Crime Drama Fiction

This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives. Today, was the day when they are going to get the all the luxuries of the world that they ever wish for. A month ago, Mr. White got promotion and today was the day when he was going to surprise his family with a huge surprise. But life has something else for them. 

Yesterday, it was a shiny bright sun outside, and the weather was so pleasant. Their neighborhood was not like the other peaceful places. There are gangster and drug dealers everywhere. Mr. White was one of them once upon a time, but after Nancy he completely changed. Leaving the dark side of world is not easy; there people never leave you easily. The outside was none the less of a hell but inside their house, Jessie was keep sleeping, unaware of the world, unable of the responsibilities and harshness of this world. Being in her comfort zone where she just has her mom and dad. That’s the whole world for her, and she was the whole world for her parents. 

“Get up honey, the sun has arisen.” Said Mrs. White

 She was in the kitchen. Preparing her daughter’s favorite breakfast. Their house was a bit reminded of late 90s. The things were put randomly, oblivious of the setting. Mostly look like a store room, the things had their own room but when you see over it, it more look like a mess. There were a bunch of extra things were present, more than the space. The walls are cover with some silly stupid painting, some of them are amazing from the middle and then it leads to a childish sketch, there were a bunch of pictures, vases on the walls as well at the side tables. 

When Mrs. White slices and chopped all the ingredients for the breakfast. She head towards Jessie’s room. 

“Come on! Sweetie wake up, the sun is on its peak.” Said Mrs. White.

“So!? Am I supposed to do photosynthesis?” Jessie murmured in her sleep.

“You are not supposed to do that, but I think you had a project due. Which is supposed to submit tomorrow, I guess.” She said with a smile and start pulling her blanket.

“Mama!” she exclaimed. Her hair was a mess. She sits at once. 

“Why don’t you wake me up earlier? Its 12 already. Where is my bag? Where is daddy? Who is going to drove me there? Is breakfast ready? Are you ready?” she start asking question frequently in one breathes. 

“Calm down” 

“Yeah? Yeah, Yes. I should calm down first.”

“Good. Now try to act as an adult.”

“Yeah, I’ll take shower and immediately head to Rebecca’s home.”

She fly over her bed, eat breakfast and her mom drive her to her friend’s home to complete the project.


“Hey! Sweetie. Who drop you home?” 

Mrs. White greet Jessie when she come back home. She seems lost in her thought. Most of the time Jessie day dream, but today she was definitely embarrass in front of her friend. It becomes really hard to live in the neighborhood like us and it is even harder to convince people that we are not one of them. She was embarrassing maybe hurt. So, she didn’t reply. She directly sits on an uncomfortable couch, and through her bag on the floor.

“Jessie, Is something wrong?” asked Nancy, concernly. 

“NO! Nothing.” It was obvious that she don’t want to talk.

For that moment, her mother didn’t force her and start a random topic to cheer her up. When they start chit chatting it was hard to guess that how much time they spend on that couch. 

“Hello! My ladies…” Mr. White greeted them while entering the house. 

Jessie jumped over the couch and grabs him with her arms. His father hugs him back. They had dinner. Jessie narrates her whole day on dinner – one of their daily routines. After dinner, Mr. White tell them to be ready tomorrow’s night. 

“Are we going outside to have dinner tomorrow?” Jessie asked, excitedly.

“Yeah, that’s too. But there is a surprise – for both of you.” He talks in a suspicious tone.

“Yippee!! It will be so much fun. But what should I wear. How much should I put make on? I should dress like a lady.”  

“Oh honey! You don’t have to think about it. Everything suits you. ” Nancy comforts her.

Her parents know that she is not going stop talking about it, till tomorrow. 


Today, she was so excited that she woke up before everyone. Get dressed and head to collage. If it wasn’t for the project she may not go anywhere today. She might spend her whole day in deciding what to wear. 

Meanwhile, Mr. White was preparing himself to surprise his family. He and his family always waited for the day when they have everything that they wish for, they never thought of a bungalow or a branded new car, or overflowed wardrobe. They just wanted a peaceful place to live in. That’s was the surprise for them. Mr. White brought a house. A little far from city, but it was more near to nature and there were peace. Mr. White was preparing himself, collecting words and re-imagine how he will reveal his surprise, step by step. 

Finally, He leaves from his office. Drive to his house. 

Through the sound of his car, Jessie head to the window and noticed a man outside the house. She stands there and waits for man to leave. 

“Wet sock!” Man said.

He was sitting on Mr. White doorstep. He was hardly 6 feet tall, his arms and neck was covered with horrified tattoos, and had a big scar on his face. When he saw Mr. White he called him with some silly name. He stands up, put out a cigar and lit it and stands in front of him.

“Scar, Leave. We have nothing to do with each other.” said Mr. White annoyingly. 

“You don’t. But I need your help.” 

“For what reason, I’ll help you?”

“For old time sake” He drops his cigar.

“Leave and never come back here.”

He giggles strangely. “Well! I don’t think you’ll be here, when I visit next time,”

Mr. White hesitated for a moment. He knew that Mr. White have money and soon he is going to shift. It was obvious that he came for money.

“Look! I want money or else they are going to kill me.” Scar said and waits for a reply.

“Scar, as I told you I have nothing to do with you. If someone lends you money or you borrow from someone, it is not my fault. You don’t owe me anything.” Mr. White said his final words and walk towards the house.

“I knew it” Scar pull out his gun and point it to Mr. White. “I really want- Money”

“Daddy!” Now, Jessie was standing on the door. 

Scar saw her and shifted the gun to her. Mr. White grabs his hand and they start tussle with it. Soon, all heard the gun shot. Next moment, Mr. White was lying on the side of the road in front of his house. His arms were bleeding. When Scar gets in his senses. He runs, right at the moment. Jessie saw all the situation right in front of her eyes. Her heart stopped, her eyes were still, she was keep standing in that particular position for so long. She was looked like an ancient statue. Mrs. White immediately called the ambulance and police. 

She didn’t know what to do first. To comfort his daughter or stop his husband’s bleeding arm. Ambulance took 10 minutes to come, than they took Mr. White to the hospital. Nancy comfort his daughter and got engaged with police. The whole night, was convert into a nightmare. They both spend their night in the hospital waiting for a silver lining of hope.

Today was suppose to be the happiest day of their lives, but by then it was too late.

November 15, 2020 15:12

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01:51 Nov 26, 2020

Poor English! Tenses mixed. A lot of improvement needed. CRITIQUE CIRCLE


Malaika Saeed
15:41 Nov 27, 2020

Thank you for the suggestion.🤍


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