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It was day nineteen of the mandated quarantine and Jeremy Addams sat rumpled and unshaven in front of his laptop staring back at the baleful blinking cursor that he had been staring at for the last five minutes. Jeremy glanced at his LED clock that in the belly of a dinosaur. He looked back at the laptop then the dinosaur. Sighing he reached for his coffee mug, his favorite one, it was a commemorative 25th anniversary edition for the release of Star Trek: The Motion Picture. He lifted it to his lips sipping the now cooled coffee. Gulping the liquid he considered his options. He could continue to have the staring contest with the cursor hoping he he could write something on the word processor screen or he could give up the exercise entirely. He sat back and reflected kind of hoping he would have come up a better third option but none was forthcoming. Jeremy was a former investigative reporter who had been making a living as a freelance writer the last few years. But today the magic wasn’t happening. He set down the coffee cup, stretched his arms and decided that since he hadn’t a good third option he would go with giving up for now. This seemed best since he had been sitting in his Star Wars Bathrobe and purple furry monster feet slippers front of the laptop most of the evening and had written a good bit. He had written a rough copy of an article for a client hat he just need to find strong ending for it, He was supposed to have a finished article for him on the coming Monday Right now it wasn’t looking all that good for that happening. Nodding to himself he got up picked up his coffee cup and shuffled off to kitchen too refill his coffee. He made his way through the apartment he shared with his childhood friend Derek. Entering the kitchen kitchen was a bit messy which bothered Jeremy but not enough for him to do something about the situation. Normally Jeremy was something of a neatnik most days but with Derek gone as a result of the COVID lockdown (Derek had been in Dallas on business and was stuck there at his step dad’s house because of the stay at home orders). Jeremy had put a pod in the coffee maker and pushed start when he heard something at the apartment door. Leaving the brewing coffee he made his way to the door. Opening it he saw a package on the ground before him. It was a small rectangular shape wrapped in plain brown paper. It had some strange writing on it. Not recognizing the writing naturally piqued his curiosity. He bent down to pick it up. It was wrapped poorly so it unwrapped itself as he handled it. Since it was in this conditioned he opened the box to see what was inside. It was twig of some sort of. The twig had one greenish pink leaf on it. There were four buds along the twig. Suddenly the door of the department to the right opened up revealing a red haired woman. Jeremy froze. It was the girl he had a crush on. He had had it ever since she moved in a few months ago. He had finally gotten to speak to hear a few nights ago at a party held for a local artist by a mutual friend. He didn’t get much of a chance to converse with her since she was whisked off She looked about then stepped out when she spotted Jeremy holding the open package.

“Excuse me but I think that is my package.” she said with a slight smile. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Her green eyes sparkled mischievously as she extended her hand towards him. Grasping the package he turned her direction feeling a little foolish. He realized he was still in his bathrobe and purple furry monster foot slippers. He hadn’t shaved or combed his hair so he figured he must look like a mess to this goddess. His mind fumbled about for her name. He knew he knew it since they had met a party of a mutual artist friend recently. Ellen? Eloise? Elsye? Yeah, it was Elyse he was sure of it he thought. He stood before mute still grasping the package. She stepped closer. She was wearing a Ramones T Shirt and black cargo pants rolled up to reveal knee high hiking boots.

“No tattoos” she said sweetly breaking his reverie. Jeremy shook his head as if to clear it. “I don't have any tattoos just so you know. I can tell you were wondering.” Elyse looked amused at Jeremy’s discomfort. Not saying anything he striated to hand her the package when it tumbled out of his hands. It seemed more like it jumped out of them on it’s own. However it occurred the twig fell. Jeremy scooped it out of the air and looked on in shock as the twig started to change. It grew longer in length becoming more like a staff. The leaf changed into a jewel at the head of the staff and then became entwined in the four slim branches that appeared out of the buds. He felt something surge along his extend arm but he was unable to let go of the rod. The jewel glowed and it charged the air around it. The air swirl and a portal formed in front of the two.

“What the Hell?” Jeremy wonder out loud. The portal quivered then collapsed in on itself. He let go of the staff. Elyse grabbed the staff.

“That should not have happened.” she exclaimed.

“You think?!” Jeremy shook his arm that was still tingling from what ever it was that flowed up it. It had felt like icy fire racing up and down his forearm. Elyse looked at the staff and the now darkened jewel. She had a confused look on her face.

“I don’t understand. You’re human. Humans should not be able to summon magic.”

“Well it seems I am able to.” Jeremy was feeling pleased with himself even if he didn’t quite understand what she was talking about. He did know enough from reading Doctor Strange and Doctor Fate comics that being able to summon magic was pretty cool. Elyse shook her ponytail again.

“That’s just it. This was supposed to be tuned to me. At least that is what the salesman said.” She held the staff up and whispered to it. Nothing happened. She closed her eyes and said something unintelligible it sounded like to Jeremy. Still nothing happened. She opened her eyes, looked at the staff with disgust than turned to leave.

“Wait.” Jeremy said not wanting to lose the chance to be near her. “It worked for me. Maybe we should let me try again.” He ended his thought sounding hopeful. Elyse turned to him. He could tell she was mulling his offer over. He stood there waiting on her in his Star Wars bathrobe and purple furry monster feet slippers. Elyse having made up he mind looked at him. She shrugged her shoulders.

“Sure. Why not. I think we better go inside your place and let you get changed though.” She waved her free hand towards the door.”Where we are going you definitely are not dressed for. Although your rocking the furry purple monster feet.” Jeremy didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. He knew he go anywhere with Elyse.

April 19, 2020 22:38

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1 comment

Ansley Eddy
18:36 Apr 30, 2020

I quite enjoyed this story. I thought the level of detail and thought put in it was very good and very entertaining to read. There were a couple spots where I felt it was a chunk of text that needed to be separated into some paragraphs. But all in all, it was a very fun story. Keep up the good work :)


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