
Have you ever had that one person you can’t get over? No matter how many people you date. No matter how many times they break your heart. You still can’t get over them That’s what it’s been like for me for eleven years. In my third year of high school, I dated Newbury High’s golden boy Cole Matthews. We had broken up two weeks later because we felt as if we rushed things. But in our defense, people were in our business saying we should date. After the breakup, we only talked when it was necessary. We kept up with each other on Instagram and Snapchat. We checked in on each other when we were going through a rough patch during senior year and college. But after college we stopped talking overall. But tonight would be the night that changes our entire relationship.

Tonight is my ten-year class reunion and I was more than anxious to see Cole. My feelings towards him never changed. I’m still in love with him I admit. Even though I’m engaged to be married in less than a month, I’m still in love with Cole Matthews.

My fiancé Sean Winters, is the wealthiest man in all of Chicago. He owns six car dealerships and that’s just on the north side. We met in our sophomore year of college at Harvard. It didn’t take us long to fall in love. His pearly white teeth are the key as to how he can make girls fall for him. I was one of the girls who fell at his feet, but he fell at mine as well. He had a reputation for being a player, but I felt as if I helped change his player ways.

Aside from his pearly white smile, there were other reasons as to why I fell for him. He had an addiction to strawberries like I do. His olive skin tone complimented his emerald green eyes. He has a strong jawline and broad shoulders. His black hair was always combed back even though he always put an excessive amount of gel to hold it in place. He was nearly six feet and he was quite muscular. His toned body always looked amazing his Armani suits. On top of the looks, he’s loaded with cash. That’s not the reason I’m marrying him, but it’s part of why I fell for him.

I come from a low-income family and he was aware of this when we met. I told him my story of how my parents are divorced and I lived with my mother up until college. I was attending Harvard on a full ride scholarship so I wouldn’t have to pay back a penny after graduation. Cole didn’t judge my financial background like other rich people would. Instead he assured me that I wouldn’t have to worry about anything when it comes to money. I’m blessed to have him in my life. But honestly, being with him isn’t what I want. I do love Sean, but I love Cole more.

“Sean!” I called from the bedroom.

He stepped out of the bathroom fixing his hair. I looked him up and down thankful he wasn’t trying to show off tonight by wearing an expensive suit. Tonight he wore a grey sweater, Levi khaki’s, and black dress shoes. He was combing out his hair getting ready to style it to the back like always. He’s the reason why I run out of hairspray.

“Yes darling?” he responded.

His voice always gave me this tingly feeling. It was deep yet sexy I admit. Another thing I like about him.

“Can you please grab my black heels the one with the straps?” I asked.

“Of course.”

He crossed the room and walked inside the closet and appeared with my shoes in his right hand. He even grabbed my beige fall coat. How did he even know I was going to wear this?

“Thank you,” I said as I watched him set my shoes on the white carpet.

I continued getting ready, adding the finishing touches to my makeup. My lipstick would definitely make my lips stand out. I know Cole has a thing for girls who wear red lipstick. It was something he had told me during our two-week dating period. As I finished up, I dabbed my cherry blossom perfume on my neck and wrists. Once finished, I stood up and smoothed out my black spaghetti tank top and skinny blue jeans. My hair was done into loose waves and I wore the diamond necklace Sean had bought for our three-year anniversary. It brought out my darker skin complexion and my chestnut brown eyes. I even had the diamond earrings to match along with my 24-karat silver engagement ring. My engagement ring. I looked down at it thinking about whether I should wear it tonight. I don’t want Cole to think that I’m tied up in that way, but then Sean would be suspicious. Best to wear it then.

“You ready?” Sean asked holding his jacket.

“Yes just one second,” I replied reaching for my shoes.

I quickly put on my four-inch heels and then walked over to him. He extended his arm in a way for me to wrap it around his. Then we made our way to the school.


When we arrived at Newbury High, I looked around and nothing had changed. The building still had it’s tacky banner that read ‘Welcome Students’ and the lion statue by the front door. The lion was our school mascot, but they didn’t have to make it obvious. I honestly spent four years in hell.

