones snapping. She then collapsed on the floor,her arms and legs are angle that looked as if they had broken. 

We were shocked by the scene that happen next to us. 

The maid then stood up. Everything was quiet until the maid ran to my father and bit him in the neck,that when I realized,we had to get out of here. 

I grabbed to boys hand and ran upstairs into my room.I locked the door and started pushing a wardrobe infront of it. 

The boy set the little blond girl,who was now awake on my bed. He then proceeded to help me push the wardrobe. I didn't know what else to do. It was getting late so,I told them to sleep on the bed. 

I couldn't sleep after seeing the last of my family die. So I sat there,analzing my options.First the whole world can't be like this,can it ? We can't here either. We would have to run for it if we want to survive. Meaning we have to be prepared. So I went sleep after while,where I was siting. 

We all woke up to scatching at the door. We didn't dare open the door. We kept quiet until the noise when away. 

"I'm going to shower,stay quiet and still."I told them.

 Jacob nodded before saying,"Could I use the bathroom first?"

I nodded.

After I had a quick shower. I considered cutting my hair. It had aways been long,just like mothers. I cut it until it was up to my shoulders. I then styled it so it wouldn't bother me. I dresses in warm jeans,a simple shirt and combat boots. 

I offered them a shower and Jacob made the girl take a bath. As they did this I took some warm clothes that I didnt or fit me and sized them in something the girl would fit into. I, then made a couple sets and set them on the bed. When girl came out the shower,in the same clothes I said

" Take your pick and then pick at least two extra sets of everything and put them in this bag." I had made small waterproof bag,about her size with an old rain coat. 

She looked absolutly amazed and said, " My name is Rosy and you are the nicest person I have meet apart from Jacob." 

"Nice to meet you Rosy. I'm Avery." 

Then I turned to jacob and told him,"your turn"

And he went back in the shower. I the proceeded to find bigger and more strectable clothes for him and made the best I could for what was missing. 

When he came out of the shower with only a towel around his waist,my heart skipped a beat. I had never seen another person practicaly naked. I had trouble telling him about his clothes. 

I then turn around and head to look for jackets and sweaters I could give or make them. 

Then when they were all set,with backpacks that held clothes. I took out my stash for emergencys. It contained Snacks and bars that had ordered,when I wanted to skip dinner. I divided that in three.Then I had a couple bottles of water which I aslo divided. And a whole bunch other stuff like flashlights,soup,rope and matches. Then came up another thing, weapons ,we need weapons.  

I remembered something my father told me. So I went to the back were my heater was,lowered the volume and said, " Mia,my father is dead,and I need protection." Automatically,a drawer in the wall opened. "Thank you Mia"

They stared at me while I did this. I then took out what was in the drawer and asked," Do you know how to use a gun or anything?" Jacob answered,"I know to use a rifle." I assembled 

the one there and handed it to him. And gave him all the extra bullets so that he could put it in his bag. 

I put the shot gun in my bag and took another gun. I also handed him a knife and I took as many daggers as I could carry. 

I told them," I don't what will happen out there,but we will try our hardest to survive and find a better place."

September 26, 2020 03:18

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