The Mirror of Adventure

Submitted into Contest #38 in response to: Write a story about someone who finds a magical portal in their home. ... view prompt

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“Ugh! I’m so bored! I wish we could go out and do something.”


“I know, Galvin. I’m bored, too. This whole Coronavirus issue has spiraled out of control.” 


“It has, Ohanna.” replied Galvin “You know what? We might find something new to do here while stuck at home. Anything’s possible.”

“You’re right. Every house has its own secrets waiting for a time like this to be discovered. Let’s ask our parents if they know where these secrets might be hidden.”

So, Ohanna and her brother, Galvin, went to the kitchen to find that their mom was just about to leave for work as a nurse for the rest of the day. 

“Hey, Mom!”

“What is it, Ohanna?”

“Can we ask you a question?”

“Absolutely! Just make it fast. I’m already running late for my shift at the hospital.”

“You know those stories about people finding amazing things in their homes?” said Galven.

“Yes. I do know them and really enjoy them.”

“We thought this house might have a similar secret and…”

“And you were hoping I could give you some ideas where it could be hidden. Right, Ohanna?”

“That’s correct, Mom.”

“Well, if this house does have a worthwhile secret somewhere, I would start searching the attic first, then the basement.” 

“Thank you so much!” said Ohanna and Galvin.

“Now be careful searching those places. Both are pretty dangerous. I don’t want to see either of you at the hospital, especially with all that’s going on right now.”

“Ok. We will be extra cautious. Hope you save some lives, Mom”

“Both of you promise?”


“Ok. See you tonight, Ohanna. And Galvin, be nice to your sister.”

“Ok. Bye, Mom!” said Galvin.

“Bye!” said Ohanna.


Now that they were left home alone, they went straight to the attack to start searching for something incredible and all of a sudden…

“Ohanna.! I found something! Come check it out!” 

“Oh My Gosh, Galvin! It looks like an ancient mirror from a fairytale castle. That’s an incredible find! Let’s take it down to the living room where there’s more light to examine it.”

“Great idea, Ohanna!”

So, they brought the mirror with them, completely unaware that it had magical properties and that it would lead them to a great adventure.

“Phew. That was super heavy.” said Ohanna as they came downstairs. “Let’s take a closer look at it.”

“Of course! I can’t wait to see what we find. I’ll get a magnifying glass.” said Galvin.

He rushed to the playroom to find a magnifying glass.

“Found it!” he said while reentering the room.

So, they started looking at all the intricate details and engravings on the mirror when Ohanna found a cryptic message.

“Galvin. Take a look at this. It says ‘If you wish for an adventure, then the story will be yours, but you must help the cast before the portal opens once more.”

As soon as Ohanna finished, the magic mirror opened a portal that sucked the siblings in with a powerful vortex to another world. Just as suddenly as it came, the portal closed and the vortex disappeared leaving no trace of the human world.

“What happened?” said Ohanna while looking around. “OMG! I think we’re in the Dragon Realms from Spyro. How did that happen?!”

“I think that the mirror was a magical portal. That inscribed message must have been the key to unlocking its powers.”

“Great guess, Galvin. I think that is probably what happened here. We do need to get home soon though. Let’s read the message again to see if it tells us how to get home.”

So, they reread the inscription and it hit them. They need to help the inhabitants to reopen the portal. Luckily, a gorgeous female fawn wearing a green leaf dress came up to them looking worried.

“Hi. I’m Elora. I haven’t seen you before. What are your names? 

“Hi Elora. I’m Ohanna and this is my brother, Galvin. You look anxious. Can you tell us what’s wrong?

“Well, I’m supposed to help my friend, Spyro, find the rest of the treasure, but I can’t find him anywhere.”

“That is worrying. We’ll help you out. Did he give you any clues to where he was going?

“Yeah. He did. The clue was, Go where the blank of friendship grows. Does that help?”

“Yes. It does, Elora.” said Galvin. “We are huge fans of your game. The answer is obviously magic, so let’s check the Magic Crafter’s Word first. There is bound to be another clue there.”

“Right, Galvin.” said Ohanna. We’ll find Spyro for you.”

“Thank you so much! Good luck!” said Elora.

