Eye of the Storm

Submitted into Contest #288 in response to: Set your story during — or just before — a storm.... view prompt


Drama Suspense Thriller

Introduction: The Unyielding Storm

Windridge always seemed excessively quiet—a town that appeared to be holding its breath in trepidation. Its cliffs, sharp and ominous, loomed like ancient sentinels over the churning sea, their secrets buried deep within. However, when the storms unleashed their wrath, an energy permeated the air that felt almost sentient.

The locals locked themselves inside, barricaded against the howling winds and tumultuous waters. They pretended it was merely another storm, but Sarah Morris understood better. She could sense it in her bones; the weight of history pressed down upon this accursed town.

Disappearances without explanation, peculiar lights flickering from the cliffs where no one dared to venture—whispers floated through the air like ghostly tendrils tugging at her consciousness. Windridge had consumed countless mysteries over the years, leaving only vacant homes and lingering questions. Although the latest storm raged on, Sarah perceived something distinctive about it.

Accompanying the storm was a pull—a scarcely perceptible whisper that summoned her toward the lighthouse, leading her to the truth she feared above all else.

Chapter 1: Unleashing the Storm

The town of Windridge had been preparing for the impending storm long before the initial drop of rain fell. The atmosphere was heavy with an oppressive weight, as though an invisible force was bearing down on the community. A peculiar tension crackled through the streets, causing leaves to whirl in chaotic spirals and shutters to rattle against their frames. In the distance, a loose sign clanged with a metallic resonance, accompanied by a low, ominous groan from the gathering tempest.

Sarah Morris stood at her kitchen window, her hands gripping a cold mug of coffee. She found herself unable to divert her gaze from the outskirts of town where dark, jagged cliffs towered menacingly. Recently, she had been spending more time staring out that window, searching for... what, precisely? Answers? Hope? Or perhaps merely a sign that the unease gnawing at her gut was not solely a product of her imagination. However, the uncertainty lingered, wrapping around her thoughts like the approaching storm.

The storm clouds looming over the lighthouse swirled in a chilling hue of black, subtly infused with an otherworldly green. This sight reminded Sarah of illness and decay. Something had shifted in Windridge, yet Sarah grappled with articulating it.

Just three weeks prior, three individuals had disappeared without a trace: Mary Talbot, Daniel Lowe and Ruth Carter. There were no notes, no witnesses and no indications of a struggle. They were simply gone. Most people dismissed the situation as mere bad luck or assumed they had fled, however, Sarah could not dispel the notion that something malevolent was unfolding. Each night, as the wind howled against her window and shadows flickered on her walls, Sarah sensed a presence lurking just beyond her reach, waiting for a chance to pounce.

Sarah was acutely aware that something more profound was transpiring in Windridge, something dark and unsettling.

She possessed a strong intuition that the key to unraveling the mystery resided within the abandoned lighthouse that loomed ominously on the cliffs. The locals, filled with trepidation, steered clear of the site, whispering about curses and peculiar lights. However, recently, there had been indications of life, flickering beams of light danced along the cliffs at night and shadowy figures were observed moving amidst the tempest.

As the storm raged outside, Sarah resolved to confront the unknown. The flickering lights within her own home and the distorted voices emanating from her radio felt almost like a summons.

She hastily donned her coat and seized her notebook, muttering vehemently under her breath, "I won't let this town consume me too."

With determination igniting her gaze, she stepped into the night, bracing herself against the howling wind, which seemed intent on pushing her back. But Sarah was resolute; she was set on discovering the truth, regardless of the obstacles in her path.

Chapter 2: Mary Talbot's House

As Sarah navigated her way toward the residence of Mary Talbot, the relentless rain battered down upon her, almost as if it were trying to drive her away from the weathered cottage. Its dilapidated state only amplified the pervasive sense of desolation that hung heavily in the air.