Sean parked the white Land Rover by the front door for valet parking. He got out first and then came to open the door for me like the gentleman he is. We walked up the steps and through the metal doors. Nothing had changed on the inside either.

By the front door was the main office where I spent most of my time because I was an office assistant during my free period. I helped Principal Garcia organize her files and did some light cleaning. She was a nice lady. She always bought me some type of snack while I helped her with her daily tasks. She always smelled of syrup which was strange.

On the other side of the main office was the auditorium where we had our assemblies. I remember junior year Cole had won the talent show due to his impressive dancing skills. It was a given that he’d win. He’s the best dancer I know.

“Are you ready?”

I looked up at Sean and realized he’d led me to the gym. I need to start paying attention more.


He pushed open the gym doors, and from what I remember, it was empty minus the bleachers and basketball hoops. Just for tonight it’s full of silver streamers hanging from the ceiling. Transparent balloons were taped onto the tables. There was a disco ball hanging from the center of the ceiling and there was a podium in the back. I guess the valedictorian is making a speech tonight.

The speakers were blasting music from ten years ago to bring back the memories of high school. Memories I rather forget unlike the rest of my classmates. People were in the middle of the “dance floor” dancing to Juicy by Doja Cat. Well the girls were dancing on the girls and the guys were holding them by the waist. Ready for one of their asses to “accidentally” bump into them. Seems like nothing has changed after all. The girls are still attention seekers and the guys still can’t seem to keep it in their pants. Well not all the guys.

“I’m going to get something to drink. Do you want anything?” Sean asked over the music.

“No but I’m going to find a seat,” I replied pointing to one of the tables.

He nodded and left me to find us a table. I wandered over a table by the entrance just in case I need a quick getaway. Sean came back with two drinks in tow and placed them on the table. Another thing I love about him. Even when I say I’m okay he still brings me something just in case I change my mind. He’s always been the generous type even when the world’s being cruel to him. Sean took a seat next to me and placed an arm around my bare shoulders.

“See anyone you know?” Sean asked.

“Yes but I don’t like them,” I replied.

“Where’s your best friend Kiera?” he asked curiously.

“She’s sick with the flu so she’s leaving me here with people I don’t like,” I responded.

He simply nodded knowing it was best if he didn’t ask why I don’t like. I never told him the reason why. I knew if I did he’d try to hurt someone and I’m not in the mood to spend my night at the police station or hospital.

A few moments later Julie, the valedictorian, got on stage and tapped the microphone a couple of times to get everyone’s attention. She had changed a lot. She used to be kind of chubby in the stomach, but she lost the weight. She looked good then, she looks good now. She was obviously wearing heels to make up for her 4’11 height.

“Welcome back class of 2020 it feels good to be back doesn’t it,” she asked enthusiastically.

Everyone clapped and cheered in agreement. Everyone but me.

“I just have to say that everyone looks amazing tonight and that it’s great to see everyone here! Let’s make this a night we won’t forget. Go lions!”

Everyone clapped and cheered once more as the music began playing again. People began dancing and I saw a light from the hallway appear. My heart began racing and my stomach got butterflies. In walked Cole Matthews looking as good as he did ten years ago. His hair was cut low and he apparently gotten waves in his hair. He wore this black button up and the sleeves reached his elbows. He was wearing blue jeans and a pair of black dress shoes. His light milk chocolate skin tone was brought out by the gold chain around his neck, and the Rolex on his wrist. Nobody seemed to notice his entrance but me.

“Hey isn’t that Cole?” Sean asked.

I guess I wasn’t the only person who noticed. “Um yeah I think so. Mind if I go say hi really quick?”

“Not at all.”

He released my shoulders and I slowly got up to follow him to where the food and drinks were. My heart was beating faster, and I felt as if it was going to explode out of my chest. I pretended like I was grabbing a mini sandwich and “accidentally bumped into him.

