Our family secret starts with A tree

Submitted into Contest #175 in response to: Start your story with two people planting a tree together.... view prompt


Coming of Age Inspirational Mystery

Our family secret starts with an oak tree

Jamie and Oliver are two brothers who share a sacred secret. Their green, freshly mowed grass touches the earth. As Oliver says to his brother Jamie " hey bro, let's plant our secret here. "

Oliver dug vigorously to the earth's core, digging the fresh-grown mud and placing the secret together. 

They looked at each other, reasonably pleased with their accomplishments.

Jamie smiles and says this oak tree is the best.

Yes, because we planted it together pipes in Oliver.

This will be our secret forever. The mystery was impacted against the glass from the end of the garden's greenhouse as it reflected against the shimmering light of the sun.

The secret is still hidden in the heart of the soil as the sun shines twice as bright.

Oliver and Jamie call it a day sweat drips from their heads.

They melt like snow. Oliver wears a cut button shirt with brown base shoes. 

And Jamie is wearing a velvet brushed up hand me down like farmer Joe.

They both look different as different faces become one. And as they scatter across the warm subtle path. The secret remains a mystery but something magical is lurking in the background a fire fly called Edal is making her creations come to life. Edal with her super powers builds a lantern path full of light as she tackles the nights garden.

Edal watches on as Oliver and Jamie brother's for life two different souls. Make there way through the tinted glasses of there creation secret which lies in the mud.

15 years later 

A jaded curtain folds down the final goodbye of Jamie’s and Oliver's father. Both boys now men at the age of 21 they are grieving for the love they share for there late father allusive golden rays of fairies sparkle among the scattering ashes.

Jamie looks to Oliver, who says nothing and then walks away from the funeral away from his brother.

There mother floss is traumatized by the loss of her husband Eric and tries to conceal her children but she sees the moment that changes history she sees two brothers bonded for life fade into the background. She watches her eldest son Oliver walk away from the reality of the loss and grief he feels but the untouched antidote is not forgotten by floss as she sees with her own eyes the coldness of Oliver shudder in the four chambered walls she was not sure whether it was the weather drawing in or the fact that her husband had just been scattered across the tree house at the end of these family garden. But she couldn't help but notice the tears that fall high from her sons eyes as they cry like waterfalls falling high from the sky. As close makes her way towards her son Jamie who is crying hysterically the youngest of the two sons she reaches out to hug him tight .

“ your father would be so proud of you and Olly " 

As Jamie tries to shrug his emotions he cannot hide anymore if this was a game of hide and seek which he used to play with his brother and dad so close they all were the three brothers of eternity however the game had ended when he lost his dad and now his brother is gone too his here trying to be strong for his broken mother. The walls seem to break down as Jamie can't control it anymore .

“ mum why did dad have to go I miss him so much and now how will we cope how will we get through this ". Cried Jamie.

My dearest Jamie everything will be ok not sure believing her words was enough he just welcomed his mothers warm embrace. 

Outside in the garden, Oliver is broken as he looks at a photo of his beloved dad.

Dad he says what are we going to do without you .

Just as the tears fall escaping the lids of his tiny eyes they land on the photo the wind flushes against the photo and it blows towards the oak tree that was built by his brother and him .

It landed directly where they had built there secret that still hadn't been revealed just yet.

In that moment Jamie came out with there mum and he witnessed this beautiful moment of his brother touching the place where they had built a secret so long ago.

Dad would have been proud says Jamie 

Holding his arm onto his brother and mum.

Oliver cried and broken held him right close to him.

Just then a flash of light appeared it guided towards the three of them.

It was a fire fly .

Edal is that you the brothers say together shocked but delighted .

Edal was happy to see them too she smiled the thing is Edal couldn't speak only blubber .

But this time she came with good news somehow voice had come back and she formed words like the stars in the night sky.

Edal spoke in crystal tongues my dear family it's ok I have spoken to your dad in heaven he is ok he sends you love always .

As Edal speaks the boys turn to her you spoke finally they said 

And you have seen our dad how can we ever thank you .

Well said Edal this will help she brings up the box like gravity .

Engraved on the box it says our secret with the boys initials on.

Amazing our secret is still here Olly.

After all these years Jamie there mother smiled the first real smile in ages since her husband died.

Mum do you know what's in here 

Its our secret 

The truth is we don't even know the secret ingredient to open the box it's been so long.

And just then there was a thud, a sound of magnifying light.

Out came the gracious key to open the box.

It really is fate as behind the key was there dad .



They both ran as fast as lightening to the arms of there dad. And his wife floss met his gaze in a loving way.

You didn't think I would miss this did you he said I have waited too long to find out your secret boys.

And here it is as the key floated simultaneously towards the box. It fell deep under the boxes spell as it opened in an instant they all looked around in awe.

Oh my they said there is nothing here.

The secret is here my boys right in front of you it's you two to love each other and to protect each other in times of need.

But what dad does that mean 

It means my dear boys that the secret is love.

You hid love here you built love here and there will always be love here in this home.

You created Edal with love Edal smiled tears flicker in her little light eyes.

You my boys are the secret.

The reason you forgot it 

Is because I left to go to heaven in which I have to do again very soon .

But dad you only just got here.

There mother interrupted them and hugged her husband like it was the first time they had met they danced In the moonlight.

My dear love you explain to them 

We will both she says quietly lost in the moment they both turn to there boys.

Our dear boys we created you with love we have you strength now you must learn to have each others strength .

It's time for mum and dad to go to heaven .

But mum is here .

I am always here in your heart I knew today would be hard when you said goodbye to dad so I had to be In person .

You mean 

Yes we are both together again 

It's all thanks to you two .

Our love for you has won over every obstacle in our life.

Your secret is finally revealed and it's time for us to fly high in heavens light.

But mum 

But dad they both said hurting tears in all there eyes.

You will never know how much we love you both we love you forever in a day.

Love you too it's time darling we must leave before the final light draws the curtain on our world.

Mum I love you Olly says 

Dad I love you Jamie says 

Together in beautiful moments of peace everything fades to light.

Mum and dad no more. As with one final word they say we will always be here for you and we will love you for eternity.

Forever in a day until we meet again sons but for now let the love shine in your heart and always .

They finally leave there mark and turn to the final light there they are taken to heaven.

Two years later 

The boys love did grow and they found wives themselves with who they both had one child each Jamie had a boy he named him Eric after there dad. And Jamie had a girl in which he named her floss after there mum. In that moment there was not happier site.

And the two children grew up with love in there hearts always forever in a day Olly says to Jamie 

Forever in a day.

The night draws a close, and Edal watches on as she flies high in the night sky.

As for the tree it's still planted in the end of the garden with a new secret in place but the same remains that love always saves the day.

As the final curtain draws heaven remains very much alive.

And Eric smiles at his wife floss.

We did good floss.

We did indeed Eric 

They both kiss and they watch there loves grow up and gracefully from above. Forever In a day a moment that lasts a lifetime .

December 02, 2022 19:50

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Wendy Kaminski
22:02 Dec 14, 2022

This is a lovely story!


Leanne Drain
08:18 Dec 15, 2022

Thanks for your feedback x


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