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The view is awe-inspiring. The sky is tinted grey and white with shades of orange, giving it a fiery glow. The silvery soft waves are adorned by a glimmer of the auburn sun light.  The sea water gently washes the sand, with a mellifluous sound.

 The sun is slowly fading, as if it is being absorbed by the ocean, allowing a mantle darkness to cover the ocean. 

The beach is almost deserted, except for few persons, scattered along the far-reaching stretch of sand. They have been lingering around, to catch a glimpse of the sunset. 

Under a filao tree, there is a silhouette of a person sitting, alone, motionless. It is   so unobtrusive that one could walk by without noticing that someone is sitting there. 

Mirella has been sitting under this tree for four hours, with eyes fixed on the distant horizon, as if searching for something. She is wearing a long blue dress, printed with red coloured flowers and a straw hat with wide rims, which cover her short curly hair. Her worn out slippers are covered with sand. Wrinkles crumple her forehead and her eyes are sunken and drawn.  She is petite and looks frail. She is clasping her hands tightly and nervously shaking her legs.  Her eyes betray her anguished state of mind and uneasiness.  

As its get dark, she stands up. She glances a final time at the ocean and leaves the beach.

Mirella and her husband, Rico have spent their entire life in the fishing community, close to this beach. As she walks towards her home, she remembers the days when she and her husband, Rico went out daily in their small fishing boat. They explored the sea, crossing the coral reef barriers, spending hours snorkelling and diving, admiring the undersea creatures and plants.  They know every nook and corner of this part of the sea. Each fishing tour was a pleasing adventure and each time they discovered new secrets of the ocean.

 They earned their lives by fishing. When the catch was meagre, they would return home without complaining. When the catch was fruitful, they were joyful. They would sell part of the catch in the market. At night, they used to invite their friends to share the meal with them.    

Mirella and Rico adored the sea and would never have consented to live anywhere else. The fishing village was their universe. Both were loveable, generous and always ready to help others. They were liked by all the community. 

Mirella had even insisted that their wedding should be held on the beach, with their friends. This was an unforgettable event. Everyone in the village enjoyed the celebration, which took place  in a playful and cordial atmosphere.  

Today, Mirella is downcast, feeling lonely and desperate. Rico left in his boat at sunrise on the eve. Two days have gone by and he has not yet returned. This has never happened before. The coast guard and all his friends have been searching for him, with no result.  She saw signs of discouragement on the faces of the coast guard officers. She had the feeling that they would stop the search soon. Rico’s friends were also showing signs of despondency and looked  miserable after each unsuccessful search.

Mirella is distressed. Her heart is heavy and her mind restless. She has hopes that Rico is somewhere there in the ocean. She believes strongly that Rico is alive and is waiting for help.  

She thought that she could no longer sit and wait. She decided that she would herself go out to search for Rico on the next day. She went to bed but could hardly sleep. She was waiting impatiently for the sun to rise on the next day.

She woke up early. She first lighted a candle next to the framed photo of Jesus. She prayed intensely for the help of God to protect Rico from any danger. She prayed for courage and strength to go out at sea to search for her husband.  As she was getting ready to leave, radio broadcasts were announcing that there were risks of strong winds in the afternoon and the sea might become rough  in the afternoon.  Mirella was so engrossed in her deep thoughts that she could hear only her own reflections and nothing else.

On her way, she stopped at the church and reiterated her prayers. She had unwavering faith that she would find Rico.

She went near the same tree where she sat on the eve. She waited. All the boats had been out for fishing tours and she had to wait for one of them to return.  She had not steered a boat for several years. Rico had asked her to avoid taking a boat at sea alone, after her long span of illness, which had weakened her muscles. By the time a boat returned, it was already noon.

Mirella quickly climbed on a boat and guided it towards the ocean. She did not even hear the voice of her friend shouting that the weather will worsen in the afternoon and she should not sail. Her mind was fixed. She was determined to find her husband at any cost.

