Romance Friendship Teens & Young Adult


I sighed, and looked up at Mary,

"Today sucked."

Someone gave me a weird look as they walked past and I couldn't help but practically yell-

"Yes I'm talking to a tree that I gave a name, do you have a problem with that?!"

Ok I know what you're thinking, but I'm not crazy, okay? Mary is the only person, well tree, that will listen to what I have to say. So I continued to tell Mary about how I tripped in front of the girl I like and landed right on my face. Her name is Taylor, and she is perfect. Although she has never looked my way before, I look at her everyday. I look at her silky blonde hair, her sparkly blue eyes, and that smile that you can see from about a mile away. But I'm a girl, and well, she's into guys... And as I looked up, I saw her from across the park. Her. Taylor. The most perfect girl that I wish would just look my way for once. The girl walking somewhat in my direction. I get up, not even telling Mary goodbye, and walk in the opposite direction so she doesn't see how awful I look today.

I decided to look back after about 2 minutes, and there I saw Taylor reading a book, sitting against Mary. She turned back suddenly and gave me a smile. What? She looked in my direction? Does she know who I am? Does she know I like her? Does she feel the same connection with Mary that I do? I decide to just give a smile back, and a wave back then awkwardly walk away. But inside, I was screaming with happiness.


Dear Diary, I've seen Hannah everyday at the park this week leaning against this one tree. She's always talking to herself, and I've never seen her hang out with another person. I've tried to talk to her, but everytime I even look in her direction, she turns away as fast as she can. Today was the first day she actually looked back. I thought that maybe If I sat in the same area that she does, maybe she would talk to me? I don't even know why I would care at all, but I really feel like she's a good person, just misunderstood.

Hannah has short brunette hair, and hazel eyes. All over her wrists are concealed with makeup cuts she made. I can tell she's gone through some tough things. Last summer, her mom died and everyone was talking about it, even the teachers. Her mom's name was Mary. No one dared to say sorry to her though, because she had that look on her face like she was about to kill someone. But when I glanced over and saw her looking at me, I noticed the pain in her eyes, and how all she was longing for was a friend. I just wanted to be there for her, wanted to be the shoulder she could lean on, wanted to be the face she looked forward to seeing everyday. But, I know that Hannah will always keep to herself, and to not hang out with someone like me. Thanks diary, thanks for listening and being my best friend. Someone's walking towards me, and I think they want to sit by the tree, so I'll write tomorrow.

With love, Taylor.


I waved at a young lady I saw at the park today, and she got up as she noticed she was right were I was going to sit. But I just stood there leaning against the park tree, and got lost in my own thoughts as I do every friday evening against this very same tree.

Today is the 5th month I've been alone since my wife passed away. This is where we would go after that psycho brunette child was done talking to this tree. Me and my wife would just stare and laugh, but for a short period of time she stopped coming. Then about 2 weeks later, she came back, and she'd bring one red rose every time that she came. She ended up staying longer, even after it got real dark. I noticed every day that her black makeup would come dripping down her cheeks. My wife noticed too, but we kept our distance. My wife being the great woman she was though, she left a note on the tree for the next day that the girl arrived. It read "you're not alone, know that god is always here." Thinking about this brought tears to my eyes, I just know how that girl feels. To be alone, and feel that even god is not there for you, but against you. To take someone you love like that. Maybe she suffered a loss too. A very big one.

But, my deaths not far from now. I've come pretty far, and I'm proud of what I've done with my life. I guess you could say If I dropped to the floor right this second, I died a happy man. I married the love of my life, had 4 lovely children, and finished off the last of my bucket list. I had a great 87 years of life, and I'm lucky that I'm even out here walking. Most people my age won't even get out of their cushioned chair. But my wife made me appreciate the outdoors, and I feel now that the wind blowing against my wrinkled skin is her sending me her love. I really wished I'd left before her though, because every morning I have to wake up to an empty side of the bed. I wonder if she is up in heaven waiting for me to hold her in an infinite embrace... oh how lovely that sounds... I start to get tired, so I walk towards home. I attempt to look down at my watch, but everything's so blurry. And just like that everything goes dark, and I think now is my time to join you Anne...

April 23, 2021 03:36

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