The garden, curiously pristine amid the chaos of the storm, seemed to mock her with its vibrant flowers thrashing violently in the wind. With a tentative hand, Sarah pushed open the gate, greeted by a loud groan that reverberated throughout the stifling silence of the street. The door swung open with ease, seemingly inviting her into its suspended realm. Although a faint scent of lavender lingered, it did little to obscure the underlying stench of decay and neglect that permeated every corner of the house.

Sarah's footsteps sank into the thick carpet; however, she could not shake the eerie sensation that enveloped her. A book lay abandoned on an armchair, its yellowed pages curling inward. On the coffee table, dark rings remained, remnants of a tea set that had long ago lost its liquid content.

However, it was the clocks that captured Sarah's attention, their unmoving hands persistently showing 2:13 am. Her heart raced as she examined each clock in disbelief. It was not merely a coincidence; this house was grasping onto something awaiting someone's return. Shaken, but determined in her pursuit of the truth, Sarah quickly wrote a note in her journal before escaping back into the rain. Although she walked away, an unsettling feeling lingered in her mind, both haunting and captivating at once

Chapter 3: Daniel Lowe’s House

As Sarah neared the residence of Daniel Lowe, the rain lashed against her with a violent intensity, thoroughly soaking her coat and adhering her hair to her face. She shivered as she pushed open the peeling white picket fence, feeling like an intruder in this desolate place.

The door swung open effortlessly, almost beckoning her inside with a sinister whisper. Within, the air was thick and musty, imbued with a faint yet distinct scent of salt—a chilling contradiction to the house's location far from the sea.

Sarah's footsteps echoed on the hardwood floor as she navigated each room, perceiving the same eerie stillness that had unsettled her at Mary's house. In the dining room, a table was set for one, featuring a plate of untouched food, now dried and curled at the edges it conveyed a sense of neglect and the passage of time.

Nevertheless, it was not until Sarah observed that the clocks had all ceased functioning at 2:13 a.m. that a wave of panic surged through her. She then noticed it: a solitary, wet footprint leading toward the back door, which hung slightly ajar and swayed in the wind. Her heart raced as she approached, sensing that danger lurked just beyond. The footprint seemed too large to belong to Daniel; its smudged edges suggested that whoever had left it had paused for only a brief moment before vanishing into the raging storm.

 With trembling hands, Sarah hurriedly jotted down this detail in her notebook, before quickly closing and securing the door behind her. Every nerve in her body screamed to vacate this ominous place, however, a peculiar urgency compelled her to stay and uncover more clues.

Chapter 4: Ruth Carter’s House

Ruth Carter's residence was a stark contrast to the pristine homes that surrounded it. The once-manicured lawn now resembled a tangled jungle, with overgrown hedges and weeds choking out any signs of life.

The curtains were drawn tightly shut, as if hiding some dark secret from prying eyes. Sarah's heart raced as she approached the house, her hand trembling as she reached for the doorknob.

With a creak, the door swung open, revealing a musty interior that felt both abandoned and untouched. Dust coated every surface, and forgotten objects lay scattered throughout the rooms. As Sarah ventured further inside, she couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched.

In Ruth's bedroom, Sarah's search intensified as she combed through journals and photo albums, trying to piece together the puzzle of this mysterious woman's life. And then she found it: a postcard tucked between the pages of a journal. It showed a lighthouse standing tall against a stormy sky, with the words "It calls us in the storm" scrawled on the back in shaky handwriting.

Sarah's hands trembled as she clutched the postcard, her mind racing with possibilities. But there was no time to waste. She knew the lighthouse held the key to everything, and with newfound determination, she set off towards the distant cliffs.

Chapter 5: The Lighthouse

Fear and doubt gnawed at her thoughts, but Sarah refused to let them hold her back. This journey had ignited a fire within her, propelling her forward towards whatever secrets and dangers awaited at the lighthouse.

As Sarah arrived at the cliffs, the rain pounded down in an unforgiving deluge, assaulting her face with sharp, needle-like drops. The pathway to the lighthouse was treacherous, a narrow path slick with mud and lined with menacing rocks that seemed poised to swallow her whole.

