Adventure American Historical Fiction

It was a cold and foggy day when the power went out for the first time in history.i had remembered that day as if it had been haunting me.it all started with me waking up to a normal day. I got ready and I had thought to myself I should ride my bike to work. After I got on my bike it had been raining.so i went to get some coffee from the shop. As I walked in the windows started to freeze the power went off then all you could hear was an air raid coming from a nearby bomber.i had been hearing that we had been getting in some conflict with some other countries.every one in the building quickly ran to the window. To see what was going on.i looked closer and it had been a world war two German stuka and what it looked like it was holding a nuke.so me and the people inside the building had tried to run to the nearest building to run out of the bombs radius.as i was running i had thought “it was 2023 not 1930s the war had been won.” then out of the flames and the firing bomber then came more stuka’s with all armed with nukes there was enough to nuke the entire country and still take out another.it was very hard to tell what they were doing. As we were walking there were dogs barking people screaming and people screaming for help, there had been a kid crying cause he did not know what had happened so I took him with us and told him after we would help him find his parents and get him home. We ran to the nearest empty canal to run faster and get away.after i had got to the canal, we were assisted by the military to escort us then they helped us get to the nearest shelter.we had spent the night. I had still been watching the kid. So I took him to look for his parents. So I walked with him when I took a break to sit down he ran off. I chased him but I lost him. Then I turned around to find him. I looked and I looked but he was nowhere to be seen.Then it was night time, i had not find the boy but i could not stay because we are just sitting ducks so i planned an escape.i knew i would not do good by myself so i asked a guy if he wanted to help he said yes. Then it was the next day I had got all the things I needed to escape.the night came again so I left to go with the man whose name is john. We had to sneak past some guards then we climbed the ladder to a fake sewage then we made it we had seen the aftermath of the attack.After we had been chased by some mutated dogs from the nuke we were confronted with Nazis. they had been scouting the city.it was dark no lights no sign of the military just the Nazi. i had amused we won and they were the last.but as i kept going it had seemed wrong. We finally lost the Nazi and we made it to a top of the building it was the tallest in the town it had an amazing view of the night sky you could see the bright night and the moon.it had looked like civilization had lost.after the night we climbed down and we had heard a crying in the distance so we went to go check it out, it got louder and louder. Then it stopped,then out of nowhere whoosh! A tall figure had run across the dark street. Then as we got closer it had been a little girl crying. There had been no tall figure, just a shadow of a crying girl whose face had been burnt of by the nukes. At least i was in the shelter.i asked her what her name was and she did not reply but kept crying and crying.then it stopped it all stopped. The crying, the pain, the hurt, it all was gone. I fell asleep and woke up the next day. it was all a dream as I sigh in relief. but as I open my eyes i was in a room that looked like a shelter.so i walked around and people were looking at me. I ran to a mirror and as I looked my face had been burnt like the girls but not as bad. as i walk around and to get a better look at what had happen, i heard some doctors talk about the bombing and they said they bombed me and my friend and the girl.i asked what happen they said you should be in bed.they called security to take be back. i had asked the guards what happen and they stood quiet. then they spoke, "you were bombed and you and the other guy got seriously injured" then i asked "what happen to the girl?' no one spoke then one guard said there was no girl. i said if you ask the other guy he would say there was. then a guard said unfortunately he died a few hours ago. i asked how he said he was impaled by a scrap metal. And then one man came running to tell the guards that they left. we all then new what he meant by they. every one ran out to go try to repair and check the damage.so then we all ran out and left the bunker. then years went by and the damage was so bad we had barely finished a block of homes. we had so many job openings that we needed to have volunteers to help rebuild.and again years went by people came and go when they please we don't know how long it will take to recover or even if it will. there where radioactive areas that can make you grow extra limbs if you don't die from it. the town had change tourist can to ask and then the world had learned a little later.

May 07, 2021 17:42

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