
Pulling her right hand around his neck and sliding his other hand behind her back, he braced himself to heave her limp body from the chair. David could feel jessy's heart racing, her breath reeked of alcohol. Her eyes we're droopy, it was clear she had troubles keeping them open.

'Hmm... Dave.. you look beautiful', she said in brittle voice, moving her fingers through his face. She gave him a slight smile, an innocent expression written all over her, though her eyes were bloodshot. David was stunned, for a second paused staring at her, he could see through that drunk smile. Jessy was probably fighting back her grieve, she had just lost her dad. 'Jessy you need to go home. 'You can't be out this late', it's not safe, he said returning the smile. 'No way! 'The game isn't over yet, just one minute, She drunkly said. 'It's late girl, I'll drive you home'. He saw she'd already consumed four bottles of alcohol. He brought out his wallet and paid her bills. Gently he lifted her up, making her lie horizontally across his body. 'You're fired, man.' You suck, Jessy said prodding the bar tender's chest with her foot.

Jessy was tall, slender with a hourglass feminine figure, she had a dimples chin with brandy brown eyes. An eye catcher, to every man that set their eyes on her. David was a year older to jessy. He was 25 years old, a good looking young man with an appealing body structure. Both grew up in the same environment, david lived two mile away from jessy's house. They had been neighbors for twelve years, but weren't friends. At their early age, david had a vague impression of her, she had always rebuffed his request of friendship. Unlike Anna, jessy's elder sister, jessy was an inlet, enveloped in her own "universe"....

' She's drunk', David said to Anna, who was stunned at the sight of jessy's drunk expression, as he gently pulls her out of his car'. 'Superhero,... my superhero, let's drive..... Savior of the city, she suddenly shouted, giggling afterwards. With great disbelief, Anna stared at the scene unfolding before her eyes. Jessy who never expressed any form of weakness or defeat was drunk! Anna's hands shock, not believing her own eyes. She gently pulled jessy up from the ground and made their way to the entrance of her house.

David stood, with streams of emotions running through him as he watched the ladies receding figure. He recured memories of his past. He had lost his dad eight years ago to a fatal accident. His mum was overly traumatized hence was taken by the state child's welfare to a foster home. Been detached from every personal detachedment, he had to form new relation, which was difficult but mandatory. Years after his mum had recovered, david had vowed to be a support and medium of love to anyone who was in need. Growing up, he had partned with many private aid child's organization through the influence of his mum. He had once been awarded with a community service award, and had been nominated for the same award on various occasions.

Anna suddenly turned and waved at david who was lost in thought. 'Thank you super hero, you're always there when needed, she said with a thick voice. David gave her slight smile and waved back at her.

Unlike the relationship Jessy had with her mum, she was close to her dad. Every week they had their '"Dad and Jessy's together. " Her dad could see through all her cold expression. He could relate to her pain and struggle of low self esteem. Jesse had attended various psychotherapy classes, but to no avail. But now she was out of touch, best friend was gone, leaving het to her" universe" alone. Who would fill the void......

It was bright, jessy opened her eyes irritated with the bright ness streaming into her room through her opened windows. Groaning and mumbling to herself half sleep of the aching pain in her in head. She jerked fully awake at sound of her alarm clock, She looked at her carelessly flunged clothes, closing her eyes in attempt of recurring the previous night. Her room was messed up. As she gradually opened her eyes Anna was standing before wearing a broad smile. Anna could read the confusion on jessy's face. 'What happened? Getting off from the bed, ' what the hell happened here last night? Ouch! She shrilled, holding her head. 'Have some water', she said, moving quickly and handing over a glass of water. 'You got drunk last night, david brought you home and thankfully mum was already asleep, she said.

'David! Jessy said with distrust in het eyes. 'Super hero' she said as she smirked.

'Super hero' was the profound image david had created for himself in the hoods. Kids loved him, because they believed he had 'magical power ' which he used to improve bad situation. Even Anna had bought in the concept, ever since her experience at the hospital with david. He had donated his blood for tranfuse to save Grace's dad.

Grace was Anna's childhood friend, they all lived together in same neighborhood. That morning the hospital had called for a blood transfusion for grace's dad open heart surgery . The hospital was out of blood in the their blood bank and grace hadn't the same blood group with her dad. Then super hero david lunged forward just in time, miraculously he had a perfect blood match with grace's dad. He saved the old man that day. The incident stucjed like glue to Anna head.

David had become a "hero" in her eyes. She would secretly call him "super hero david'" whenever she saw him on a mystery save operation. But she dared not show an overt regard towards him.

'Wow, superhero came to my recuse' jessy sneered Anna was probably pulling her legs. 'Yeah, I think the word is 'my super hero ' teasingly Anna added. She shrugged at the reproach burning jessy's eyes. 'What? ' she protested.'Those we're your words. Quit glaring at me like that'.

July 02, 2020 21:30

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