Happy Friendship Funny

 The red leaves crunched beneath my feet. I could feel a slight breeze on my neck, just enough to make me regret ditching my sweatshirt in favour of a stylish short-sleeved tee. Fashion or comfort, huh? I inwardly chuckled. Shades of yellow, red and orange enveloped me, being the only colours prominent for miles and miles ahead." Looks like a thousand fires being lit at the same time", I whispered to myself. I glanced towards my bag and saw my name- Autumn- shining brightly off my identity card. I smiled. The most lovely time of the year and I had been lucky enough to be named after it. For those of you who haven't yet had the pleasure of experiencing this wonderful season, autumn is the season that prevails after summer, it's when the leaves fall to the ground, only to be held by the soft hands of Mother Earth. It's the season when the days are shorter with a noticeable chill and everything turns into beautiful shades of red and yellow, almost as if imitating a city of gold. 

It's also called the most perfect time to visit your local coffee house because it's when they unveil a new line of delicious autumnal drinks and change up their ambience by incorporating Halloween and Diwali decorations to get a jump start on the festive spirit. The heaters are finally turned on and the mind-bending aroma of caramel can be detected from far away that turns the dingy place into a very desirable, luxurious and comfortable environment. 

I strode towards my favourite coffee house and heard the familiar bell jingle as I opened the door to heaven. "Be right with you ma'am", yelled one of the servers. 'Don't go worrying yourself hun, I'm coming right over", I walked over to the counters and was greeted by a jubilant, dark-haired girl with an incredible smile. "Hey Melanie, how's your fund coming along?", I said as a way of initiating conversation. "Oh just swell", she responded ( she was part British, bless her soul), she was collecting for her college tuition. " By the end of this week, I'd have enough?", she said it like that, like a question. "So, how may I be of assistance today? Just the usual?"

"Uh, anything new I should probably know about?", I motioned towards the brand new billboard advertising the latest drinks. "Yes, actually," she laughed. "We have a new line of autumnal drinks made with the freshest ingredients.." she was in the middle of reciting her sales-pitch when I interrupted her." Hold up, I'll just shake it up a bit; I'll have samples of the best of the latest line".

"Sure ma'am, just give me a moment as I arrange your tray of samples." She side-stepped to the kitchens and came out with a tray of heavenly goodness. "Here's your tray. I'm glad to see you shake it up a bit after all autumn is the season of change!" she laughed and went to her counter to tend to another customer.

Change. The word echoed in my mind, I couldn't think of one time in my life I'd been impulsive, save for today if you'd count not ordering your usual coffee in favour of something new as impulsive I muttered to myself. 

I glanced at the tray of cups that I was holding. The aroma drifting upwards from them was enough to make me have hallucinations.I was completely entranced by it. I checked to see if my favourite booth was empty and thankfully, it was. The orange, mushy, soft sofas and the dangling red lights did seem out of place in this dingy corner but gave me the utmost feeling of home and comfort. I settled in and picked up the most aromatic cup,' Salted Caramel Latte' except the Ls looked like Ts and the Ts like Ls. I took a sip and my taste buds were immediately flooded with flavours. The saltiness of the caramel cut right through its sweetness mixed with milk, cream and CREAM that packed it with richness. It was enough to make me melt and I couldn't help but let out a slight 'mmmmmmm' after having a taste. I'd always loved caramel flavours, ever since my mama had introduced them to me by making her world-famous, loved by all, oh- so amazing caramel pudding. Who'd have thought this three dollar latte would've made happy memories resurface, I wondered. 

I picked up the next cup labelled 'Pumpkin Spice Latte'. I scrunched you my face; I never had grown fond of pumpkin spice, way too overrated and way too overpriced I'd say. It came just as it was advertised: bland squash. Some people that iconic spice blend- a mix of nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice and ginger- is what makes this concoction taste good enough to crave. But, for me, at least, the pumpkin purée stirred in with coconut milk and the vanilla extract was enough to make me vomit up my insides. It's a well-known fact that the key to the perfect PSL is sweetness, except this coffee house, I guess. Nonetheless, I decided to take a sip 'coz hey, it's autumn, why not embrace change and not be such a Scrooge and immediately regretted my dauntless undertaking. I choked as the poison, yes, poison, travelled down my throat and made it burn. "Too bitter", I coughed out to the stares I was privileged enough to get by a group of teen girls behind me and offered them an almost apologetic smile. This isn't something I'd shake it up for. 

I reached for the next cup ( no point cribbing over spilt milk) 'Peppermint mocha' I read aloud. Again, this too was something I'd not generally opt for but it was a part of the FREE sample tray given to frequent customers- so why not? "Mmm... still hot", I whispered to myself. I liked how they served it hot, warm and steaming, unlike other coffee houses that gave it being ice cold. Almost every time I've tried it, the mixture of mint and chocolate goes wrong but today they'd hit the hammer on its head. The hot chocolate syrup with peppermint, a dash of white chocolate and a gigantic mountain of frothed milk truly made this a luxury. It tasted divine and overwhelmingly as if I was drinking a cup of hot, pure, creamy, soft, mouth-melting chocolate as opposed to plain old coffee. 

The last cup awaited me. 'Caramel chocolate hazelnut latte' it read with a note scribbled on the bottom ' with a pump of applesauce because I know that's just how you like it'. I picked up the cup and hoisted it towards Melanie and nodded my head with a humongous smile over my face to show her that her act of kindness was acknowledged. She replied with an equally beaming smile. Oh, Melanie, what would I do when you'll stop working here... best not to dwell on unpleasant thoughts, so I shifted towards my tray. The cup emitted a strong hazelnut scent and flavour-a bit too strong actually. Although it was overpowered with hazelnut, the overall flavour of the latte was like sweetened, flavour milk- almost like the ones I used to get in carton boxes when I was 7 years old. I practically lived off them and always saved my allowance for a trip to the superstore to buy some carton milk, no matter how much it annoyed my mother. The aftertaste of the apples was what made this drink so very desirable; its tartness cut right through the sweetness if the milk. 

I hadn't even realised I'd had my eyes closed until Melanie tapped my shoulder. "Anything good enough to make you deviate from your usual order?", she stood in front of me, a notepad and pen in hand. I thought about it. The pumpkin spice latte was a no-no, I'd rather dig up my own grave rather than ordering that. The caramel hazelnut latte was more than I'd bargained for, the only prevailing flavours being of hazelnut and sugar. The peppermint mocha was, well, a delicious blend of chocolate and mint I admitted, but not something I'd match with the 'autumn theme'. That left the salted caramel which was probably the most unoriginal, un-special drink on the tray but admittedly the most scrumptious. Still, I didn't feel like drinking it at the moment, it struck too close to home. 

"Well Melaine...” I began and she nodded, fully attentive and lingering on every word I said. Poor girl, her face was so full of hope, I almost hated saying what I had to to those puppy eyes.

"Guess we're sticking with the usual today", I said. 

So much for change. 

October 14, 2020 15:09

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Autumn Rebecca
14:19 Oct 22, 2020

This deserves more likes! Such a light hearted read! Made me want to curl up in a blanket with something warm in hand. I have to agree with the statement at the beginning. To be named Autumn is truly a blessing! ;)


Nayantara Rao
08:01 Oct 23, 2020

Wow thank you for such lovely comments! I’m glad you could relate with my story 💖 💓


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Nayantara Rao
06:34 Oct 21, 2020

Hi guys, go ahead and comment tell me what you like/dislike about my story.. I’d love to hear some feedback! :)


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