Contemporary Drama Fiction

Not my Dream Wedding

By: Sean Green

This was supposed to be the happiest day of our lives. I was looking forward to marrying the man of my dreams. It was so wonderful I just felt like this is how a princess felt like when they were getting married to their prince. I remember the day when Daniel took me to the Cincinnati Skating rink, and he got on his knee and ask me to marry him.

I could not help it at first, I just did not know what to say a minute later I said yes. I had tears falling from my eyes and I was just full of joy. We went to my parents’ house and told them my mom was just so happy she said,

“Klara we are so happy, and we know that you are going to live a long happy life with Daniel.”

They hugged Daniel and told him that they knew that he was the one for me. Every day I thanked God that he finally gave me the man I needed and finally I will marry him. We planned our wedding to get married the next year on the day we got engaged because Daniel and I wanted to make this day as memorable as we wanted it to be.

A month passed and it was Christmas, everyone knew that Daniel and I were getting married. All my family members told me that they could not wait to see me in a dress and being happy. Every time I would visit my grandparents, my grandmother would always want to see my ring. She just could not help it just see how beautiful it was and just to see her first granddaughter engaged.

New Year’s Day came, and Daniel gave me a kiss on the lips and told me he could not wait until November 30. He told me that he was ready to marry me and spend the rest of his life with. I told him,

“Happy New Year Daniel and I promise you that I will be the best wife to you even if I mess up sometimes.”

Those were some of the happiest days of my life and I knew that I was ready to get married. I have always been waiting for this since I was child, I would always play wedding when I was little but this time it was for real. Months have passed and the day before the wedding had come. Daniel and I agreed to have our bachelor and bachelorette parties before the wedding. Daniel and I told each other that we would not see each other before the wedding just to make it look like a surprise.

Before we parted that day, we got into a conversation. Daniel told me,

“I remember the first time meeting you at a friend’s party and I thought you were the most wonderful person I have ever seen.

I responded, “I do remember that day you went up to me and asked me if you could stand next to me. I told you yes and we engaged in a conversation.”

Daniel said, “I am glad you remember; I also remember us just talking about what we do for a living and you thought it was cool that I was a physics teacher and soon hoping to be a physicist.”

I responded with, “I remember you telling me that it was awesome to see hear that I was a kindergarten teacher. Then we talked about our jobs and other things and something made us both want to see each other again. That is when we started dating and now look how far we have come.”

Daniel told me he was so happy that if it was not for that party none of this would have happened. I blushed and told him that at first, I did not think was able to go to the party, but I was glad I did. It was time for me to leave because we had two big days ahead of us and we could not wait for them. I grabbed my jacket and I kissed Daniel goodbye. He walked me to my car, and I got in and started it. Before I left Daniel said,

“On the day I die I hope that you are the last thing I see.”

I smiled and told him I hope the same thing. I left his house and the next day it was time for me to party with my girls. The whole day my childhood friend Chrissy and I set up at my house and we got into a conversation. Chrissy said,

“Remember when we use to play wedding and how I was the pastor who would marry you and your husband that was just a mannequin in my mom’s basement.”

We both laughed and I said, “Yep I do remember, and I remember one time your mom said that we were weird to be marrying a plastic man. She also said she did not want any plastic grandchildren.”

Chrissy responded, “I remember when my older brother Caleb took the mannequin and put it in his play car and drove around with until he pretends to get in a car crash with it and he said that he killed the mannequin.”

I laughed and said, “I do remember that, and you joked around and said that my husband died on my wedding day. I was sad because of that.”

Chrissy and I both laughed and talked about how I could not wait to marry Daniel. Hours later the party began, and I told the girls that I have never been away from Daniel this long before. I told them about our plans to not talk or see each other until the wedding. They all thought that was a perfect idea, and I told them it was Daniels. We all partied, and we were so happy to just be girls. We played games, we had cake, and we also talked a lot about Daniel. Some of the girls were a little upset that there were no strippers and no alcohol, and I told them that I just don’t believe in that. I also told them that having strippers at my party is not how a loyal partner is supposed to act. The party was over and luckily the girls agreed to help clean the place and let me just sit back, relax, and think about tomorrow.