Thankfully, she knew all the places where they used to sail through and how to manoeuvre the boat in tricky and challenging sites. At this time of the day, the sunlight was intense. It was blazing.  She had forgotten her hat at home. Sweat was running down her forehead, neck and back. She thought, “I shall not to lose courage. I have to find Rico.”   She crossed the reefs and continued on her way, without allowing her spirits to falter. She could not see any other boat. No sign of Rico.

She looked up at the sky and prayed to God, “Please help me find my Rico. I cannot live without him. Please help me. ” It is so hot that blisters appear on her hands and she feels a burning sensation in her feet. 

She catches sight of a tiny islet, which they used to visit now and then. She makes a detour to reach the islet quickly. The weather is now getting windy and heavy clouds appear on the sky.  Mirella knows that she has to hurry because the weather may become dangerous and she has to be back before sunset.

She reaches the small islet. A small boat is overturned on the sand; an empty water bottle is lying a little further.  She hears a moaning sound from a bush. She hastens to look behind the bush. It is Rico lying on the sand, with blood seeping out of the wounds on his legs and arms.  His eyes are closed. He is whispering something.

Mirella has tears coming from her eyes. She cries, “Rico, I am here. Open your eyes.” He open his eyes and mutters “ Oh, you are here. Give me some water. ” He closes his eyes again.   She brings her bottle of water and gives him a sip.

Mirella says, “Thanks God, I have found you,  my Rico.” She lifts Rico’s head and says, “Don’t give up.  We shall go home.” She gathers all her strength and takes a stick to support Rico. She takes a deep breath and holding him tightly, she  drags him to the boat. She lifts his legs one after another and places him on the boat. She is out of breath and exhausted. But she musters all her courage to start the return journey. 

 She starts the boat, breathing heavily and using all her force.  She has to hasten and reach the shore before the sunset. She keeps talking to him. “We will soon be back, Rico”. Every time he closes his eyes,  she cries “Open your eyes. We will soon reach home, my dear. I’ll take you to hospital and they will give you all the care.”

Rico was lying motionless, opening his eyes from time to time, looking tenderly at his wife and slurring. His words were inaudible.  

Mirella steered the boat faster. The waves were getting rough and huge clouds appeared on the sky. Her hands were sore. She was writhing with back pain. Her legs were achy.

After about one hour, she had the impression that the beach from where she had departed was close. She guided the boat in that direction, thinking with relief that finally they would  be home.

She thanked God that Rico was alive and safe. “How would I have lived without him,” she thought. She was thinking of preparing the fish stew that he loved when they reach.

She  called, “Rico, open your eyes. We have almost reached home. Do you remember our wedding anniversary. You have to get well fast, because we  have to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary.”

Rico opened his eyes and  looking at her lovingly, whispered, “You  are an angel.” 

The sun was setting. Immense patches of cloud covered the sky. The rays of the setting sun were faint. The waves were rising, with a rumbling sound. The view of the sky was different from that of yesterday. The clouds invaded the sky, hiding the last glimpses of the sun.

Mirella was getting tense. It was getting duskier. The shoreline was indistinct. Everything appeared hazy. She continued to guide the boat towards the shore. The last flickers of light  were slowly vanishing. It was now completely obscure.

The boat was swinging over the waves.    Mirella was strenuously steering it. She shouted, “ Rico, we are reaching the shore. Don’t give up.”

Then, a deafening sound broke the silence. Sea water was leaping in all directions. The soaring waves submerged the boat.  The boat had crashed against a rock  and had broken into pieces.

Mirella and Rico disappeared in the waves. As the sun rose on the next day, they were found lying inert on the sand. Their faces were serene and mellow. They had a gentle smile, as if they were watching a new and lovelier sunrise.

June 25, 2021 10:19

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1 comment

Cannelle L
00:05 Jul 02, 2021

This is sad but I really like this story. You did a great job capturing Mirella's emotions!


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