Fluffy, The cat with thick fur

Submitted into Contest #30 in response to: Write a story about someone who loses their cat.... view prompt



For the longest time, I have always asked and beg my Mom to buy me a cat. I Have always wanted one, ever since I was a little girl. I have had dogs, birds, and fish in the past. But I always had the desire to have a cat. I always assumed that when I grew up, I would be the crazy cat lady. It has always been a goal of mine. So, when I came home from school today and mom took me to a pet store to pick a kitten, I was super excited. I was in a state of euphoria.

When we took the cat home and got all the cat necessities (such as the food, a dish for the cat, kitty litter and much more) I instantly started to pat and play with the cat. It was instant love. The cat had white socks, with a mixture of black, brown, and red thick fur. With pale green eyes. While Mom and I were playing with her and fascinating over her, we decided to give her a name.

“Hey what about tiger?” Mom asked

“Nah I don’t like that name” I quickly replied

“Okay, then what do you think a good name for the cat would be” Mom propositioned

I started to think, patting the cat’s thick fur. Felling how fluffy and cuddly the cat is. Then that is when I caught the lighting in the bottle

“How about we name her Fluffy?” I asked with confidence

“That is an adorable name, I love it” Mom agreed

And by that day on, the multi-colored cat with thick fur and pale green eyes goes by the name of Fluffy. The best birthday present I have ever had.

Now a few years go by, and Mom and I move into a new house, having to do the same process of introducing Fluffy to the house and makes sure she feels safe. During this period, she would stay in my bedroom and would declare it her safe place. She would sleep on my bed at night, and scratch on my door when she was ready to eat in the morning. It became routine. Now after a few weeks of getting Fluffy use to the house, we decided to let her explore the outside.

Now Mom and I are blessed that we have Fluffy because there was mouse all over the place, but lucky for us Fluffy dealt with them but sitting on them and playing around with them until they suffocated or died of fright. Mom and I thought it was funny because she would never just bite them or get them with her claws like a ‘normal cat’ would do. But were thoroughly entertained by her method of killing mice, it gave us a laugh.

But what happened a few months after made me panic. Fluffy went missing. Mom and I noticed this when she never came home for a few days. I was really saddened by this and worried. I mean I miss her sleeping with me in my bed and waking me up when she was hungry and wanted food. I missed here presents in the house. I did not know what to expect. I did not know if I should expect her to come back or get ready in case she is gone forever. The only thing I do know is that I am devastated and can’t stop crying about it. It felt like losing a member of the family. Your pets really do become your family. I remember going the school and crying about it and being told I was silly it was just a pet, a cat. They obviously never had a pet before. The connection you make with your pet is so strong, they might as well be blood-related. I was absolutely devastated.

After a couple weeks later, I was coming to the idea that I would never get the chance to see my cat again. My birthday gift. My pride and joy. That pill was hard to swallow, even if I had a spoon full of sugar to help it down. I went outside in the front yard to get some air to try and distract my mind from the whole situation. And then that is when I saw it. Fluffy. I saw Fluffy walking towards the house, I had never been so happy to see her again. I went to get Mom from the kitchen to tell her and showed her the way to see Fluffy. Mom looked at my cat and made a face as if to say something is not right

“She looks timid” Mom Observed

Then I wondered “Why do you think that is mom?”

“I think she has been abused” Mom replied

And to this day I think that Fluffy was abused. Because that day on Fluff’s behavior has changed drastically. Even though she would continue to continue to sleep on my bed, she would stop going outside as often as she used to. She stopped adventuring outside of the yard. She also stopped showing affection towards people and did not let you pat her as much as she used to. She avoided people more than ever. And even though these changes broke my heart, I was happy just to have her back, alive, healthy, and safe again.

Ever since the day that she came back timid from whoever abused her. Even though she has changed I still love her just the same. In fact, the only thing that has not changed about Fluffy is her love for food. She won't only eat her food, she will try to guilt you into giving you some of yours, then she will try and steal other animals’ food in the neighborhood. Even after she has had a feat, she will try and go in the bin and pull the bones out and eat off them.

Even though she was taken away from us for a couple of weeks, the bond and the connection is still just as strong, if not stronger. Mom and I still laugh at the funny things that she does, and she is still as lovable as ever. 

February 28, 2020 11:18

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