“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry,” I apologized.

“No worries. Wait Kira is that you?” he asked.

“In the flesh,” I beamed.

“Oh my gosh wow you look great,” he said pulling me into a hug.

His cologne. God I missed his scent so much.

“Yeah you do too. Are you here with Jazlyn?” I asked even though I already knew the answer.

“No we broke up about three years ago so it’s just me.”

“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry to hear that.”


“It’s no big deal. So um, who are you here with?”

My fiancé Sean.”


His face dropped slightly but he quickly put a smile on his face.

“Well hey congratulations. When’s the wedding?”

“In three weeks.”

“That’s great. I um,” he cleared his throat. “I’ll catch up with you before I go alright?”

“Sounds good.”

I watched as he walked off and shoved his hands in his pockets. When I mentioned Sean, his face fell slightly. Is there something Cole isn’t telling me?


As the night progressed, Sean and I had both gone through three mini sandwiches, two cups of Pepsi, and a bag of chips. People were still grinding against each other and it seemed as if it would never stop. The sudden urge to urinate hit me and I pushed my third cup of Pepsi to the side.

“I’ll be right back I’m going to the bathroom,” I told Sean.

He nodded not looking up from his phone. About an hour ago he received an email about some rival company wanting to take over his. I hurried to the bathroom as quick as I could and felt relieved that I made it. My mind wandered to Cole and his facial expression was stuck in my mind. How could he have been a little sad that I was engaged? It’s not like he wanted me.

“Can you hurry up in there? This stall has pee in the toilet,” I heard someone complain.

I sighed and quickly finished my business. Once done, I washed my hands and walked out into the hallway. Leaning against the lockers, I looked up and I saw Cole on the other side. He looked up and gave me a weak smile.

“Hey,” he said.

“Hi,” I responded. “What are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be in the middle of a dance circle or something?”

“Not really up for it tonight honestly.”

“What’s wrong? You seem out of it.”

“Kira you shouldn’t be here with him.”

Whoa what did he just say?

“What do you mean?”

He walked over towards me and placed his hands on either side of my head so I couldn’t go anywhere.

“Look I know I put you through hell when we broke up, but I realized something in these eleven years,” he said.

“And what would that be?” I asked curiously.

“You love me more than anyone else has. You actually looked out for me in school. It was wrong of me to run back to Jazlyn when she broke up with me. You were there trying to help, and I just ignored it. I’m sorry,” he told me.

“Hey hey you don’t need to apologize. I forgive you,” I said.

He looked into my eyes and I began to melt. I didn’t care that anyone could walk out of the gym and catch us. All that mattered was that it was finally just us two.

“It’s too late now. You’re getting married soon,” he sighed.

“I can always change my mind,” I reminded him.

“I can’t ask you to do that.”

“Cole,” I said looking into his eyes. “I’ve never stopped loving you. When you moved on, it tore me to pieces, but I knew since you had found someone new, it was time for me to move on. But I have always loved you, and I always will.”

His lips crashed onto mine and I immediately kissed him back in response. His arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled me closer. This is how it should’ve been eleven years ago. This shouldn’t be our first kiss with each other. But it is.  For elven years, it should’ve been Cole and me. And now, my dreams are finally coming true.

August 08, 2020 00:35

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Brooke Gardner
16:55 Aug 21, 2020

Kyra, I liked your story setting and your main character's name. Actually, I liked all your character's names (I always have trouble making mine sound realistic or like anything at all for my own stories). The story seemed a bit up in the air though. I didn't find it believable and I would've liked it if you gave Sean and Cole their physical descriptions earlier in the story. I liked how it ended with a cliffhanger (will there be a sequel? ;-)). Liked your whole story, I just saw a few tweaks that I would like to be made. -Brooke


Kyra Walker
04:04 Aug 22, 2020

Hi Brooke, I really appreciate your thoughts and feedback. I will take this into consideration and keep this in mind for future stories. Thank you for commenting.


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