Contemporary Fiction


Stephen street was throbbing as Tom made his way through the heaving crowds on a warm Tuesday evening in May. It was the epitome of what a central city street was supposed to be, full of characters both good and not so good, possessing an energy and vibe that few streets anywhere on the planet could match let alone any other street in Dublin, though, it must be said, some came close. He passed by The Snug bar, place of romance but now a cruel reminder of love lost to a most evil and merciless disease that claimed that beautiful life that he loved so much. As he passed by its exterior though, he didn't even flinch, just blew a kiss skywards where he believed Sharon lived now and continued on the short distance that took him to Mick and Deirdre's block and rang their number: the buzzer sounded and he made his way to number thirty.

'Do we talk about Sharon? It's too raw yet, don't you think? Or should we just get it out there and talk about her before talking about other things. What do you think?' An anxious Deirdre said quickly to Mick. Mick didn't answer immediately which drew the ire of Deirdre.

'What's your answer? Come on I'm dying here, em, maybe a poor choice of words but how should we play this? Mick....Mick are you listening to me?' Deirdre snapped, clearly getting irate. Finally Mick responded wisely and it was clear that his pregnant pause was worth waiting for. 'We'll let him decide how and when he wants to bring it up. It's been a nightmare for him so, I think we should let him direct the conversation.'

'And that's why I love you, you always know how best to handle things. Ok he'll be here in a sec, don't panic Mick. I'll go and make myself presentable.' Deirdre said rapidly starting to let the nerves get the better of her again. Mick heard the buzzer and pressed the button to let Tom into the building and then casually opened the door. After a minute or two he saw Tom walking towards their front door.

'Get a shift on Tom. How the hell are you?' Mick shouted in Tom's direction.

'Great to see you. Em, I've been alright actually, you?' Tom said shaking Mick's hand at the threshold. Mick thought Tom looked a bit nervous.

 'Ah all ok with me Tom, go on take a seat there at the table. Deirdre is putting on the war paint. You look warm Tom, I'll get you a glass of water.' Mick said walking at pace towards the kitchen tap with a glass, feeling a little nervous himself on noticing Tom's frayed nerves. Mick handed Tom the glass. Tom drank the water quickly.

'Tell you what, let's go into the lounge, Deirdre likes guests to be brought there. We can all chat better in that room, more relaxing and more comfortable.' Mick said looking at the old kitchen chairs with disdain.

'Lead the way' Tom said as he followed Mick into the lounge.

They had barely sat down when Deirdre entered the lounge and flung her arms around Tom. They hugged and gave each other little kisses on both cheeks. When the hugs and kisses were over Deirdre said, 'Let me have a look at you, you've lost weight, are you eating well enough? Must have been such a shock.......must have been the worst time on earth. Are you coping with everything? I know you gave up your job after poor Sharon passed and no one would blame you, must have been just the worst ever. I know it's only been a few months but I have to ask have you got a job yet or are you still doing interviews? Mick might know someone whose hiring, you know there's no harm knowing somebody on the inside, isn't that right Mick?' Mick's head was still going from side to side in disbelief at everything Deirdre had said to Tom, ignoring everything agreed beforehand.

'Yeah I'll ask around Tom. It certainly does no harm these days. Vodka shot anyone? I think we could all do with one. Are you game Tom?' Mick said sensing Tom needed a crutch and he needed one or two himself to calm down after the rocky start. Tom nodded and Deirdre said, 'don't forget about me too. I'll have a large shot' as she turned to Tom to grill him some more.

'How could I forget about you?' Mick said barely audible and went to get the shots from the kitchen. Mick felt sorry for Tom as he could hear the questions being fired in Tom's direction and Tom's short replies clearly indicating that he was under pressure.

Mick handed Tom his shot glass and noticed Tom's hand was shaking as he took it, although Deirdre can have a bad effect on a lot of people he thought, this was different, Tom was suffering. Mick handed Deirdre her glass and sat down.

'Right, to us all and to happier times ahead.' Mick said raising his glass. They polished off the shot quickly and Mick went straight back to kitchen and grabbed the bottle of vodka and refilled the shot glasses. They had three more and things seemed a lot easier particularly for Tom who became more talkative.

'You get to put things into perspective. You begin to look at life differently and see new opportunities, eh, you know work-wise anyway. I hated my last job and I was delighted to quit, I have an interview tomorrow which I'm excited about. It's not much of a job but it's a start at the same time. And I think other stuff will fall into place as time goes by. Are you all ready for The Snug yet?' Tom said eloquently. Deirdre looked at Mick who didn't say anything. She looked at Tom closely and observed intense pain which he thought he had hidden well.

'Are you sure about The Snug?' Deirdre said sympathetically, 'we could always try O'Neill's, I hear they do great food. We don't have to go to The Snug Tom, you know memories can be very painful. Why don't we go to O'Neill's and we always come back to The Snug after that if you like?' Deirdre said thinking that a visit to The Snug might be too much for Tom. Tom thought about what Deirdre had said and answered directly, 'I want to go to The Snug. It was where I was most at ease. Yes it's true that Sharon was always with me but it's time to move on. What do you think Mick?' Tom said slightly nervously. Mick played around the scenarios in his mind and came to the conclusion that it just might be best to go to The Snug. Deirdre looked a little worried and also a bit miffed that Mick hadn't backed her up.

They left number thirty making small talk as they negotiated the bristling crowds and walked towards The Snug. Nervousness seemed to take its toll on Tom and he talked like a man on speed about everything and anything he saw on the street. Confidence briefly returned to Tom, he took charge and entered The Snug first, it was busy, but Tom marched straight up to the bar manager enquiring if there would be a table free but was told there would be a delay of over an hour and they were invited to have a drink which they politely declined, after the vodka shots they needed food. Tom led them all back out onto Stephen street where they discussed the options but Tom's heart just clearly wasn't in going somewhere else and he made his excuses about being nervous for tomorrow's interview and left Deirdre and Mick in Stephen street. Deirdre noticed tears in Tom's eyes as they said good bye and tears appeared in her eyes too. Mick stayed silent but was clearly shocked by the evening's events on Stephen street. They walked in silence back to number thirty, overwhelmed by the power romantic memories had on an unfortunate individual when the object of his affection is no more and how these memories can affect a person.

Deirdre looked at Mick, Mick looked at Deirdre and, despite being so hungry, they both looked at the vodka bottle lustfully. Mick broke the ice, 'Let's finish the bottle. Christ poor Tom. It's very upsetting. I hope the guy will be ok.'

'Only time will tell. It was, em, just too soon for Tom. Poor Tom.'

'Maybe it was just a little too soon. Say when...' Mick said whilst pouring the vodka into a tumbler.

'Pour until you can pour no more.'

'A girl after my own heart.' They sat in silence with their large drinks and their heavy hearts.  Mick stirred himself, 'Take away alright with you?'

'A boy after my own heart.'      

                                                THE END             

February 18, 2023 14:40

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