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Gay Romance LGBTQ+

Harold and Jase were an odd pair living under the same roof. Harold was a morning lark, rising with the first light of dawn, while Jase was a night owl, thriving in the deep, mysterious hours of the night. They were like two ships passing in the night, or more accurately, ships passing at dawn and dusk.

Their encounters were rare but special. Harold would brew his morning coffee just as Jase was wrapping up his nightly gaming marathon. It became a routine: the clinking of Harold's coffee mugs coincided perfectly with the sound of Jase yawning and stretching.

One particular morning, Harold woke up to a strange sight. His coffee mugs were arranged in the shape of a heart on the kitchen table, and a note from Jase read, "Hope your day starts as beautifully as the sunrise. PS: I owe you a bag of coffee beans!"

Amused and touched, Harold left a note of his own, thanking Jase for the adorable gesture and requesting his preferred type of coffee beans.

Their messages turned into a game of household hide-and-seek, leaving sticky notes in unexpected places. Jase left a note on the bathroom mirror, "Ran out of toothpaste. Hope your smile is brighter than mine!" Harold responded by leaving a fresh tube of toothpaste beside it with a note saying, "Your smile is like moonlight, but this might help!"

Their passing conversations turned into mini-moments of connection. One dusk, Jase popped into the kitchen just as Harold was preparing dinner. "Hey, I can't cook to save my life, but I ordered pizza for you! Thought we could have dinner together, you know, even if our meal times are a bit off." Harold smiled, touched by Jase's effort, and they ended up sharing the pizza while chatting about their day.

As the days turned into weeks, their notes became more flirtatious and playful. Jase left a note on the fridge, "I wanted to buy you a dessert, but I am afraid that it can never be even half as sweet as you." Harold replied, "You must be made of cake. You are all I want for the rest of the evening."

One morning, as the sun painted the sky in hues of pink and orange, Harold left a note by the coffee machine, "Meet me at dusk, same place. I owe you a sunrise." Surprised and excited, Jase eagerly agreed.

They found themselves sitting on the porch, Harold sipping his morning brew, and Jase with a steaming cup of late-night tea. The colors of the sky blended with their laughter, the moments slipping away into the night and morning, as they shared stories, dreams, and a growing affection.

As the sun peeked over the horizon, Harold yawned, "I suppose it's time for bed."

Jase smirked, "Guess it's my cue to call it a night."

But this time, they exchanged a lingering gaze, and Jase whispered, "Same place tomorrow?"

Harold nodded, his heart racing, "Same place." And just like that, their opposing sleep cycles no longer felt like a barrier but a charming rhythm of their lives, where dawn and dusk became the moments they eagerly awaited to be together.

The days that followed held a newfound excitement for Harold and Jase. Their routine of leaving playful notes evolved into something more. Harold found a carefully folded note in his work jacket, “Meet me by the park at dawn. I have a surprise for you!” Intrigued and excited, Harold eagerly anticipated the morning.

At the break of dawn, the park was illuminated by the soft light of the rising sun. There stood Jase, holding a picnic basket. "Surprise! I thought we could watch the sunrise together."

Harold was touched. "This is amazing! I didn’t expect this at all."

They spread out a blanket and settled in, sipping coffee and munching on pastries. The sky painted a stunning canvas, and in that serene moment, they found themselves caught in a comfortable silence, stealing glances and sharing secret smiles.

Jase cleared his throat, breaking the quiet, "I was thinking... how about we plan something for dusk too?"

Harold’s eyes sparkled. "What did you have in mind?"

Jase’s lips curved into a mischievous grin. "A night at the arcade! I know a place that’s open till late. It’ll be fun, trust me."

Harold chuckled. "I'm in, but I hope you're ready to be defeated in a few games."

Over time, their newfound tradition of meeting at daybreak evolved into a delightful routine of surprising each other with various activities. One evening, Jase introduced Harold to the wonders of stargazing by setting up a telescope in the backyard, pointing out constellations, and sharing captivating stories about the stars. In return, Harold organized a morning cooking class, where he patiently taught Jase the art of preparing his cherished breakfast dishes.

Their bond grew stronger with every passing day, the moments they shared at dawn and dusk becoming the highlights of their lives. Harold and Jase found themselves increasingly looking forward to those precious moments they carved out for each other.

One morning, Harold left a note on Jase’s gaming setup, “Meet me at dawn. I have something special to show you.”

Jase spotted Harold standing in the backyard as the sun's rays pierced through the horizon. "What's the surprise?" Jase inquired, his eyes filled with curiosity.

With a shy smile, Harold pointed to the sky, where he had arranged a surprise light show using lanterns, each carrying a message. "I wanted to show you what dawn means to me. It's not just the start of the day; it’s the moment when I get to see you, and it's become the best part of my day."

Jase stood there, unable to find the right words to express his emotions. His heart raced as he looked at Harold and said, "Harold, you are everything to me. The moments we share at dawn and dusk are the ones I hold closest to my heart."

With their eyes meeting amidst the gentle morning glow, they leaned in, their lips touching in a tender and longed-for kiss. This beautiful act signified the beginning of an extraordinary love that surpassed the constraints of dawn and dusk, uniting their lives in a delightful symphony of affection and laughter.

November 14, 2023 14:05

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1 comment

07:51 Nov 23, 2023

Not into reading this kind of story but you have written it well. Very well! I personally wouldn't have reiterated the bit about the shops passing at dawn or dusk just to align with the prompt. The sentence could state it once without the 'more accurately'. so leave out the 'ships passing in the night'? Stick with the accurate part. In my story the couple split up - not just because of the ships in the night thing.


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