A Stormy Day Spent Indoors

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about a rainy day spent indoors.... view prompt



I awoke from the loud banging on the roof of my room.  It gradually got louder. It was too loud to go back to sleep.  I slowly opened my eyes to realize nothing was happening. A chill went through my body while I looked around the room.  These types of days always bring me down. It was a dark and stormy day. This made my room look pitch black. I knew I wasn't going to go outside during this mess. Going to be locked inside for the entire day is not going to be fun.  I deeply needed the courage to get out of bed today. After a couple of minutes, I thought about why this day came. After a whole week of sunshine, there had to be a horrible consequence for all the nice days. Now that it's here, I wish it'd leave.  I remember all the fun days and activities that happened throughout the week. PArtying with my friends til' the next day. Swimming with my family and my neighbors. Hanging out with my turtle. And even catching fireflies with my younger neighbors. 

Then I hear my dad call for me.  I slump out of bed and put on my favorite fuzzy, llama slippers.  I had to swiftly snatch my robe and run to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and comb my hair.  I can't look that bad in the morning. While walking down the stairs I realize the magnificent smell coming from the kitchen.  On my plate was warm, delicious pancakes. The way this brightened the whole day surprised me. 

Then I made a dumb, regretting move.  I looked out the back window to find a depressing, rainy day waiting for me.  "It's going to be one of those days", I murmured. I checked my phone to see if anything interesting was happening in the world but it seemed like the world said, "I give up." 

My friends were all busy with who knows what.  They also seemed depressed by the gray day. Morning went by really slow and fully halted by noon.  After breakfast, I said goodbye to my parents who were headed off to work. They seemed happy to get away from my down mood. 

I went into my room to read.  I picked 2 books and sped read them.  Then I went downstairs to go harass my turtle.  Not in a mean way but in a playful way. He devoured the banana and ran around the floor.  He's a funny little turtle.

Then boredom hit me.  My curious self has ran out of things to occupy my ever needing things to do mind.  My parents have gone to work now and it's just me. I went through painting, homework, drawing, and watching tv.  Still, my friends were busy. I went onto Netflix to look for an interesting movie to watch. I grabbed some chocolate and my coffee.  I settled in on my couch and pressed play. 

Then I heard a ding.  My phone lit up and a message appeared.  It was my friend apologizing for not answering earlier.  She seemed upset for some reason. I asked her what was wrong but she changed the subject.

I hurried down to the basement to see if I could clean up. I really just wanted to mess with the random objects down there from when I was younger. I found my old coloring book that was barely used. That caught my attention very quickly with its neon cover. I grabbed my colored pencils and got to work. It had some pretty kiddish activities throughout but I got hooked.

I finally gave up my procrastinating and I got to my homework. All the pages seemed so boring. Math was the worst due to the new lessons we are learning. For my class at least. We are two years ahead of every other student. It may not seem like a big deal but I've been with most of my classmates since fourth grade. At some point, you get to know them so well that there's no one new in your classes.

I finished a couple of pages of my work and ended my brain's work.  From all that hard work I deserved a break. I decided on watching The Lion King with my turtle.  Not to be another cheesy person but I held my turtle just like Simba in the beginning. Long live the Speedie.  I entertained myself during the entire movie. My turtle, on the other hand, wanted to escape. 

I looked outside again but it was still wet outside.  My turtle took a look and ran the other direction. I guess he doesn't like the rain either.  I put him back and gave him some food. I went to the pantry to get something to eat and I ended up eating some Jelly Beans.  My favorite comfort food of course.

I went into my room to look at my phone.  Turns out my friend ended up wanting to talk.  She's saying something about how rain makes her depressed.  I didn't feel like texting all this so I just invited her over.  She seemed thrilled to get out of her house. Her parents are always home which seems like a good thing but it's not.  They always nag her to clean and do chores.  In my family, my parents go to work every morning and come home every night.  They cook me dinner and I clean up. It's a nice routine.  

When she comes we have many ideas on what to do.  We dress up into our favorite onesies and grab snacks.  We never do anything bad but we like to have fun. I personally love watching movies with her.  Just us, snacks, and no parents. She comes here to escape her parents though. I just take it as a time to be funny and let loose.  We all need to once in a while. We sometimes or always act like little kids. 

When I was younger I always wanted to grow up.  Be mature and get responsibilities. Now I just want to be a tiny baby with no responsibilities.  Those days were nice when we could play all day without work, school, or drama. 

We now have a nice day planned out with lots of fun.  This gloomy day now turned into a party with my friend.  We had fun all day and she stayed the night. I still don't know what was bothering her but she seemed to forget about it.  

The day went on with many fun activities but that's a best friend's secrets.

March 24, 2020 15:46

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