So, off they went to the Magic Crafters’ World with the tiger, Hunter, waiting for them.

“Hey. Are you Hunter? We are on a mission to find Spyro.” said Galvin.

“Yes. I am.” said Hunter. “You just missed him.”

“Oh. That’s too bad. Did he tell you where he was going next?”

“Unfortunately, no.” said Hunter. “But he did give me a clue. He said he was going where nightmares come to life. I don’t know what it means though.”

“No worries, Hunter.” said Ohanna. “We know exactly what it means. Nightmares are a type of dream so that would lead to the Dream Weavers’  World.”

“Awesome. Good luck with your search!” 

“Thanks, Hunter!” said Galvin.

Then they went to the Dream Weavers’ World where they found the newly reformed apprentice, Bianca, the bunny.

“Let me assume that Elora is having you look for Spyro.” said Bianca.

“How did you know that?” asked Ohanna.

“He was just here. By the way, I’m Bianca.”

“Well, I’m Ohanna and this is Galvin. Nice to meet you.”

“Same here. It’s so nice to see you guys helping Elora. Unfortunately, he didn’t tell me where he was going, but gave me a clue. It has one of the most deadly environments in it.”

“That has to be the Beast Makers’ World. They have the Misty Bog and bogs are super dangerous for animals.” said Galvin.

“That is what I was thinking, too. Hope you find him!” said Bianca.

“Thank you!” said both Ohanna and Galvin.

Then they went to the Beast Makers’ World where they finally found Spyro.

“Hey, Spyro! Elora is looking for you.” said Galvin.

“Oh. I’m sorry that I took so long. Who are you?” said Spyro.

“Well, I’m Galvin and this is my sister, Ohanna. By the way, where’s the treasure?”

“You’re in luck. I just found the last clue. It says, ‘what do all of these worlds’ have in common besides magic and dragons?’. I think we all know the answer to this one.”

“The Artisan World!” shouted all three of them because all five worlds use a type of art form in their name.

“All right. Let’s all go to the Artisan World to find the treasure.” said Spyro.

So, they went back to where they started and found all three friends waiting for them.

“I’m so glad you’re ok, Spyro.” said Elora.

“Did you find where the treasure was hidden?” asked Hunter.

“I’m glad to see you guys, too. And I did find where the treasure was hidden, thanks to Ohanna and Galvin.” said Spyro.

“Where?!” shouted all three of Spyro’s friends.

“Somewhere here, in the Artisan World. Let’s all work together to find it!” said Spyro.

So, Ohanna and Galvin helped Spyro and his friends dig for the treasure and they finally found out.

“Hey, you two. Since you helped out so much, I’ll let you do the honors of opening it.” said Spyro with his friends agreeing.

“Wow. Thank you so much.” said Ohanna.

Ohanna and Galvin opened the treasure together to find a bunch of beautiful rainbow colored gems inside.

“As a thank you for helping all of us, we want you to take one of these gems as a gift from the Dragon Realms.” said Elora as the portal reopened.

“Thank you. This journey was so much fun. We greatly appreciate all of welcoming us with open arms into your world. Galvin and I will greatly miss you.” said Ohanna taking a gem.

“Remember to live each day with optimism for the next. You’ll never know what might happen next.” said Spyro.

“Thank you for all your help!” said Elora.

“Bye everyone! We’ll miss you!” said Ohanna and Galvin.

“Bye!” said everyone else as Ohanna and Galvin went through the portal back home.

When the mirror spit them back out, they were relieved and exhausted from their adventure. Their mom walked through the door right after they got back. 

“Wow. This mirror is incredible. What happened while I was gone?”

“It’s a long story, Mom.”said Ohanna.

“Well, it seems like you two had quite the adventure today.”

“We absolutely did.” said Galvin.

“Well, you’ll never know what might happen in the future. So..”

“Be prepared to live each day like it was your last.” said Ohanna.

“As you never know what adventure might be on the horizon.” said Galvin

The End

April 25, 2020 03:38

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1 comment

Keri Dyck
22:52 Apr 29, 2020

This was a really nice story. Very different, told from children’s perspectives. I like the way you used your own unique voice in the telling.


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