 She pushed forward through the storm, her heart racing as she finally saw the dark silhouette of the lighthouse emerging in the distance against the raging sky. With each step closer, she could feel her fear growing, but there was no turning back now.

The door to the lighthouse creaked open ominously as Sarah hesitated for just a moment before stepping inside. The air within was thick and musty, heavy with the scent of decay and mold. In the dim light of a flickering lantern at the base of the staircase, she could see wet footprints leading up, indicating that someone had recently been there.

Her heart pounding even faster now, Sarah cautiously made her way further into the room, scanning its walls covered in a chaotic display of papers scrawled in red ink: The storm consumes us. The light calls to us. It's alive. Suddenly, a low voice broke the silence.

"You shouldn't have come," Mark said, not even bothering to turn towards her.

"Mark...do you know where they are?" she managed to choke out.

 His laughter rang out like shattered glass, sending shivers down her spine.

"They're here," he whispered.

Slowly turning his head to face her, Sarah couldn't help but gasp at Mark's bloodshot eyes and gaunt appearance as if he hadn't slept in days.

"The storm...it takes what it wants. And soon, it will take you too."

Her stomach twisted in fear. "What do you mean?"

 Mark's gaze drifted towards the window, where the storm raged on. "It's not just a storm," he murmured. "It's alive, and it feeds off our fears. And when the eye passes, we become part of it."

Before Sarah could respond, a deafening clap of thunder shook the lighthouse, causing the lantern to flicker wildly. 

In a flash, Sarah saw it: the shadows on the wall, no longer formless but purposeful, twisting and elongating with sinister intent. They danced like flames, beckoning to her with unseen hands.

"Run," Mark urged, his voice desperate. "Run before it's too late."

But before Sarah could even move, the shadows surged forward, engulfing the room in darkness as they reached out for her.

The storm wasn't just alive—it was hunting. And Sarah was its next target.

Chapter 6: The Hidden Room

The shadows surged, writhing and twisting like a living nightmare, engulfing the small room in their inky darkness. Sarah stumbled backwards, her heart pounding against her ribs as she pressed herself against the damp, cold wall. She could feel the air thickening with an unknown presence, suffocating her.

Mark's voice cut through the chaos, strained and desperate as he warned that it was too late. The entity had sensed their presence and was coming for them.

"What is it?" Sarah cried out, terror lacing every word.

But Mark remained silent, his eyes fixed on the pulsating shadows. His skin grew paler and sweatier by the second as he muttered incomprehensible words under his breath. Without another word, he grabbed the lantern and beckoned for Sarah to follow him through a door at the far end of the room.

.As they descended deeper into the decaying space, Mark revealed cryptic clues about "the heart" - a place of immense power that controlled the storms and claimed lives. Sarah's mind raced with questions but Mark offered no answers, only muttering fragments of ancient incantations.

At the bottom of a staircase, they entered a vast chamber with walls made of slick rock and a pulsating orb of light suspended in its center. Mark revealed that this was what they were searching for - the source of all their troubles.

Sarah's heart thumped wildly as she asked once more with trepidation, "What is it?"

Mark's voice trembled as he confessed, "I don't know...it's alive and hungry, always reaching for us when the storm comes."

Sarah felt a primal fear grip her core as she stumbled back, eyes locked on the pulsating orb in front of them. She knew they had to find a way to stop it before it consumed them all.

But Mark warned her that destroying it entirely was impossible - they could only weaken its hold on them. Faces appeared within the orb, their twisted expressions haunting and pleading for release - Mary Talbot, Daniel Lowe, Ruth Carter - all trapped and slowly drained by its insatiable power.

Sarah refused to give up, determined to find a way to extract her friends from the cursed orb. Despite the danger, she pressed forward, fueled by desperation and determination. They raced back towards the stairs as the storm raged outside, lightning illuminating their path.

Nothing would stop Sarah from putting an end to this nightmare once and for all, even if it meant sacrificing everything. The moment of reckoning was upon them, and she was ready to face it head on with unwavering resolve.