The cleaning was over, and I went to bed and kept thinking about me seeing Daniel again. I went to sleep feeling nervous but happy. I even dreamt about my happy time until it was the next day. I got up and was just so excited and I could hardly breath sometimes and I heard a knock on my door. I answered it and it was my parents and grandparents. All four of them gave me a hug and dad told me he could not wait to walk me down the aisle. Grandma wanted to look at my engagement ring like always. She told me that she is ready to look at my wedding ring later on today.

I told them about how I was feeling, and mom and dad told me about their wedding day and so did my grandparents. It was time to go and they drove me to get dressed; we arrived a few hours before the wedding and my bridesmaids were waiting for me. We all got to my dressing room and I put my dress on my bridesmaids and I celebrated a little bit more before the wedding. A few minutes later everyone was informed that Daniel did not show up.

Everyone but me called him but he was not picking up. I told everyone that Daniel sometimes forgets to charge his phone sometimes in the morning. I knew that Daniel was going to show up but somehow, I feel like he was leaving me. I did not understand why he was a no show that was until we heard that there was a bad wreck over on the highway near where Daniel lived. Everyone thought that he had to be caught up in that. Some of our family members and friends joked around that he is always on time for everything. But now he would be late to his own wedding. I even joked around about it because I knew that was true. We all had to tell he minister about the hold up.

Daniel’s mom tried calling him again, but no answer and we were a little worried even I was scared, and I felt like if Daniel was the person in the accident. I refused to believe this because that just did not sound right, and I needed to be positive since this was my day. An hour later police came, and I got up with my legs trembling and they said what none of us wanted to hear. Daniel was the person in the car accident.

Everyone ran out of the church and got in their cars and headed toward the hospital. I got into the car with my parents. I sat in the back crying and being worried while my grandma comforted me. I just could not stop worrying and just hoped that Daniel would be okay. 

As we rushed to the hospital, I remembered what Chrissy and I talked about when her brother pretends that the dummy dies in the car accident and we joked around saying my husband died on my wedding day. I just hoped the doctors could help Daniel because I did not want to lose the man I loved. I didn’t want this to happen I wanted to be with Daniel for the rest of my life and I wanted to be with him. I did not want to be a widow on the first day as a wife. This was just so worrisome, but I could not give up hope.

We arrived at the hospital and everyone at the wedding was running to see Daniel. We found out what room he was at we went there but when we arrived nurses were not letting us in, but I knew that I just had to see Daniel because it could have been my last chance. As I tried to get in the room nurses tried to keep me out, but I pushed and fought my way in, and I got in the room where the doctors were keeping Daniel alive. I approached Daniel and he saw me. He said,

“Klara I am so happy to see you.”

The doctors kept trying to help him and they tried their best to keep him alive. By then it was too late.

November 21, 2020 00:14

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Susannah Webster
22:11 Nov 28, 2020

This is an interesting story in terms of the plot. I think you had a good idea behind the story but the execution was a little lacking at times. My advice would be to be sure to reread your work after writing and pay attention to making your words sound more natural, especially the dialogue. Though I did enjoy this story, I would have enjoyed it more with less stilted and more graceful writing. However, as I said before, I did enjoy the story itself. You captured the essence of the prompt. Good job. -SW


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Vanessa Kilmer
18:08 Nov 27, 2020

Hi Sean: You did a wonderful job with the prompt. Such a bittersweet story. The devotion of the two main characters was very clear. I'd suggest taking a look at how you write your dialogue. The way you have it formatted took me out of the story. Reedsy has a good article on the topic. The way you built the tension of the final outcome was well done and subtle. I enjoyed reading your story. Vanessa Critique Circle Participant


Sean Green
18:33 Nov 27, 2020

Hello Vanessa, I like your comment about my story and thank you for helping for showing me what I need to work on. I have always wanted to write storied since I was five years old and I hope to publish my stories soon. Thank You again, Sean


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