Sarah frantically climbed the stairs, fighting against the howling winds and grasping shadows that seemed to come alive. Mark's voice echoed in her head, urging her to retrieve the journal before it was too late.

The room pulsed with a dark energy as she finally reached the table and grabbed the journal, but the shadows twisted into sinister faces and emitted an eerie wail. Mark's warning about the orb being connected to the light rang in her ears as a blinding flash of lightning shattered his lantern, sending him plummeting into darkness.

 But he wouldn't let her give up - even from beyond the grave, he urged her to finish what they had started and not let the storm consume her as well.

Chapter 7: The Storm's Wrath 

With guilt and fear twisting in her stomach, she sprinted down the stairs. The orb’s light grew brighter with each step. In the cavern, the air was thick and oppressive; faces appeared in the orb, silently pleading. Sarah hesitated, unsure if she could destroy it and lose her only connection to the missing people. However, the pull of the orb intensified, drawing her closer. 

"No," she whispered fiercely. 

She opened the journal and found a phrase underlined deeply:

"The light must be consumed."

With trembling hands, she ripped out a page and presented it to the orb. Flames erupted upon contact and the orb shook violently. A deafening scream erupted from within; the shadows retreated as the orb’s glow dimmed. The pressure around Sarah lifted because the light sputtered and shrank until it collapsed in a blinding flash. 

Silence fell. 

Sarah stumbled to her feet in the darkness, stunned by what had happened. The faces were gone, as was the energy that once filled the cavern.

But Mark's warning echoed in her mind— the storm always comes back.

Chapter 8: The Calm After

Sarah emerged from the lighthouse into a world ravaged by the storm. The once vibrant and lively colors were now drained, muted, replaced by an eerie stillness that sent shivers down her spine. Clutching the journal tightly to her chest, she frantically searched for her companion, Mark; however, he was nowhere to be found.

The town of Windridge lay deserted, devoid of even the faintest whisper of human life. As Sarah walked through the empty streets, she couldn’t shake the feeling that time had suddenly stood still. Then, a soft whisper caught her attention—it seemed to emanate from the journal itself. Trembling, she opened it to find a chilling message warning about the storm's inevitable return.

 With grim determination, Sarah knew that she would have to face it once again and this time, she would be prepared for its merciless fury. As she walked through the desolate streets, her shadow stretched behind her, flickering subtly in the dimming light of the setting sun.

Epilogue: The Vanished

Life in Windridge resumed a tenuous normalcy as the townsfolk who had previously been absent reemerged. However, they were not unchanged: Mary exhibited a sense of distance and remained unresponsive, Daniel gazed vacantly at the horizon and Ruth withdrew into her residence. They had come back during the stormy night, wandering in a stupor with fragmented recollections of light and shadow because they were summoned by an enigmatic voice. Something deep had shifted within them; this transformation was unmistakable.

February 01, 2025 16:12

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Ian Craine
12:40 Feb 16, 2025

Hi, Marilyn. I've also been given your story to critique. As it happens you, me and Jay below seem perhaps to be part of a triangle. Jay was also given my story to critique and maybe you have too. I can see why the people at Reedsy created these links between the three of us. There are similarities between the stories we have told. You and Jay both focus on a lighthouse. With Jay it serves as the hero with you as the villain. Then you and I have both located our stories on a literal cliff edge, in places where the terra has become distinct...


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18:08 Feb 13, 2025

Hi Marilyn, I’ve been matched with you by the critique circle to give you my feedback on your story. I really enjoyed reading it. I love how you have formatted the story as a condensed novel. Your story excels in crafting a suspenseful and eerie atmosphere and the storm is used effectively as a metaphor for an impending, supernatural force. The descriptions of the town, particularly the lighthouse and abandoned houses, enhance the feeling of isolation and dread (…In the distance, a loose sign clanged with a metallic resonance..). I liked ...


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Krissa Svavars
12:44 Feb 09, 2025

Great story. There is so much in it that, to me, it feels almost like a summery from a novel.


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